FEBRUARY 1, 2016
A REGULAR MEETING was held by the City Council & WPC Authority in the City Hall Auditorium on Monday, February 1, 2016.
Those in attendance included Mayor Elinor Carbone, Corporation Counsel Jaime LaMere, and City Councilors Drake Waldron, Luisa Noujaim, Paul Cavagnero and Daniel Farley. City Councilors Gregg Cogswell and Anne Ruwet were absent.
Mayor Carbone opened the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Noujaim, the Council voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 19, 2016. Councilor Cavagnero abstained.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cavagnero, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
Local 1567 President Mark Hilpert invited the Council to a “Fire Ops 101” program to be held on April 23, 2016.
MAYORAL APPOINTMENT: Board of Assessment Appeals
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Farley, the Council voted unanimously to re-appoint Suzanne Emmons to the Board of Assessment Appeals for a three-year term to expire December 6, 2018.
DISCUSSION: Community Development Stipend
Mayor Carbone shared a list of the City’s Community Agency Stipends over the past 15 years with the Council. (Addendum 1) She said that there has never been a process for determination of appropriate funding, and recommended a grant application process be initiated to solicit community requests. These would be reviewed by the Small Cities Committee, she said. Mayor Carbone noted that this is a more transparent way to distribute these funds and would promote economic and community development. The Council expressed their agreement.
PURCHASE VEHICLE: Recreation Dept.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Noujaim, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent, Fleet Manager and Recreation Director to purchase a 2016 Ford Patriot Sport for the Recreation Department at a price of $20,253 from Tasca CDJR of Westerly, RI.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cavagnero, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent, Fleet Manager and Fire Chief to purchase two (2) 2016 Ford Interceptors for the Fire Department at a price of $26,389 from Shaker, Inc. of Watertown, CT, pending Board of Public Safety approval on February 3, 2016.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Farley, the Council voted unanimously to approve the following payments:
Vendor Requisition # Date Amount Description Fund
Transfer 14-SC-71 1/13/2016 $4000.00 Project 143-427 277
Transfer 14-SC-72 1/13/2016 $8150.00 Project 143-424 277
City of Torrington 15-SC-04 1/13/2016 $150.00 (2) Title Searches 143-424/143-434 272
L. Wagner & Assocs. HRLR-243 1/5/2016 $900.00 Prof. Services 10/1/15 -- 12/31/15 250
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Farley, the Council voted unanimously to add Section B to the agenda.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Farley, the Council considered acceptance of the recommendation of the Public Works Director and the Purchasing Agent to waive the bid process and contract with van Zelm Engineers of Farmington, CT to Design and Recommission the City Hall HVAC system, including Building Control Modification Services, for $61,560 from Municipal Renovations Fund #316.
Public Works Director Jerry Rollett explained that van Zelm, as the contractor-of-record, was brought in as an expert to solve cooling system problems in the past. He said the City made about $600,000 worth of changes to the cooling system, but continues to experience heating problems. He said van Zelm has four years’ experience working in City Hall, and he wants to continue working with them.
Mayor Carbone added that it is important to choose a contractor who knows the system and is up to speed on it.
Councilor Noujaim asked if a warrantee was available and Mr. Rollett explained the 2010/2011 arbitration process that concluded with $600,000 worth of system upgrades, that were paid for by the architects and engineers that designed the system. He said van Zelm was brought in as the chilled beam HVAC system experts, performing design work for cooling system improvements and upgrades.
Councilor Farley asked why the cooling system was the only problem addressed during the arbitration process.
Mr. Rollett explained that the components get the heat into the building and the system works the way it was designed. The problem is the heat is generated in the ceiling, he said, and people’s feet are freezing.
Councilor Cavagnero asked who was responsible for approving the design, and Mr. Rollett replied it was the Building Committee. He explained that the $61,560 would not solve the problems, but study them to see what solutions are possible. He cautioned that hundreds of thousands of dollars might be necessary to get the heat where it needs to get.
Mr. Rollett said a lot of different consultants were interviewed in 2010 and van Zelm is, in his four-years’ experience, the only expert that really understands how an active chill beam system works. He said the study will be a yearlong process and, in his opinion, it is not going to be inexpensive. He explained that he would approve the improvement recommendations, along with the Building Committee, as he is the only one with any technical background.
Councilor Cavagnero objected to the Building Committee having a say in approving future recommendations, saying they clearly used poor judgment in design and implementation approvals that have not worked and continue to cost us money.
Mayor Carbone said that while the Building Committee will review the recommendation when it comes from Van Zelm, she is relying on Mr. Rollett to review it and make a recommendation to the City Council. She noted that there are still funds available in the Municipal Renovations Account for this purpose. Councilor Cavagnero said he will vote in favor of this motion if Mr. Rollett is accountable for reviewing van Zelm’s recommendations.
Mr. Rollett explained that there are two components to this proposal. The most critical one is looking at our heating system, he said, and the second part is recommissioning the building’s HVAC operations. He said it is a very complicated system, controlled by computers, with probably hundreds of changes made by consultants over the last four years.
Councilor Farley asked if there would be any cost-saving benefit in contracting with the installers, as they often are more knowledgeable than engineers or designers because they work with the systems all the time.
Mayor Carbone explained that when the City was in arbitration after the cooling component was found to be problematic, there was a lot of finger pointing as they tried to determine if the design was at fault or the installation was at fault. She said this is a unique system and Van Zelm does seem to have a very good handle on it. Mayor Carbone said the company that installed our chilled beam system did not want to take any responsibility for the fact that it was not working properly.
Councilor Cavagnero recommended this go out to bid, saying he is uncomfortable with having only one vendor or “expert” on this particular system Mr. Rollett said he would not recommend bringing in someone who is not familiar with this system, and clarified that van Zelm’s portion is around $49,000 and SNE, the integrator contractor that takes care of the building’s software operation is getting $12,000. He explained to the Council how the system works and noted that, with the intended Coriolis effect, items like desks stop air circulation. The system is working the way its supposed to work, he said, and noted that different furniture or furniture reconfiguration might allow the air to move better.
Mr. Rollett said the contract will include a room-by-room analysis and Councilor Cavagnero agreed that an engineer is needed for issues with air flow and thermodynamics.
Mayor Carbone called the vote. Councilors Cavagnero and Waldron voted in favor, Councilor Farley was opposed and Councilor Noujaim abstained. The motion passed.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Noujaim, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads. No business was presented.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cavagnero, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
Councilor Cavagnero requested updates on the City Hall HVAC progress.
Councilor Farley commended the Parks & Recreation Department for the fine job done on the Winter Carnival.
Councilor Noujaim also requested updates on the City Hall HVAC progress.
Mayor Carbone reported that a blighted property on Prospect Place was taken down and that Atty. LaMere will represent the City in court regarding the blighted Andrighetti property. She said she met with the State’s Superintendent of Technical Schools who confirmed that approvals for the new technical school project are moving forward. Along with Chief Brunoli, Mayor Carbone urged the Council and the public to attend Dr. David Griffin’s presentation on February 10th, saying his story is very compelling and profound. Mayor Carbone expressed her concern about the State’s decision to cap our motor vehicle mill rate will cost the City $2,800,000 in the first year and $3,400,000 in the second year. She said she will keep the Council informed about her efforts to get this legislation repealed.
On a motion by Councilor Cavagnero, seconded by Councilor Farley, the Council adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
Carol L. Anderson, CMC, MCTC
Asst. City Clerk