WAGE INCREASES: #26 On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, the Council considered wage increases for the Mayor, City Clerk, and Treasurer for 2010 and 2011 in accordance with the State of CT Constitutional Provisions in Article XIX. Mayor Bingham proposed a zero percent wage increase for these three positions in 2010 and a three percent increase in 2011.
Councilor Soliani said because the Clerk and Mayor now have a four year term, she'd be more inclined to say no to any increases these next two years, and talk about an increase at a later time.
Councilor Dalla Valle said, by statute, this decision is for two years, not for four, and that the matter will be decided upon again in another two years.
Councilor Carbone said she is confused by Atty. Weaver's interpretation of the Constitution and doesn't see where the Statute indicates the decision is to be made before officials take office, but rather before the election. Mayor Bingham read from Atty. Weaver's memo "By City Charter the term begins on the first Monday in December. Consequently, tonight's vote for an increase is lawful as the term has not yet begun."
Councilor Jerram said the Statute reads "…The compensation of an elected official of a political subdivision of the state whose term of office is four years or more may be increased once after such official has completed two years of his term…" Councilor Jerram pointed out that this wage increase is in line with what was asked of our Unions.
Councilor Carbone said her interpretation is that we should not be taking action until we are two years into a 4-year term. Mayor Bingham said the two years can't be skipped, tonight's vote is for 2010 and 2011.
Councilor Dalla Valle said the problem is that this is always done before the election, and although tonight's decision is legal, it is confusing.
Mr. Quartiero said he and the Mayor have to work two years under the new council in order for them to vote on a raise two years from now.
Councilor Carbone said she is not comfortable with the interpretation and that everything she's reading says this decision should have been made before the election.
Councilor Colangelo said he knows how hard the Mayor & City Clerk work, and how hard the Treasurer will work, but the financial times and the vagueness of the document impact his decision.
Councilor Dalla Valle asked for clarification of the vote. Mayor Bingham said the vote is for a zero percent increase in 2010 and a three percent increase in 2011. Councilor Dalla Valle added it is with the understanding that the 2011 increase will be open for negotiation.
The motion was denied 3/2 with Councilors Jerram and Dalla Valle voting in favor.