NOVEMBER 25, 2014
A SPECIAL JOINT MEETING was held by the City Council & WPC Authority, the Board of Finance and the Board of Public Safety in the City Hall Auditorium on Tuesday, November 25, 2014.
Those in attendance included Mayor Elinor Carbone, Corporation Counsel Raymond Rigat, City Councilors Paul Cavagnero, Gregg Cogswell, Anne Ruwet, Drake Waldron and Christopher Anderson, Board of Finance Members Joshua Ferreira, Mark Bushka, Laurene Pesce, Bill Lamoin, and Thomas Scoville and Board of Public Safety Commissioners Glenn McLeod, Douglas Benedetto and Darlene Battle. Commissioner Robert Conforti participated via telephone and Commissioner Angelo LaMonica arrived at 7:16 p.m. Also present were Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Deputy Fire Chief Christopher Pepler, and Fleet Manager Emil Castro. City Councilor Paul Samele, Board of Finance Member Frank Rubino and Commissioner Richard Zaharek were absent.
Mayor Carbone called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ladder Truck for the Fire Department
Chief Brunoli summarized the repair estimate from Marola Motor Sales. (Addendum 1)
He said the current truck’s value could range from $15,000 to $500,000 depending on the age, manufacturer and condition. Chief Brunoli said the life expectancy is 20 years, and the current truck is 18 years old. The proposed purchase is for a 109’ demonstration truck for $688,722, that is fully warranted as a brand new vehicle for five years.
Councilor Cavagnero questioned how the vehicle got into this state of disrepair, why it was not known during the budget process and how unsafe the truck is for our firefighters. Chief Brunoli described how the damage was found and his plan for improved preventative maintenance in the future. Councilor Cavagnero noted that our firefighters are being placed on 18-year-old trucks that could have easily failed in extremely dangerous situations. Mayor Carbone commended the Chief for pulling the ladder truck from service as soon as he realized that its integrity was in question.
Commissioner Benedetto said that repairing the truck for $50,000 would still save the City $630,000, and the new frame would provide structural integrity. Chief Brunoli said the price would be higher in two years.
Mr. Lamoin noted that the budgeted amount of $1,300,000 was somebody’s best guess, and may be far more than necessary.
Mr. Scoville said that saving over $600,000 in the Vehicle Replacement Account is substantial. Mayor Carbone explained how purchasing this truck at this time will not affect next year’s budget plan. She said there will be a shortfall for purchasing all the equipment slated to be purchased next year, such as a few plow trucks and some police cruisers. Mayor Carbone said that should projected funding levels continue, the second year will result in a $500,000 surplus.
Mr. Lamoin said he is concerned about going into the next fiscal year with a deficit because something else is sure to come up. He cautioned against a pay-as-you-go plan as opposed to having funds in reserve. Mayor Carbone reminded him of the adjustments that have been made in recent years, and said that both the plan and the ongoing projected expenses have to be reviewed, and additional adjustments made.
Councilor Ruwet noted that the Vehicle Replacement Plan is off schedule. She said she understands the savings but questioned the effect revaluations will have and if the City will be able to replace the funds in the Vehicle Replacement Account next year.
Mr. Lamoin said he opposed this purchase at the Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board meeting, questioning the City’s ability to afford this expenditure at this time. He said he called Mr. Marola and learned that this kind of repair is done all the time.
Chief Brunoli explained that the funding for the repairs would come from his equipment maintenance chargeback account, and said that such a large repair could not have been included in his budget.
Mrs. Pesce asked if the repairs would go out to bid, and how much longer that would take. Mr. Castro said it would be a difficult project to bid, with so many unknowns.
Councilor Cavagnero noted that this is not a dump truck or plow, and safety should be at the top of the list of concerns for repairing a vehicle like this. Commissioner Benedetto said the truck’s repairs would be certified by the repair company.
