MAY 5, 2014
A PUBLIC HEARING was held by the City Council & WPC Authority in the Auditorium on Monday,
May 5, 2014 to solicit citizen input regarding the funding of the Franklin Street Parking Lot Project.
Those in attendance included Mayor Elinor Carbone, Corporation Counsel Raymond Rigat and City Councilors Anne Ruwet, Christopher Anderson, and Drake Waldron. City Councilors Gregg Cogswell, Paul Samele and Paul Cavagnero were absent. Economic Development Director Erin Wilson was also present.
Mayor Carbone called the public hearing to order at 6:31 p.m.
The Assistant City Clerk read the legal notice.
Project Overview
Ms. Wilson said this project has been approved by the Inland Wetlands Commission, the Conservation Commission and the Planning & Zoning Commission as a special exception for a Park/Parking Lot. She explained the $1,000,000 Revolving Loan Fund grant received from the Environmental Protection Agency in 2009 for brownfields remediation and noted that when the City purchased 100 Franklin Street, it became eligible to utilize the funds and make them available for future use.
Ms. Wilson said she is proposing to borrow $670,000 at zero interest with the first payment to be July 1, 2015 so that the City can budget a repayment of $67,000 for the next ten years.
Mrs. Sharon Waagner
Executive Director of the Main Street Torrington initiative, on behalf of her Board of Directors and downtown property owners, Mrs. Waagner spoke in full support of this project.
Atty. Peter C. Herbst
Speaking on behalf of the Torrington Development Corporation, Atty. Herbst noted that the proposal is consistent with the Municipal Development Plan, which was approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission as part of its Plan of Conservation and Development. He said this project is a vitally important part of the plan and the next logical step.
Atty. Victor Muschell
Speaking on behalf of the Torrington Development Corporation, Atty. Muschell supported this project saying it is an extension of what the TDC has been striving for and noted that Torrington needs to show developers that it’s willing to do what it takes to ensure the future of this town.
Marie Soliani
Speaking on behalf of the Torrington Development Corporation, Mrs. Soliani said she is in full support of the Franklin Street Parking Lot project. She said we are due recognition from the State of Connecticut and we want them to see that Torrington is capable of doing these projects.
Mayor Carbone closed the public hearing to order at 6:47 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol L. Anderson CCTC
Asst. City Clerk