City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2015
5:00 PM Auditorium
Present: Commissioners Lisa Soliani, Ed Cannata, Bill Battle, Chris Beyus and Nancy Sieller, Economic Development Director Erin Wilson. Absent: JoAnn Ryan
The meeting was called to order at 5:06 PM.
A motion was made by Commissioner Battle and seconded by Commissioner Cannata to open the meeting to the public.
A motion was made to table January 13, 2015 & February 3, 2015 meeting minutes by Commissioner Sieller and seconded by Commissioner Cannata and approved unanimously.
Economic Development Director discussed that Chris Beyus agreed to become the secretary of the Commission. A brief description and requirements for the duties were explained.
A motion was made to elect Chris Beyus as Secretary by Commissioner Sieller and seconded by Commissioner Cannatta. It was approved unanimously.
A vote was brought to the floor. The commission voted unanimously to approve Chris Beyus as Secretary.
Ms. Wilson went on to discuss news and updates:
-Lumber Liquidators is moving in next to JCpenny (Stop & Shop Plaza)
-Sidewalk Project:
-Waiting for one final vault to be filled
-Project will close Main St. from Water St. to Maiden Lane for 6 to 8 weeks for maximum efficiency
-Seeking help from CT Main Street Association (possible assistance for businesses)
-Where there’s a Mill…There’s a Way symposium – May 8 – all day event hosted by the Torrington Historical Society and Torrington Preservation Trust.
Ms. Wilson went on to discuss the Preservation of Place Grant Process. She explained that the RFP for a consultant would be going out shortly. She discussed adding Chairman Soliani to the selection committee. She also explained that the EDC would oversee the project and host steering committee meetings. Ms. Wilson also explained that other members of the community, historic preservation, Main Street Torrington, Chamber of Commerce etc. would be asked to sit on the steering committee once the consultant is picked by the selection committee. She also explained that a public workshop would most likely occur in June or early July.
Ms. Wilson discussed that the Mayor and she had visited the following businesses:
Altek, Quest Plastics, Whittmann Battenfield, Noelke’s Gallery, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital, Dymax, Guy & Robert Rovezzi and O& G Industries. Commissioners were asked to do business visits and to report back to the Commission. Commissioners discussed the need to reduce the survey so that it was easier to ask questions.
There was no new business presented by the Mayor or Commissioners.
There was no old business to discuss.
A motion was made by Commissioner Battle to adjourn the meeting at 6:03 PM and seconded by Commissioner Beyus, approved unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Erin Wilson/Chris Beyus