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Minutes 02/02/2004
                   CITY COUNCIL & WPC AUTHORITY
                   FEBRUARY 2, 2004

A   REGULAR  MEETING  of the City Council & WPC Authority was held on Monday, February 2, 2004, in the Council Chambers.

Those attending included Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., City Councilors, Thomas C. Jerram, Paul F. Samele, Jr., Marie P. Soliani, James F. McKenna, and Virginia K. Kovaleski,   Corp. Counsel Albert Vasko, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, Purchasing Agent Charlene Antonelli, Economic Development Coordinator Christina Emery and Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Brian Cornell.   Absent was Councilman Drake L. Waldron.

Mayor Quinn called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor McKenna, the board voted to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held January 20, 2004.

On a motion by Councilor Samele, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to open the meeting to the public.

Brian Cornell, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief, stated that this board had endorsed Chief Field’s Vehicle Replacement Plan several months ago and sent it to the Board of Finance where it remains.  The Plan stated that the three volunteer departments would be allocated dollars over the course of years to help pay for apparatus as opposed to taking over a used piece of apparatus from the city.  He reported that his department had committed to purchasing a new pumper last June valued at approximately $265,000.00 and were prepared to pay for it themselves, however, they could use a helping hand and wanted to know if Chief Field’s plan would be moving along.  

Since Chief Cornell was unable to attend Board of Finance meetings, he asked the Council to take it upon themselves to check with the Board of Finance and let Torringford know where they stand.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor McKenna, the board voted to adopt a Resolution authorizing Mayor Quinn to enter into and amend contractual instruments in the name and on behalf of the City of Torrington for a grant in the amount of    $200,002.00 from the Department of Social Services of the State of Connecticut for a homeless shelter for F.I.S.H. and to affix the corporate seal.


I, Joseph L. Quartiero, of City of Torrington (the “Contractor”), do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Councilmen of the Contractor duly held and convened on Monday, February 2, 2004, at which meeting a duly constituted quorum of the Board of Councilmen was present and acting throughout and that such resolution has not been modified, rescinded, or revoked, and is at present in full force and effect:

RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Owen J. Quinn, Jr., is empowered to enter into or amend contractual instruments in the name and on behalf of this Contractor with the Department of Social Services of the State of Connecticut for a Homeless Shelter and to affix the corporate seal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his signature and the corporate seal of the Contractor this     day of February, 2004.

Joseph L. Quartiero, CCMC, CTC
City Clerk, Torrington, Ct.

On a motion by Councilor McKenna, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the board voted to approve the Public Works Director request for $15,000.00 from Contingency, for architectural fees to perform the necessary updates to the Municipal Buildings Project, including investigations of the consolidation of Board of Education Business Services within City Hall and for a Financial Analysis of the Public/Private concept to determine the most cost-effective project for the City of Torrington.   

Councilor Jerram inquired whether this was something that should go through the normal budget process.  Mr. Rollett said he would strongly urge the Council to approve the request in order to keep the project moving along.  Waiting for the budget process would only delay the project until the next fiscal year.  

Councilor Jerram inquired whether the project would have to go to referendum.  Mr. Rollett stated that the Committee was looking into the public/private concept whereby a referendum may not be required.

On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Samele, the board voted to accept the recommendation from the Purchasing Agent and the Superintendent of Equipment Maintenance, to purchase a 2002 Ford Explorer from Litchfield Ford for $18,014.00 for the Municipal Canine Officer.

On a motion by Councilor Kovaleski, seconded by Councilor Samele, the board voted to accept the Building Department Report for December 2003.

On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor McKenna, the board voted to authorize the payment of $347.04 from Contingency to United National Insurance Co. for the city’s deductible in the McElroy matter and referred it to the Board of Finance.

On a motion by Councilor McKenna, seconded by Councilor Kovaleski, the board voted to authorize the payment of $2,030.00 from Contingency to Gordon, Muir & Foley, LLP for professional services rendered in the Southwest School matter and referred it to the Board of Finance.


Asst. City Clerk Joline LeBlanc read the legal notice.  

At 7:00 p.m., Mayor Quinn called to order the public hearing to review the city’s proposed application to the State Department of Economic Community Development for funds under the Small Cities Program for proposed project activities in the areas of housing, economic development or community facilities, and to review the status of its current Small Cities projects and programs.

The City’s Consultant to Small Cities Larry Wagner explained that the Small Cities Program is funded by the federal government and provides funds to small cities by providing a block grant fund to the State of Connecticut.   The state runs its program on an open competitive model whereby communities can apply any time during the year for any number of projects.  Part of its program includes the requirement of a public hearing to solicit public ideas and identify community needs that may result in an application for a future submission for funds.  

Mr. Wagner explained that Small Cities funding can fund projects in the areas of housing, community facilities, economic development, or social services.  Projects have to meet one of the following three national objectives: 1) Benefit low or moderate income people, 2) Eliminate slum and blight, or 3) Resolve an imminent threat to public safety.   

On behalf of the Anti Blight Task Force,  the city’s Economic Development Coordinator Christina Emery expressed the need for the city to have a source of funds to clean blighted properties.  She indicated that the committee had made some progress working with property owners but they were finding the need for money for more, stricter action.  She asked the Council to consider a pre-application for a “Cleaner - Lean Fund” to eliminate slum and blight on a spot basis in order to improve neighborhoods.   The funds would allow the Building Official to condemn a property and the city would, in turn, be able to demolish it and place a lien on it to recover the costs.

