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Minutes 06/16/2008
        JUNE 16, 2008

A   REGULAR  MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority was held on Monday, June 16, 2008 in the Council Chambers.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, City Councilors Michael Colangelo, Elinor Carbone, Thomas C. Jerram, Marie P. Soliani, and Drake L. Waldron, Corp. Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, and Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco.  Mary Jane Gryniuk and Attorney Victor Muschell, members of the Charter Revision Commission, were also present.  Councilor Rick E. Dalla Valle was absent.

Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council with the exception of Councilor Colangelo who abstained, voted to
accept the minutes of the regular meeting held 06/02/2008.

On a motion by Councilor Colangelo, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted to move #5 to the present time.  (Contest winners.)

Awards were presented to the following recipients of the Tar Wars Poster Contest:
CT First Place, Chris Bezio, Vogel-Wetmore School
CT Second Place, Paige Middleton, Southwest School
CT Third Place, Victoria Sowislo, Southwest School

The other nine local winners were:
Madison Jacovino, Torringford School
Jeymi Aguera, Vogel-Wetmore School
Tasia Novak, Vogel-Wetmore School
Timothy Kodz, St. Peter/St. Francis
Brendan Critchley, St. Peter/St. Francis
Kim Nguyen, St. Peter/St. Francis
Michelle Savinovich, Forbes School
Emily Etchegary, Forbes School
Samantha Zordan, Forbes School

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
Grace Hansen, 154 Albert Street, reported that she spoke with Office Greggin (not certain of spelling) from the State of Connecticut Department of Agriculture and thought he might be present to talk about domesticating wild animals.  She stated that the racoon in her neighborhood has now given birth to a litter, and the cases of rabies has tripled in Connecticut.  She also pointed out that Southwest School and an elderly complex are in the immediate vicinity that she was referring to.  

Ms. Hansen said she received a phone call and someone suggested that she trap the raccoons in a “Have a Heart” trap and bring them to the Humane Society in Newington.  Financially, she cannot do that and she needs help with the situation.

Councilor Soliani said she told Ms. Hansen that the Council needed to ask the Corporation Council to review the current ordinances.

Mayor Bingham asked Ms. Hansen to leave Officer Greggin’s telephone number with his secretary.

On a motion by Councilor Colangelo, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to accept the budget transfers from 1/1/08 to 5/31/08, as presented by the Comptroller in her memo dated 6/11/2008, and referred them to the Board of Finance.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation from the Board of Public Safety to waive the bid process and award the “Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Antenna Work” to Northwest Communications in the amount of $15,713.00.  (Approved by BOS on 6/11/2008.)

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendations from the Purchasing Agent and the City Engineer to award a unit price contract to the low bidder, Hemlock Construction Co., Inc., of Torrington for the Winthrop Street Drainage Project in the amount of $60,500.00.  

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendations from the Purchasing Agent and the City Engineer to award a unit price contract to the low bidder, Hemlock Construction Co., Inc., of Torrington for the Sanitary Sewer Project - Charles St. Relief Line at Winthrop St. in the amount of $243,208.00.

On a motion by Councilor Carbone, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendations from the Purchasing Agent and the Fleet Manager to purchase a 2006 Ford F350 4 X 4 - White from Litchfield Ford for $23,209.00.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, the Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendations from the Purchasing Agent and the Public Works Director to award the “Non-Processible Waste Disposal” bid to the low bidder, USA Hauling & Recycling, Inc. of Enfield, CT for the bid amount of an $88.00/per ton.

Mr. Rollett indicated that this product has never been bid before and its price was set by CRRA.  For the past six years, CRRA has requested that this waste be removed from the waste stream.  With the closing of the Hartford Landfill, we were forced to find another source to dispose of this waste.  Currently, our budget for handling this waste is approximately $55,000.00 a year and this price will come in at probably $58,000.00 a year and an adequate amount of money was budgeted to cover this expense.  

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to authorize the payment of $1,200.00 from Small Cities Fund #250 to SafeHomes, Inc. for two Risk Assessments and one Abatement Plan.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to authorize the payment of $86,147.00 from the City Hall Renovations Fund #0316 to Friar Associates for Installment #5, per their invoice #0000011, dated 6/1/08.

On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to accept the Building Department Report for May 2008.

On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to adopt a Resolution and authorize Mayor Bingham to execute the Financial Assistance Proposal from the State of CT DECD regarding the downtown redevelopment project.

Certified a true copy of a resolution adopted by the City of Torrington at a meeting of its City Council on June 16, 2008, and which has not been rescinded or modified in any way whatsoever.

WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Act 07-7, JSS, Sec. 13 (f) (9), the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development is authorized to extend financial assistance for economic development projects: and

WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the City of Torrington make an application to the State for $504,875.00 in order to undertake the Downtown Torrington Redevelopment Project and to execute an Assistance Agreement.


