December 19, 2016
A REGULAR MEETING was held by the City Council & WPC Authority in the City Hall Auditorium on Monday, December 19, 2016.
Those in attendance included Mayor Elinor Carbone, Corporation Counsel Jaime LaMere and City Councilors Gregg Cogswell, Anne Ruwet, Drake Waldron, Luisa Noujaim and Daniel Farley. City Councilor Paul Cavagnero arrived at 6:37. Also present were Mayoral Aide Timothy Waldron, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, Parks and Recreation Superintendent Brett Simmons, Elderly Services Director Joel Sikorski, Elderly Nutrition Supervisor Sherry Cote, Comptroller Alice Proulx, and Personnel Director Thomas Gritt.
Mayor Carbone called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. starting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Ruwet, the Council voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 5, 2016. Councilor Noujaim abstained.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Farley, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public. There was no one present to wished to speak.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to accept the re-appointment of Thomas Gritt as Personnel Director for a four-year term ending Jan. 5, 2021.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to accept the appointment of JoAnn Fenty as a member of the Board of Finance to fill the remainder of a six-year term that expires December 15, 2017.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to reimburse property owner, “1350 East Main Street Properties, LLC Torrington Ford,” $241.68 for Plumbing Permit P16-1415 and $793.38 for HVAC Permit M16-1416.
Councilor Cavagnero arrived.
On a motion by Councilor Farley, seconded by Councilor Noujaim, the Council voted unanimously to authorize the Mayor to execute an amendment to a 1997 agreement with the Town of Roxbury relinquishing the ownership and maintenance of a 1995 Saab 900S previously used to deliver Meals on Wheels to the homebound in Roxbury.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Ruwet, the Council voted unanimously to add Section B to the Agenda.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to waive the City bid process and authorize the Phase-II City Hall Supplemental Heating Project to Turri-Masterson, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $56,324.72 from the Municipal Renovation Fund. Mr. Rollett noted that Municipal Renovations Building Committee Chairman Michael Clark approved this expenditure. Mayor Carbone noted that employees said the supplemental heat does work for them and Mr. Rollett added that the consultant approved it and recommended we proceed with the project.
On a motion by Councilor Noujaim, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Small Cities Committee and approve Project #143-466.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Finance Department and extend the contract for Other Post-Employment Benefits Actuary Services with Hooker & Holcomb in the amount of $18,500.
OPERATIONS ANALYSIS: Street, Parks & Equipment Maintenance Depts.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to authorize the Mayor to award a contract to Matrix Consulting Group, Ltd. of Mountain View, California, for the amount of $40,000 for Operations Analysis outlined in RFP #OAS-011-111816 and to act on behalf of the City in its regard.
Mayor Carbone explained that the company is based out of Worcester, MA and will have completed a draft report 90 days after the contract is signed, with a final report completed after 120 days. She noted that the report will impact the budget process, providing the information needed to make the budget and asset allocation decisions.
Councilor Cavagnero asked how we ended up in a situation where we have to pay this kind of money to figure out how managers are not properly managing their department.
Mayor Carbone said that in the past, investment proposals for computerized management systems and work accountability programs ended up being viewed as unnecessary.
Councilor Cavagnero said that the wrong decisions must have been made consistently or we wouldn’t find ourselves in this position, and that those who make those decisions should be held accountable.
Mayor Carbone said she can’t speak for prior administrations or the decisions that were made by prior administrations, but this is an opportunity to get a clear and concise plan for improvement which would include recommendations for investment in this type of technology, looking at some of the changes that have been made in these departments over the last few years and how those departments can be better managed.
Councilor Cavagnero said he thinks there are people with consistently bad judgment on proper department and allocation management and even with proper management systems in place, nothing will be accomplished if the right people aren’t in place. He said he would like some serious thought and analysis put into this, noting that certain departments in the city are extremely well managed, extremely effective and efficient. He added that people should fight for what they need to run their department effectively, and that department managers have been able to run their departments effectively and efficiently before computers were in place.
Mayor Carbone said that we’re all culpable when we make budget decisions, and that all will agree that this is an investment that must be made. She said that with this consultant, analysis, and software investment, she is trying to provide City Council and the Board of Finance all the data necessary to make informed decisions. She added that the consultant was vetted and feedback was solicited from other municipalities who found them exceedingly favorable, were pleased with their report and did find economies.
Councilor Farley added that it’s important for our Public Works Director to work in conjunction with all department heads to make sure that policies are carried out.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Farley, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Parks Superintendent and the Purchasing Agent, and authorize the Mayor to award a contract to Still River Gardens, LLC of Litchfield, Connecticut, for the amount of $84,608 for the Design, Planting and Maintenance of Coe Memorial Park Gardens and to act on behalf of the City in its regard. Councilor Ruwet commended their work in Coe Memorial Park, saying they did a phenomenal job. Councilor Farley noted that this is the same price as 2014.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to authorize the payment of $294 to Write Way Signs & Designs, Inc. for Inv. #27089, final payment for Donor Sign and installation.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Noujaim, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Small Cities Committee regarding a change order to Project #143-414.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads. No business was presented.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
Councilor Cavagnero recommended that an update be given at the next City Council meeting regarding the Highland Avenue sewer connection project to discuss the matter in open session, so that the citizens can be assured that City Council is trying to stay ahead of this issue. Mayor Carbone said that hopefully the Department of Public Health will have issued its letter of findings by then, and added that we still have not received any application.
Councilor Ruwet commended the Recreation Department for Christmas Village.
Councilor Farley noted that CCM is having a municipal training workshop on Municipal Budgets, and recommended it highly.
Councilor Waldron commended the street cleanup during the recent snowstorm.
Mayor Carbone expressed her gratitude to the Parks & Recreation Commission for the phenomenal job they did at Christmas Village, with Santa arriving via a helicopter provided by Dave Canty, piloted by Bill Harris out of Salisbury. She said there has been a proposal received for a 6600 sq. ft. expansion of Toyota on East Main Street, adding to the list of companies growing and investing in Torrington such as Alfano’s Hyundai’s building on the Winsted Road and a couple of new barber shops.
OPEN TO PUBLIC: Agenda Items Only
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public to discuss agenda items only. There was no one present who wished to speak.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Farley, the Council adjourned at 7:07 p.m.
Carol L. Anderson, CMC Asst. City Clerk |