Councilor Soliani, member of the Anti Blight Committee, said it would be beneficial to have a fund where they could draw from and even add to when fines are paid.

Mr. Wagner felt the city would be invited soon for its sidewalk proposal.  The state’s next round of funds will be available in July of 2004.  

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor McKenna, the public hearing was closed.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor McKenna, the board voted to accept the city’s proposed application to the State Department of Economic Community Development for funds under the Small Cities Program for proposed project activities in the areas of housing, economic development or community facilities, and to accept the status of the city’s current Small Cities projects and programs.  During a discussion it was determined that this motion was unnecessary and was withdrawn by Councilors Jerram and McKenna.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram and seconded by  McKenna, the board voted to table the above motion.

On a motion by Councilor Kovaleski, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to schedule a public hearing for February 17, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. to amend Chapter 20 of the Torrington Code entitled “Economic Development Commission”.  The proposed amendment would delete Section 20-9 “Statutory Powers”.

Corp. Counsel Vasko explained that Section 20-9 of that ordinance designates the Economic Development Commission as the development agency of the City of Torrington.  The reason to delete that portion of the Charter is that it might behoove the city to have separate development agencies for each new project in the future.  The Economic Development Commission would still provide the general economic development functions even though specific corporations or entities would oversee certain projects of the city.

On a motion by Councilor McKenna, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to accept the Proclamation: American Heart Association, Wear Red for Women Day, February 6, 2004.

On a motion by Councilor McKenna, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to consider business in Section B.

On a motion by Councilor Kovaleski, seconded by Councilor Samele, the board voted to consider business presented by Department Heads.

Public Works Director Gerald Rollett informed the Council that the city had spent approximately half of its snow management budget.  The Street Department had enough salt to get through one or two more storms and waiting to see whether or not salt deliveries would be available in the near future.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor McKenna, a discussion took place in regard to the Beecher House Society lease.  

Mayor Quinn apologized to the Council for presenting them with the lease the night a vote was requested, since that was not the way he was used to conducting city business.

Corp. Counsel Vasko reviewed the lease with the Council.

        Councilor Soliani inquired whether the city would have anything to say about what organization would run the center should the Society not to be capable.

Corp. Counsel Vasko indicated that the city would have some say in who took the center over since the language in the lease stated that the Society would have to submit the name of the organization to the city for approval.

Councilor McKenna felt the stop gaps in the lease protected the city by making certain that the project continued to move along on a timely basis.  He felt the city was covered in terms of liability.  The lease also included notice requirements whereby the city had the option to cancel the lease and take back the property if their insurance was ever canceled.

Councilor Jerram indicated that the lease was performance based and its deadlines would help the city keep the Beecher Society to their commitments.

The council took a ten minute recess at 7:32 p.m.

Councilor Jerram made a motion to authorize Mayor Quinn to enter into a lease agreement with the Beecher House Society, Inc., as presented by Corp. Counsel.  Councilor McKenna seconded the motion.

Councilor Jerram amended his motion to include accepting the Section 8-24 referral from the Planning & Zoning Commission (to lease city owned property for the purpose of reconstruction and restoration of the Wadsworth-Beecher House), and authorize Mayor Quinn to execute the lease agreement with the Beecher House Society, Inc. as presented by Corp. Counsel Vasko.  Councilor McKenna amended his second.  

During a discussion, Councilor Jerram inquired whether the Council would accept the lease as is and let the Society accept or reject it as written.   

Corp. Counsel Vasko said yes.

Councilor Jerram inquired about the time frame for signing the lease.   
Councilor McKenna said he couldn’t understand why the Society would want to delay the signing of the lease, stating as long as the lease isn’t signed, there’s no lease.  

Chandler Saint, President of the Beecher House Society, Inc., stated that 30 days would be sufficient.

VOTE #1820
The vote was unanimous.

On a motion by Councilor Kovaleski, seconded by Councilor McKenna, the board voted to consider business presented by Mayor Quinn and members of the City Council.

Councilor Samele inquired about the status of the Old Firehouse.

Economic Development Coordinator Christina Emery indicated that Mr. Laliberti had entered into an agreement with an architect and working on plans.  It was her belief that the city had given him additional time to submit plans in writing.  She indicated that Mr. Laliberti had never applied for the facade grant program but he had informed the city that he was going to restore the damaged masonry work.  He was also in pursuit of a marketing company from New York who specialized in restaurant deals and the city had put him in contact with the downtown firm of Sullivan & Hayes so that any work he did wouldn’t be in conflict with future work.  

Corp. Counsel Vasko added that Mr. Laliberti had also hired an asbestos abatement contractor.

Mayor Quinn requested an executive session under Personnel.

On a motion by Councilor McKenna, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to add the executive session to the agenda by 2/3rds vote.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor McKenna, the board voted to go into executive session at 7:40 p.m.  Mayor Quinn stated that Mrs. Emery may be invited to the  executive session.

                ASST. CITY CLERK

On a motion by Paul Samele, seconded by Marie Soliani, the board went into open session at 8:06 p.m.

On a motion by Tom Jerram, seconded by James McKenna, the board voted to adjourn
at 8:06 p.m.

Corporation Counsel