City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
February 2, 2016
5:00 PM
City Hall Auditorium
Attendance: Nancy Sieller, Bill Battle, Ed Cannata, JoAnn Ryan, Erin Wilson, Lisa Soliani Croci, Chris Beyus
Meeting called to order at 5:03pm by Lisa Soliani Croci.
Motion to open the meeting to the public by JoAnn Ryan and seconded by Bill Battle.
On a motion made by JoAnn Ryan and seconded by Nancy Sieller, the meeting minutes from January 5, 2016 were tabled.
Election of Chairman:
A motion was made by JoAnn Ryan to nominate Lisa Soliani Croci as Chariman and was seconded by Bill Battle.
Discussion Lisa will be chair but time of meeting is difficult for her. We will discuss meeting time next month.
JoAnn Ryan moved to re-elect Lisa Soliani Croci as President, the motion passed unanimously.
News & Updates from Director of Economic Development:
Director of Economic Development, Erin Wilson informed the Commission that a press release from the Mayor’s Office went out a week prior looking for those who may be interested in filling the three vacancies on the board. She explained that the responses have been great and that the Mayor is reviewing applicants now.
Ms. Wilson provided the commission with a BAR Planning Grant Update: The City was awarded $200,000. A request for proposals will be going out soon. Ed Cannata offered to sit as an EDC representative on the Brownfield Steering Committee.
Ms. Wilson informed the commission of the Naugatuck Valley Council of Government’s Request for proposals- regarding Revolving Loan Funds for clean-up. She explained that she had submitted a pre application for the City’s 100 Franklin Street property. The funds will help clean up the remaining contaminated stockpiles that were left behind from the remediation efforts last year. The grant request was for $200,000.
Goals for 2016
The Commission discussed its goals and priorities for the up-coming year. The Commission agreed to focus on the following:
- Communication keeping the public informed
- Marketing the City and the new Branding from the latest study
- Be involved in the BAR Grant that will address the problems of being a micropolitan community and developing a Brownfield Strategy
- Set priorities that will fit the POCD
- Look at the issue of blight to understand how we address property owners not investing in their own properties.
Consider Business presented by the Mayor and members of the Commission:
Old Business
A motion to adjourn was made by Chris Beyus and seconded by JoAnn Ryan at 6:35 PM.
Submitted by
Nancy Sieller