City of Torrington Economic Development
October 4, 2016
Attendance: Nancy Sieller, JoAnn Ryan, Mayor Carbone, Erin Wilson, Bill Battle,
Fernando Lopez, Lance Boynton, and John Ryan
Meeting called to order by Bill Battle second by JoAnn Ryan
Vote to open the meeting to the public JoAnn Ryan
Vote to approve minutes of the 6-7-16 meeting. Motion by Fred second by Joann Ryan
News & Updates
Discussions of meeting times: emails for discussions of time
Branding & Imaging (signage) Fish mural should be done Friday. How to address the signage for gateways into the City….Point out destinations…..
From EDC Director:
Tax Abatement recommend by Lance to review & rewrite policy to be brought to City Council to be more inclusive of all businesses in the City in accordance with State Statue
BAR Grant Lance will be EDC rep
Working Cities Challenge: Boston Fed offers public, private, philanthropic & non profit partners to address a problem or series of problems and how to potentially drive our regional economy.
Business presented by the Mayor & EDC Members
Old Business
Motion to adjourn made by Bill second by JoAnn