January 6, 2014
A REGULAR MEETING was held by the City Council & WPC Authority in the Auditorium on Monday, January 6, 2014.
Those in attendance included Mayor Elinor Carbone, Corporation Counsel Raymond Rigat and City Councilors Paul Cavagnero, Gregg Cogswell, Anne Ruwet, Christopher Anderson, Drake Waldron and Paul Samele. Also present were Fire Chief Gary Brunoli and Mayoral Aid Timothy Waldron.
Mayor Carbone called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.
On a motion by Councilor Samele, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously
to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 23, 2013. Councilor Waldron abstained.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Samele, the Council voted unanimously
to open the meeting to the public.
Chris Wiley of Maplewood Ave. asked the Council to try to bring jobs to Torrington, particularly decent-paying factory jobs, to grow the grand list and have the City be a success. He noted that the greatness of Torrington is in manufacturing.
Councilor Anderson arrived at 6:34 p.m.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously to approve the following Mayoral appointments:
Name Position New Term to Expire
Gregory Perosino Planning & Zoning Commission 12/01/2018
Donna Greco Alternate, Planning & Zoning Commission 12/01/2017
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council considered an agreement to sell the right, title, and interest of the "It's Happening Here" website to Evan Dobos of Picture This WebCenter for the sum of one dollar.
Mr. Dobos explained that he was awarded a one-year contract for website development and design last April. He said the result was pretty exciting as 10,000 people have visited the website. Mr. Dobos said he spends 30 to 40 minutes maintaining the website every day. Because the content is uploaded by the community, it requires a lot of moderating, he said. Mr. Dobos added that one of the most important features is the events calendar, receiving over 500 events thus far, showing that the website has become a vital part of what's happening in the community.
From the beginning Mr. Dobos said he was told there would not be continued funding for the project so he has considered ways to sustain it, but needs to develop it further. The ideas he has collected could not be accomplished under an $18,000 per year contract, he said, and he wants to give it the marketing efforts that it needs. Mr. Dobos said this requires ownership and the opportunity to dig into it and promote it.
Mayor Carbone asked if we as a City are equipped to solicit advertisements and collect advertisement revenues. She asked if we have the personnel resources to continue that level of attention to the website. Mayor Carbone said she has received assurances from Mr. Dobos that his goals are in alignment with what the original intent of this website was, and it matched what her expectations would be. She noted that the development of this website was funded by grant funds for the purpose of community arts promotion, and that this website met and exceeded those expectations.
Councilor Ruwet noted that Mr. Dobos has done a great job with the website and asked if there is any benefit to waiting until a new Economic Development Director has been hired. She asked if there are restrictions in the current agreement that prevent him from marketing or soliciting sponsorships, and asked what control he has right now.
Mr. Dobos said this has been one of his favorite projects throughout his career mainly because he was allowed to explore his own ideas, knowing what is in the best interest of Torrington. He said that he's dedicated his life to technology, knowing what's going on with the web and knowing how people are utilizing it. He said that unless the new Economic Development Director is going to be at that level of technical know-how, he does not think it would be beneficial to wait for that person. He noted that he intends to continue the same level of full communication that he had with Mrs. Ponte.
Mr. Dobos pointed out that his own business is right downtown, his own best interests are tied to the City's best interests, and that he does know that this site is the voice of Torrington.
Councilor Ruwet said she doesn't know the intent of the grant, but respects everything Mr. Dobos has done. She asked the Council if they would consider tabling this sale until a new Economic Development Director is on board. Mr. Dobos added that if he know this agreement would be in place come April,
he would start development and implementation of new features right away.
Councilor Cavagnero asked for clarification that "It's Happening Here" is not the official City website, and noted that since it is representative of Torrington, and content control goes to the owner once it's sold, he'd like more time to think about that. He said we should give more thought to what happens when the City gives it up.
Councilor Anderson noted that if we have hired someone to do something for us, he'd assume that's because we wanted it and wanted to have it. He said the people he has spoken with see the website as an extension of the City, even if not officially representing the City. Councilor Anderson asked how the transition from City ownership to private ownership would be managed in a way that makes it clear to the public without damaging the perception of its value. He noted that the site does have moneymaking capability and asked if it is possible to get enough paid business listings to offset Mr. Dobos' costs for ongoing maintenance. He asked what the projections are, and if it has the growth potential to pay for itself.
