APRIL 13, 2015
A SPECIAL MEETING was held by the City Council & WPC Authority in the City Hall Auditorium on Monday, April 13, 2015.
Those in attendance included Mayor Elinor Carbone, Corporation Counsel Raymond Rigat, City Councilors Paul Cavagnero, Drake Waldron, Gregg Cogswell, and Anne Ruwet. Comptroller Alice Proulx, Deputy Comptroller Gina Casper, and Public Works Director Gerald Rollett were also present. City Councilor Christopher Anderson and Paul Samele were absent.
Mayor Carbone called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dept. 5 City Real Estate
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the City Real Estate budget of $1,229,855.
Mayor Carbone explained adjustments to the Repairs-Sidewalks line item and the addition of the Capital Outlay-Franklin St. line item to allow for EPA loan repayments that will create a remediation fund for future developers. Another increase is an allowance for roof inspections for (18) City buildings, she said, and the line item established last year to set aside monies for expensive roof repairs.
Mr. Rollett gave examples of sidewalk repairs to be made in conjunction with street repairs,
especially those streets undergoing utility company work.
Councilor Cavagnero suggested signs be posted that say “Your Tax Dollars at Work.” Mr. Rollett said they issue press releases for larger projects.
Councilor Ruwet expressed her support for sidewalk repairs, saying she is adamant about them and that infrastructure is critical.
Mayor Carbone added that 30% of our roads are failing so the Council needs to make some critical decisions in the next couple of years to get ahead of this. She said a comprehensive sidewalk plan and road repair plan will be coming to the Council in the next several months.
Dept. 25 Public Works Director
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Public Works Director budget of $146,515.
Dept. 26 City Hall
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the City Hall budget of $194,447.
Dept. 27 Engineering
On a motion by Councilor Cogswell, seconded by Councilor Ruwet, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Engineering budget of $607,801.
Mr. Rollett explained the Contract line item is used for consultants and surveyors.
Dept. 29 Landfill
On a motion by Councilor Cogswell, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Landfill budget of $990,150.
Mr. Rollett added that contractual disposal costs are increasing.
Dept. 30 Sanitary Sewer/Streetlights
On a motion by Councilor Cogswell, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Sanitary Sewer/Streetlights budget of $290,230.
Mr. Rollett said that they are still significantly reducing electric costs by continuing with the LED streetlight projects.
Dept. 31 Street
On an amended motion by Councilor Cogswell, seconded as amended by Councilor Ruwet, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Street budget of $4,998,093, which includes an additional $21,000 for the Salt line item #5258.
Mr. Rollett explained that the salt line item is based on a six-year average, but the last 3-year average shows that it has been significantly underfunded. He said salt used this year totaled approximately $590,000 and the budgeted amount was $440,000.
Mayor Carbone said the Lump Sum Payment line item is for accumulated sick time paid out to anticipated retiring employees.
Mr. Rollett described his street rating system and road condition assessments. He explained the Communications Cell Phones line item saying the foremen have conventional cell phones and the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent have smartphones.
Dept. 32 Parks
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Parks budget of $ 1,042,132.
Dept. 35 Health
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Health budget of $2,935,588.
Mr. Rollett said the two largest items in this Department are the Refuse and Recycle contract work based on a March cost of living increase. He said he planned on a 2% increase.
Mayor Carbone pointed out a pending change in the Dispatch Contract resulting from changes in the State’s funding of our regional dispatch. She said she will ask Chief Brunoli to explain this to the Council.
Public Works Capital Budget Summary
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to accept the Public Works Capital Program Project Summary for FYE 2016. (Addendum 1)
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:16 p.m.
Carol L. Anderson CMC
Asst. City Clerk