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Minutes 05/19/2009 Public Hearing
MAY 19, 2009                
A PUBLIC HEARING of the City Council & WPC Authority and the Board of Finance was held in the Main Room of the Senior Center on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 to discuss budgets.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, City Councilors Elinor Carbone, Thomas Jerram, and Marie Soliani, Board of Finance Members Daniel Farley, Laurene Pesce, Mark Bushka, Thomas Scoville, Wendy Traub, and James Zeller, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Treasurer Richard Friday, Police Chief Michael Maniago and Comptroller Alice Proulx.

Mayor Bingham called the public hearing to order at 7:00 p.m.

Legal Notice #1942
City Clerk Joseph Quartiero read the Legal Notice.

Mayor's Presentation #1970
Mayor Bingham said the departmental budget requests started at $54,673,061, an increase of $2,414,260 or 4.6%. The Mayor met with each department attempting to achieve a zero percent increase overall.  He said over 70% of city employees have agreed to a wage freeze for the upcoming budget year, which is something to be touted. This is a savings of $350,000. The two unions who have not yet agreed on concessions are the Police and the Dispatchers. Mayor Bingham said another $345,000 could be saved if eligible employees accept the early retirement program that was offered them. He explained the major cost drivers that increased this year's budget: Police Wage ($485,000), Insurance ($765,000), Refuse Removal ($404,000), and Pension Funding ($325,000). Mayor Bingham said approximately $2,600,000 have been granted to the City from the Stimulus Package and other sources. He said the final budget figure is $52,982,879 or a 1.39% increase, and he will do his best to achieve a zero percent tax increase this year.

Karla Woodworth #2277
Ms. Woodworth said she is advocating the $5,000 line item for the Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative. She presented her class certificate and said the class is growing exponentially.

Dawn Beardsley #2323
Ms. Beardsley presented her TECC certificate, an excellent program, she said, that has saved her life and is an asset to the community. The program taught her a lot about the community which she is now a proud member of as a parent member of the Board of Education.

Heather Blauvelt #2382
Ms. Blauvelt showed her NWCC Parent Leadership through Civic Engagement class certificate, which she is extremely proud of. Ms. Blauvelt said she felt disconnected from the community until she heard about the People Empowering People program, where she found a supportive group of parents who had advice and stories to share. Ms. Blauvelt discovered she had ideas about how she could make a difference in Torrington, and said TECC offers more than classes that are forgotten about over summer break-- they offer experiences and opportunities that really stay with you. She said it's important in a community as large and diverse as Torrington, for parents to learn how to come together for a common goal –what's best for their kids. Ms. Blauvelt requested the Council continue to provide funding for TECC, where a small investment will yield amazing results.

Jennifer Cammilletti #2560
Ms. Cammilletti said she is also in support of funding for TECC, which taught her how to use her voice and make positive changes in the lives of her children, how to speak to legislative representatives, and that she can make a difference.

Donna Labbe #2596
Ms. Labbe said she has the honor of being the coordinator for this wonderful group (TECC). She wanted to inform the Council of where their $5,000 investment went.  TECC was granted a Public/Private grant that created a plan for children birth through age 8--one of only 23 communities in the state of CT, a true honor. Along with a lot of volunteer hours, they had over 38 local agencies, organizations, and community members who participated in over 600 hours of meetings, 17 days of training for the leadership work group, and a minimum of 3,000 hours of communication by phone, e-mail for the whole year. They were able to secure $70,000 in funding.

Ms. Labbe read a letter from Co-Chair Heather Kosmulski, thanking the Council for the generosity shown the Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative last year. Ms. Kosmulski said TECC has become a staple in our community with annual clothing, school supplies, and coat drives, as well as a kindergarten registration fair and offering programs that assist parents and all community members to become leaders and advocates for children in this community. She thanked the Council for their continued generosity and support.

Sue Mohsin #2740
Ms. Mohsin said she is also a graduate of the Parent Leadership through Civic Engagement class. She said she represents a large majority of single parents who complain that not enough was being done. Through this class she has learned she can make a difference, found camaraderie, learned how to debate and still show each other respect, and gained courage to speak up and brainstorm ideas. She's grateful for the money and hopes TECC continues to be funded.

Hearing and seeing no others who wished to speak, Mayor Bingham closed the public hearing at 7:18 p.m.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the City Council and Board of Finance voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:18 p.m.

               CITY CLERK

Respectfully submitted,
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Asst. City Clerk