Commissioner Battle said she is concerned about the ladder holding both a firefighter and a fire victim. Chief Brunoli said if it is certified, it should hold both of them. When asked by Commissioner Benedetto if he feels it is safe, Chief Brunoli said the liability falls on both the certifier and the City.
Mr. Ferreira asked if the Vehicle Replacement Account may be used for repair costs and Ms. Proulx shook her head no. Mayor Carbone clarified that the funds cannot be used for repairs, that the $688,722 is currently in the Vehicle Replacement Account and affirmed that there will be a Vehicle Replacement budget shortfall of $200,000 next year and a surplus of $500,000 in the 3rd year, based on the current projected funding level.
Mr. Scoville suggested that other Department Heads look for more cost savings on future vehicles. Mayor Carbone said that Mr. Castro does a great job looking for the best vehicle prices, and noted that revenue gained from vehicle sales is returned to the Vehicle Replacement Account. She said the truck’s value after repairs cannot be predicted, as it depends on market conditions.
Commissioner LaMonica arrived at 7:16 p.m. He said he was satisfied that a second opinion was obtained.
Ms. Proulx explained that the repairs for this vehicle would come from the Equipment Maintenance Chargeback Account. If that were not enough, the Contingency fund would be considered, which currently holds $200,000, she said. Mr. Scoville cautioned that winter expenses have not started yet.
Mr. Bushka noted that there is no way to tell how long the truck would last after repairs and Chief Brunoli said the truck would be out of commission for 45 days after the repair contract is signed.
Board of Public Safety
On a motion by Commissioner McLeod, seconded by Commissioner LaMonica, the Board of Public Safety voted 4/1, with Commissioner Benedetto opposed, to approve the purchase of a 100+ ft. Ladder Truck for the Fire Department.
Commissioner McLeod commented that he does not want to compromise the safety of the Fire Department personnel by not properly funding a vehicle replacement.
Commissioner Benedetto said doesn’t think it is right to put this burden on the taxpayer right now. He suggested spending $60,000 to fix the truck so it will last two years. He said this repair is done all the time, and will be safe for our firefighters.
Commissioner Conforti disconnected from the meeting at 7:21 p.m.
City Council & WPC Authority
On an amended motion by Councilor Cogswell, seconded as amended by Councilor Anderson, the Council voted unanimously to waive the bid process and approve the purchase of a 100+ ft. Ladder Truck for the Fire Department.
Mrs. Zucco explained that the Board of Public Safety should also waive the bid process.
Board of Public Safety
On a motion by Commissioner McLeod, seconded by Commissioner Battle, the Board of Public Safety voted 3/1, with Commissioner Benedetto opposed, to waive the bid process for this purchase.
Councilor Ruwet said we have to be cognizant that future vehicle replacements will be looked at with a much sharper eye. She said she thinks we should be very cautious as we move forward.
Board of Finance
On a motion by Mr. Bushka, seconded by Mr. Scoville, the Board of Finance voted 3/2 with Mrs. Pesce and Mr. Lamoin opposed, to authorize the expenditure for the purchase of a 100+ ft. Ladder Truck for the Fire Department.
Mr. Ferreira said it is important that the Vehicle Replacement Plan gets back on schedule. Mayor Carbone agreed, saying that the City’s fiscal soundness is based on these very funds, and it is very important that we stay committed to these capital improvement accounts.
Mr. Scoville added that the solution cannot be limited to more funding, it needs to include cost control.
Mr. Lamoin said that over $900,000 worth of equipment that is out on the road serving the City every day will be due for replacement. He said it will be difficult to further reduce the amount of spending, as Mr. Castro already does a fantastic job in finding savings. He added that the unexpected expenses are not being taken into account. Mr. Lamoin said that when it is know that the truck can be safely repaired for $60,000 and last at least another two years or more, purchasing another truck for $700,000 is the wrong move for the City.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Anderson, the Council voted unanimously
to adjourn at 6:29 p.m.
Carol L. Anderson CMC
Asst. City Clerk
Addendum 1