October7, 2008
Members Present: Bill Dedominicis, Nancy Sieller, Bill Battle, Cindy Donaldson, George Noujaim, TJ Zappulla, Greg Mele,
Members Absent:
Rollie Spino, JoAnn Ryan, Mayor Bingham
Also Present: Rose Ponte
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM
1. Open Meeting to Public
Commissioner Noujaim made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Battle, seconded the motion. Motion carried.
2. Approval of the minutes.
Commissioner Zappulla made the motion to approve the September 2, 2008 minutes and Commissioner Noujaim seconded the motion. Approval of the minutes passed unanimously.
3. Overview of current P&Z checklist
Commissioner Donaldson met with Marty Connor and Richard Caukins earlier in the week and received Torrington’s Development Guide, and the P&Z regulations. There were discussions concerning the different regulations and how they affect business. Commissioner Dedominicis experienced a delay when he needed to install a new sign on his property. He would like to research if signage approval can be administratively approved so the length of the procedure can be shorten. Commissioners also discussed the architectural review guidelines, and what powers architectural review committee has.
4. Change the zoning regulation for downtown.
A downtown building that has been vacant for over a year has an interested tenant that would like to open a music school/recording studio. The current P&Z regulations state that education and arts organizations are only a permitted use by special exemption. Since at least three schools currently exist in the downtown perhaps the regulation should allow for school or arts venue to be an allowable use. Commissioner Noujaim made a motion to investigate what needs to be done to amend the P&Z regulation to allow education and the arts to be allowed in the general business zone, Commissioner Battle seconded the motion. Commissioner Mele would like the educational and arts uses to be defined in order for the regulations to be in accordance with the downtown plan. The motion carried. Rose will meet with
Marty to work on the wording of the proposal.
5. Brownfield’s Update:
Rose reported that 22 bids were received from environmental consultants. A committee appointed by the mayor will be reviewing the bids and making a hiring recommendation. They hope to have someone hired by the beginning of the month. In addition, the new grant deadline for 2009 is November 15, 2008. Rose attended a Brownfield’s tips and guideline seminar to prepare for the upcoming grant cycle. Torrington will probably apply for a clean up grant for the Torin property on Franklin Street.
6. UCONN Initiative Update
Commissioner Noujaim reported that he has put together a steering committee and they will meet on October 14th with Michael Menard from UCONN. He will report back to EDC next month on their progress and update.
7. Torrington Cultural Alliance
Rose Ponte reported that the committee has been meeting weekly since August. The group has decided that they would like to be a formal City Commission. Once the group has finalized their name, membership requirements, mission statement, and goals then they will give them to Ernestine so that she can draft a proposal and be presented to the City Council. Commissioner Noujaim mentioned that Lakeridge residents have expressed an interest in getting involved in the arts and Torrington; he thinks they would be happy to serve on the arts commission.
8. Sidewalk Café:
Commissioner Battle had to leave the meeting early. This is a project he is working on and will report on it next week. This item was tabled.
9. New Business
Rose mentioned that this committee has discussed Downtown Banners in the past. Sharon Dante from Nutmeg Conservatory inquired about the current banners and offered to help design new ones. Commissioner Noujaim mentioned that UCONN has offered to pay for new banners as part of the UCONN initiative. Commissioner Mele reminded everyone that banners are currently only allowed in the Downtown area.
Commissioner Donaldson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 and Commissioner Noujaim seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM