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Minutes 01/20/2011Approved

January 20, 2011                                                                               Vol. 25 Page 735

A SPECIAL TELEPHONIC MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority was held in the City Hall Auditorium on Thursday, January 20, 2011.
Those in attendance included Acting Mayor Gerald Zordan, City Councilors Elinor Carbone and Gregg Cogswell, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco and City Clerk Joseph Quartiero. City Councilors Marie Soliani and Paul Samele participated via telephone. Councilor Waldron was absent.
Acting Mayor Zordan called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

On a motion by Councilor Cogswell, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted to consider authorizing the Purchasing Agent to enter into contracts as follows:

  • Bid #DZL-028-011911 95,000 gallons of Diesel Fuel for FY2011/2012 to low bidder Dime Oil Co. of Waterbury, CT for no greater than 10% over the price of $2.8469 per gallon including LUST and spill fees.
  • Bid #FUL-333-011911 45,700 gallons of #2 Heating Fuel  for FY2011/2012 to low bidder Dime Oil Co. of Waterbury, CT for no greater than 10% over the price of $2.7806 per gallon including LUST and spill fees.
  • Bid #GAS-028-011911 100,000 gallons of 87 Octane Gasoline for FY2011/2012 to low bidder Dime Oil Co. of Waterbury, CT for no greater than 10% over the price of $2.7397 per gallon including LUST and spill fees.
To answer Acting Mayor Zordan’s questions, Mrs. Zucco explained that LUST is a state tax and that alternate bids are prepaid in July, February and June.

Councilor Samele asked for a comparison to current prices, which Mrs. Zucco explained are 2.3347, 2.2962, and 2.3139.  She added that the Board of Education pays 2.40 per gallon for #2 Fuel and 2.80 per gallon for diesel.
She offered to talk to the Board of Education Consortium but affirmed that these contracts are in the best interest of the City. Mrs. Zucco noted that other municipalities have already locked in fuel pricing.  

Councilor Soliani asked the other members for their opinion.  Councilor Cogswell said he trusts Mrs. Zucco; that we can’t predict what the prices will be, but feels they are only going to go up from this point.  Acting Mayor Zordan agreed and said these prices are significantly lower than what we’d pay as individuals.  Councilor Carbone noted that the Consortium prices were higher than the City’s last year.

A vote was taken and the motion to authorize the Purchasing Agent to enter into the above contracts was unanimously approved.

On a motion by Councilor Cogswell, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:12 pm.

 ATTEST: JOSEPH L. QUARTIERO, CMC                                                                            
                CITY CLERK     

Respectfully Submitted,
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Asst. City Clerk