Mr. Dobos replied that 80 businesses submitted their listing, generating about $800 for the year so far.
He noted that the Council isn't considering the fact that each one of those people who signed up for it only did so after meeting him personally. He said Council isn't thinking about the person who's out there doing that, and the costs involved. Mr. Dobos said he doesn't push very hard. Most of those listings are free because I want the site to be utilized, he said.
Councilor Ruwet noted that Mr. Dobos' work has been valued but she would like the vote delayed until we have an Economic Development person on board. She said she would love to see a partnership between the public and private together, and wants to be more thoughtful throughout this sale.
Councilor Cogswell said Mr. Dobos has done a great job and has fulfilled what they were looking to do.
He said he has seen many communities where a website like this has been successfully run by a private entity and that he honestly doesn't think we have the resources for it. He pointed out to Council that in item 9 of this contract, if Mr. Dobos can no longer maintain the site, he only has a certain amount of options: A) sell it to someone else under the same terms that we're agreeing to here B) offer it back to us for $1.00 or C) terminate the website.
Mr. Waldron explained to the Council that Mr. Dobos has been a strong partner for the City, listening to what the Economic Development Director wanted, and always having a way to make it work. He said he doesn't think the City has the staff or financial resources to keep the website as successful as it has been, and that selling advertising space is a huge undertaking.
Mr. Waldron then explained the difference between the two websites. He described "It's Happening Here" with its five sections, calendar, and map and explained that "Torrington Ct.org" is our municipal presence on the web. He said there is a clear difference between the two; they are not contradictory, but could compliment each other.
Mayor Carbone said that our Economic Development page is designed to target businesses and provide them the instrumental information they need to grow their business or move their business to Torrington, and it is far different from what the "It's Happening Here" website does. She said there's grant information, business loan information, and contact information regarding our Plan of Conservation and Development. Those are pieces that I see as more critical for a business that might be considering moving to, or expanding in, our community, she said. Mayor Carbone said she sees It's Happening Here as being the 'what are the good things, what adds to the quality of life in Torrington', which is a marketing strategy, but not the sole marketing strategy, for our economic development goals.
Councilor Cavagnero said the Economic Development Director has to be brought on board first because there are other discussions that have to happen and some other decisions that have to be made.
Councilor Anderson said the website really is a great benefit to the City. He said he would love to know more about what it would take to extend Mr. Dobos contract to maintain the site. He noted that if Mr. Dobos is willing to take the site over and represent us well, it's all a benefit to the City.
Councilor Cogswell asked Mr. Dobos if he is willing to wait, should the motion to sell the website be tabled. Mr. Dobos said that would be a small sacrifice for the end game.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Cavagnero, the Council voted unanimously to table the authorization of the Mayor to sign an agreement to sell the right, title, and interest of the "It's Happening Here" website to Evan Dobos of Picture This WebCenter for the sum of one dollar.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Anderson, the Council voted unanimously to accept the Building Department Report for the month of November 2013.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously
to consider business presented by Department Heads. No business was presented.
On a motion by Councilor Anderson, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously
to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
Councilor Cavagnero noted that a website clearly needs someone like Mr. Dobos with a vision and a passion. He said when City Council takes up the business of public education in Torrington, they might consider having a Visual Media curriculum instituted in a formal way at our Middle School and High School.
Councilors Ruwet and Anderson wished Councilor Cogswell a happy birthday.
Mayor Carbone updated the Council on her Economic Development Director search process, saying it is moving along quickly. She said she executed an authorization for the second year of a three-year contract for our Meals on Wheels program, will attend the first formal meeting of the newly formed Northwest Hills Council of Governments on Thursday this week, and commended the Street, Parks, Police and Fire Departments who have worked incredibly diligently over the last couple weeks during some difficult storm periods. She said we certainly do appreciate their efforts.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Cogswell, the Council voted unanimously
to adjourn at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol L. Anderson CCTC
Asst. City Clerk