JUNE 2, 2008
A REGULAR MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority was held on Monday, June 2, 2008 in the Council Chambers.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, City Councilors Rick E. Dalla Valle, Elinor Carbone, Thomas C. Jerram, Marie P. Soliani, Drake L. Waldron, and Corp. Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver. Absent was Councilor Michael Colangelo.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the special joint meeting with the Board of Finance held 05/14/08.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held 05/19/08.
On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Dalla Valle, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
Mary Jo Corey, 79 DeRuyter Drive, indicated that nothing has been done to her street since the flood of 1955 and it has deteriorated to gravel. The Street Department has been patching it for the last three years, but the asphalt has nothing to adhere to and it’s a waste of money.
She noted that last year Mayor Bingham referred her to Mr. Rollett, and Mr. Rollett assured her that DeRuyter would be on the list for this year. Several weeks ago she noticed that her street was being swept, so she called Mr. Rollett and he informed her that DeRuyter would not be done again this year. She wanted to know the criteria used to choose the streets that get repaved.
Mayor Bingham promised her they will identify the criteria for choosing the roads. He believed it was mathematical; i.e. roads traveled, condition of roads, etc. He would also try to give her a reasonable time line as to when DeRuyter will be fixed.
Mrs. Corey indicated that her neighbors were behind her coming before the Council and would be happy to sign petitions if need be. Mr. Rollett confirmed the fact to her that the road is in dire need of repairs, and stated that snow plows are literally digging up the road.
Mayor Bingham said he would call her in the morning with what will be the best course of action. At the very least, he will give Mrs. Cory a good idea of how the city chooses the roads that are to be repaired. In past years’, the city was able to do 7 to 8 miles of road with $1 million. Now they can only do2 to 3 miles of road for the same amount of money. He added that they will continue to boost that budget for inflation so we don’t fall behind in the amount of roads we can do every year.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to authorize Mayor Bingham to execute the “Lease Agreement Between the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Town of Torrington State Route 8 Town of Torrington File No. 65-69-74A” for placement of the historic Skee’s Diner as a Welcome Center for the City of Torrington.”
Mayor Bingham indicated that this is the next step in a joint venture between the Chamber of Commerce and a number of entities to lease space at the commuter lot next to Burger King and have Skees Diner moved at the site as a Welcome Center.
Jo-Ann Ryan thanked Mayor Bingham and the Council for supporting their venture. She noted there has been a delay due to the guidelines they had to adhere to in regard to the diner’s historical preservation. They will be going out to bid soon for a general contractor and the diner will be moved to the commuter lot once the lot is prepared.
Corporation Counsel Weaver indicated that the diner will be placed off the lot to keep all commuter parking spaces intact. The lease they are working on now is for the state to release the property to the city and the city will then have to execute a sublease which she is working on at the present time.
Councilor Dalla Valle asked if the city was the only paying partner in this venture and who was paying the $500.00 for this lease.
Mayor Bingham said “We’re going to try to find it in our budget; we’re going to do the lease.”
Mrs. Ryan explained that they will have to match the $100,000.00 that the state is given them, and some are doing in-kind, but they already have bills.
Councilor Soliani asked if the Torrington Historical Society will oversee the restoration of Skee’s Diner to make certain it is authentic looking.
Mrs. Ryan indicated that they have a historical architect, an engineer who will be working very closely with the Historical Society and the general contractor will be supervising the project. She stated that they want the property to remain on the Historic Registry because it’s only one of two in the country, which is unique. Its restoration will draw quite a bit of attention. She assured the Council that those who work on the project will have the expertise in that area.
Councilor Carbone indicated that she supported the project whole-heartedly. She asked if Gateway funds that the city was in line to receive could be used to offset some of the expenses that will come about with the project.
Mayor Bingham indicated that Gateway could be used to clean up the John Brown sign.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council reviewed the Draft Report of the Charter Revision Commission to the Board of Councilmen, dated May 27, 2008.
Charter Revision Chairman, James McKenna, stated that the commission started with fifteen proposals and dwindled them to four. Because the Commission didn’t feel they had enough time to adequately address some of the items, it’s suggesting the Mayor appoint another commission as soon as this commission is disband, so they can spend the time and effort to study those particular issues.
Councilor Jerram spoke in regard to terms for elected officials. He understood the commission’s reasoning for wanting a four year term for the Mayor because there’s so much time involved with developing policies and seeing them through. He noted that many other communities’ clerks have four year terms because there’s a lot of education involved in terms of obtaining the certification they need. It didn’t make sense for Clerks to have a two year term when it takes three years of education to get certified.
Mr. McKenna indicated that the commission considered upgrading every office in the city to a four year term.
Councilor Jerram said he didn’t know if he agreed with that.
Mr. McKenna said they decided to start the process, and it began with the Mayor. Part of the problem in making these changes is that the Board of Education and the Board of Public Safety have altering schedules every two years. He asked “How do you go about making the necessary changes so you can have the election of that number of people on a four year basis?” and “Is it a good idea to potentially have ten members of the Board of Education change all at one time?” Some of the issues will require more time to consider, which is why the commission feels these items should be taken up in the future when they have more time to spend on it.
Councilor Jerram said his comments weren’t directed at the Board of Education because it was his opinion that their terms have been tested and they work well. He was talking more along the lines of the City Clerk.
Mr. McKenna said he didn’t remember anyone having a negative comment to making the City Clerk’s position a four year term when Mr. Quartiero brought it up during the public hearing. That issue just wasn’t brought up in time to be considered for this particular draft report.
