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Minutes 03/04/2009
                SPECIAL MEETING
  MARCH 4, 2009

A   SPECIAL  MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority was held on
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 in the Main Room of the Sullivan Senior Center.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, City Councilors Rick Dalla Valle, Michael Colangelo, Elinor Carbone, Thomas Jerram and Drake Waldron, Corp. Counsel ErnestineYuille Weaver, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, Superintendent of Streets Robert Lizotte, Board of Finance Members Wendy Traub, Thomas Scoville, Laurene Pesce, and Daniel Farley.

        Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

        SALT PURCHASE #18
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, the Council voted unanimously to authorize transfer of $91,000.00 from line item #0010.0047.5651.0000 to 0010.0031.5258.0000 to purchase an anticipated 1,100 tons of treated salt and plain salt at $82.81 averaged per ton.

Mr. Lizotte said this salt purchase is partly for the balance of this winter and partly to replenish the stock we had. Mr. Rollett explained this might not get us through the balance of this winter.

                   On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, the Council
                  voted unanimously to authorize the following payments from Municipal Renovations Fund #0316.

Fed Ex  
Inv. #9-082-78729
$   19.44
Ship to Torrington Bus. Park
CMF Communications
Inv. #09-26
Install panel for T1 lines
CMF Communications
Inv. #09-24
Relocate data voice sys, site prep.
CMF Communications
Inv. #09-25
Relocate data voice sys, new wiring
               MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE BID #56
              On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to                          discuss the Municipal Solid Waste Bid.

                 Mr. Rollett said bids were opened for curbside solid waste and recycle collection services about a week ago.                       The bids came in significantly higher than anticipated, with a net increase of $592,393.  One alternative was to                     go with curbside single stream bi-weekly automated recycle collections. He proposed the reduction or removal of                  some curbside services--the pickup of the bulk waste outside of the automated cart, offering a savings of almost                    $200,000. Residents would have to call a licensed hauler. Another option would be to contract with USA Waste to                  open the transfer station 3 or 4 times a year so people can bring their bulk waste for disposal. There would still                    be a charge for that.  
       Mr. Rollett explained there were two ways to save some money; he was not recommending them but they’re               worth talking about. One was a straight 10-year contract, saving 2% or $35,000. The other was in a reduction of           bond, with a $17,000 to $20,000 savings.

Mr. Rollett said the proposal, as bid, with no changes was a $593,951 increase in the line item 10-35, Health. The 10-29 disposal line item has $293,000 in savings for tipping fees. The net increase in the budget for FY10 would be $300,951. Mr. Rollett recommended taking $100,000 encumbrance from the lower tipping fee savings allowing the prepayment of the last of our 6-year payments. This changes the increase to about $200,951.

      Mr. Rollett explained changing to a bi-weekly automated single stream recycle collection, has a potential small           savings of $50,000 and a dramatic savings in the recycle rate increase. If the assumption is made that recycling          will increase by 1,700 tons, a savingsof $403,000 in the tip fee could be realized. With the same $100,000                  encumbrance, the  net budget impact would be $48,861. Elimination of curbside services with bi-weekly automated      single stream recycle collection and the $100,000 encumbrance would  decrease his budget by $109,000.  

     Mayor Bingham said if this was re-bid other bids cannot be obtained, and he felt that automated single stream             recycling is the way forward.

    Mr. Rollett said the cost of recycling barrels, and tracking them, is built into these bid prices, and the cost savings       involved in purchasing the barrels ourselves is not worth it.
    The recycling barrel needs to be a different colored barrel, and the schedule of pickup would be published on the         City’s website. Residents won’t need to sort or bundle recyclables, or break down boxes—everything can be thrown     into the barrel together.
     Councilor Colangelo said he thinks this may save us money in the long run.

    Councilor Waldron expressed concern that without extra curbside services, waste will be dumped around                    town, and suggested opening a transfer station periodically with the city covering the cost for the residents.

Councilor Dalla Valle asked what profits are made by the recyclables. Mr. Rollett said every recycled ton generates $10 for us. If we eliminate the extra services, we will lose the income from scrap metal.

        ADJOURNMENT #737
             On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted                                                          unanimously to adjourn at 6:51 p.m.

         CITY CLERK