1.  That it is cognizant of the conditions and prerequisites for the State Assistance imposed by Public Act 07-7, JSS, Sec.13 (f) (9)

2.  That the filing of an application for State financial assistance by the City of Torrington in an amount not to exceed $504,875.00 is hereby approved and that Mayor Ryan J. Bingham is directed to execute and file such application with the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, to provide such additional information, to execute such other documents as may be required, to execute an Assistance Agreement with the State of Connecticut for State financial assistance if such an agreement is offered, to execute any amendments, decisions, and revisions thereto, and to act as the authorized representative of the City of Torrington.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public on “agenda items” only.   There was none.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads.  There was none.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Mayor Bingham and members of the City Council.

Councilor Carbone said she participated in the Naugatuck River Clean up Day with Mayor Bingham and other members of City Hall, and noted that it was a way for her to see a part of the city that she had never seen before.  
She also participated in the Connecticut Open House Day, which was not overwhelmingly attended, but she was pleased to see the effort put forth by a good number of businesses and organizations.

Councilor Colangelo suggested scheduling an Ordinance Committee meeting prior to the next Council meeting to discuss the alcohol ordinance.

On behalf of the Torrington Elks, Councilor Jerram thanked Coe Memorial Park and the city for allowing them to use the facilities for the annual Flag Day ceremonies.  Approximately 75-100 people participated in the 45-minute ceremony.

Councilor Soliani said she also participated in the Connecticut Open House Day and was impressed with the event.

She thanked Corporation Counsel Weaver for reviewing the ordinance and  explaining it the way she did.  She asked her to look at our current ordinance concerning wild animals/pets.  She thought it would be a good idea to have Officer Greggin come in to speak to the Council.

Mayor Bingham called a five minute recess.

Mayor Bingham called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. to obtain public input on proposed changes and amendments to the City’s Charter as presented by the City of Torrington Charter Revision Commission in its Draft Report.  

City Clerk Joseph L. Quartiero read the legal notice.

Having no questions or comments, Mayor Bingham called the Public Hearing to a close at 7:02 p.m.

On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Soliani, a discussion was held in regard to the proposed changes and amendments to the City’s Charter as presented by the City of Torrington Charter Revision Commission in its Draft Report.  

Mayor Bingham noted that Councilor Dalla Valle sent an e-mail stating that he was opposed to having “only the mayor” on a four-year term and in favor of all two-year officials going to four year terms.

Councilor Waldron agreed with Councilor Dalla Valle.  He said Mr. Quartiero had pointed out that leaving just the Mayor as a four-year term would create disinterest for one of those election years because it’s the Mayor that creates interest.

Councilor Soliani, member of the Charter Revision Commission, indicated that the Commission wasn’t opposed to four year terms for all elected officials, they just didn’t have enough time to fully review the matter.  Should a new Commission be appointed immediately after this one is dissolved, they will look into four year terms for all two-year elected officials.   

Councilor Colangelo said he was in favor of keeping the Selectmen on the ballot because it’s a great entry point for those who want to get involved in politics.   Although they have no duties to perform, they have some involvement with the political process.  

Mayor Bingham and the Council agreed to discuss the items’ one by one.

Councilor Waldron amended his previous motion, from discussing the proposed changes and amendments to the City Charter to discussing one item at a time.  Councilor Soliani amended her second.   Unanimous.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to put Item #1 on the ballot: To increase the limit for extraordinary expenditures from $100,000.00 to $300,000.00.

On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, a discussion took place on Item #2: Eliminate Selectmen from the ballot.

Councilor Colangelo reiterated that he felt Selectman was a good entry point for those wanting to get involved in politics.

Councilor Soliani indicated that the Selectmen have no specific jobs and all it means is that they get to have their names on the ballot.   There is no education other than the one they get from campaigning.   She thought there were better ways to get involved in politics than to run for an office that has no duties.

Councilors Soliani and Carbone voted in favor of the motion to eliminate Selectmen from the ballot.  Councilors Colangelo, Jerram, and Waldron opposed.  On a 2-3 vote, the motion failed.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted to extend the office of the Mayor to a term of four years.  Councilor Waldron opposed. Motion carried.

Councilor Jerram made a motion to make technical changes as needed.   Councilor Colangelo seconded the motion.  

Councilor Carbone inquired whether the Commission discussed making the City Clerk’s position a four-year term, which is not part of this proposal.

Mary Jane Gryniuk said there were terms that the Commission wished to see advanced, but they ran into a problem trying to figure out how to stagger the Board of Education and the Board of Public Safety, which they felt was absolutely necessary.  The Commission will recommend that Mayor Bingham re-establish another Commission immediately after they are dissolved, so they can have a longer length of time to fully research the details.  They decided to start with the Mayor’s position and have the next Charter Revision Commission look at all other two year positions.

VOTE #1255
The Council voted unanimously to make technical changes as needed.   

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Colangelo, the Council voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:12 p.m.

               CITY CLERK