Councilor Soliani, member of the Charter Revision Commission, said there weren’t many negative comments made in regard to changing the terms of the City Council or the Board of Safety either. The commission just felt they didn’t have enough time to investigate the issue.
Councilor Dalla Valle, member of the Charter Revision Commission, indicated that he was in favor of all two year terms going to four year terms for continuity and consistency. He also pointed out that Mr. Quartiero had said it costs $25,000.00 for an election, and that shouldn’t be an issue. However he received a call from the Democratic Registrar of Voters indicating that it is closer to $50,000.00. If we eliminated the off-year election, it would be a significant savings for the city and should be considered.
Mr. McKenna said the potential savings by going to four year terms was considered by this commission but they didn’t have the proper amount of time to look at the logistics of all the various boards and agencies.
Councilor Waldron asked if there were any other towns that have an off year for elections.
Mr. McKenna said that’s one of the issues that needs to be looked at and considered.
Councilor Waldron said they should probably extend the four year terms to the Council and the City Clerk if they were going to give four year terms to the Board of Safety and the Board of Education. They could stagger the terms.
Mr. McKenna said staggering the terms wouldn’t eliminate an election. Also, the commission was concerned about the turn out at an election if only a handful of people were on the ballot.
City Clerk Joseph L. Quartiero indicated that we don’t get a 50% turnout when the Mayor is on the ticket. If they take the Mayor off the ticket and only have a few members of each board running, we’re not going to get 25% of the voters to vote and we’ll still be spending a lot of money. The Mayoral position is the only one that generates interest in the city.
Mayor Bingham agreed that there were many things to consider and that a new commission should be appointed once this one is done with their work.
Mr. McKenna indicated that the money it costs for an election should be a consideration, but not the only consideration to whether or not they make four year terms. It’s either a good idea or not a good idea to have four year terms...that’s the issue that should come before the commission. Things need to be considered as to how they can make it work before they jump into four year terms.
Councilor Jerram inquired whether the commission had given any consideration to adding a recall provision, should the Mayor’s term be increased to four years.
Councilor Soliani indicated that such a provision is already addressed in the Charter.
Councilor Dalla Valle stated that this was a legislative issue. The municipality has no control over removing anyone from office. There are only seven municipalities in the State of Connecticut that are grand fathered in and have a recall provision, and Torrington is not one of them. He noted that, historically, Councilmen used to have six year terms. He agreed that money shouldn’t be the main issue, but saving money would be a plus. It’s really about consistency and continuity and the flow of everyone having four year terms that would be most beneficial to the town.
Corporation Counsel Weaver said the Council can make suggestions and recommendations during the next Public Hearing, which will go back to the Charter Revision Commission before they finalize their report.
Mr. McKenna said the Public Hearing will be held and the Council will make a decision as to whether they want to accept the draft report or ask for changes.
As a point of clarification, Councilor Dalla Valle asked “The Council will not have the authority to add anything if you choose not to add, but they would have the authority to remove something. Is that correct?”
Mr. McKenna said “Down the road.”
Councilor Dalla Valle said “Yes, before the finalization of this, before it goes, the Council will set the questions to go on the actual ballot”.
Mr. McKenna said that was correct.
Mayor Bingham noted that no vote was necessary.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to schedule a Public Hearing on Monday, June 16, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. to make recommendations and suggestions to the Draft Report of the Charter Revision Commission dated May 27, 2008.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to re-appoint Donald MacLeod and Maureen Matava to a 2nd term on the Services for the Elderly Commission, effective July 2008.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the Council voted unanimously to elevate Adele Reale to full Commission status on the Services for the Elderly Commission, to fill the vacancy created by Marty Boyajian, effective July, 2008.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to hear recommendations from the Ordinance Sub Committee.
Councilor Dalla Valle indicated that the committee has no recommendations to make at this time.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public on “agenda items” only.
Councilor Soliani requested that either Mr. Rollett or someone from the Street Department check out DeRuyter Drive. She agrees with people who have lived on a street for 45 years and haven’t seen any major repairs done to it.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Carbone, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads. There was none.
On a motion by Councilor Waldron, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Mayor Bingham and members of the City Council.
Councilor Jerram stated that the Elks will be celebrating their annual Flag Day Commemoration at Coe Memorial Park on Friday, June 13th and invited everyone to attend.
Councilor Soliani noted that the turn out for the Memorial Day Parade was awesome and she was pleased to march in it, after two years of not being able to.
Councilor Waldron noted that the Council was invited to the Torrington High School graduation a week from Sunday.
Mayor Bingham stated that he would not be upset if the suggestion of a four year term for his position did not affect him. He didn’t want that particular discussion to seem like it was a self-serving entity. He was never a part of that discussion at the Charter Revision Commission meetings. It was his opinion that it would behoove the city in the long run, to make the Mayor’s position a four year term because of the learning curve and there’s no school for Mayor. It would also give the Mayor some time to figure out what’s going on without running into another election.
Councilor Soliani wanted the Council to understand that the Commission wasn’t against four year terms, they just felt that the issue was so important and it would be a part of the Charter, that they needed to research the matter more than they were allowed to because of their time constraints. This is why the Commission is asking Mayor Bingham to immediately seat another Charter Revision Commission.
Mr. Quartiero agreed with Councilor Dalla Valle that four year terms would allow for consistency and continuity. His concern was mainly for the lack of voters when there’s merely a few names on the ballot.
Councilor Soliani explained that the Commission’s decisions are not about the existing Council, Board of Education, etc., it’s about what’s best for Torrington for many years to come.
Mayor Bingham said he appreciated the support of the residents for attending the Memorial Day Parade.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:10 p.m.