OCTOBER 20, 2003
A REGULAR MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority was held on Monday, October 20, 2003, in the Council Chambers.
Those in attendance included Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., (arrived at 6:45) Councilors Thomas C. Jerram, Paul F. Samele, Jr., Marie P. Soliani, Drake L. Waldron, and James D. Reginatto, Corp. Counsel Albert Vasko, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, City Engineer Edward Fabbri, Purchasing Agent Charlene Antonelli, Superintendent of Equipment Maintenance Michael Michaud, Building Official Francis Cardello, and WPC Administrator Raymond Drew.
During Mayor Quinn’s absence, Councilor Soliani called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to
open the meeting to the public.
Brigette Beauchaine, of 113 Sharon Avenue expressed her concern over a drainage problem on her street. She stated that she had addressed two Mayors, Public Works, and the Street Department and was told there wasn’t any money. She said she was repeatedly assured that the problem would be resolved when they paved, re-graded and re-surfaced the road, but it’s worse now then ever. She was then told they had no plans to asphalt. The city dug a moat in front of her neighbor’s house and filled it in with stone and gravel to absorb the water and covered it with dirt.
She expressed her disappointment in the lack of communication in the Mayor’s office. She had expected to hear from Mayor Quinn today after contacting him at home over the weekend. After doing some research, Jayne Martigneni, the Mayor’s secretary informed her that Mr. Rollett would be there the next morning to review the situation.
Mrs. Beauchaine pointed out that a number of city officials had looked at the matter but nothing had been done to solve the problems. She questioned who was in charge and why they were telling her that water would flow uphill. She also reported that her tires were taking a beating and that her car was bottoming out going in and out of her driveway. She thanked Mr. Nuzinski, an employee at the Street Department, for taking care of building up the road, and for following through with his promise to solve one of her problems.
She urged the Council to listen to her complaints and asked that the matter be added to the agenda.
Edie Mallick, of 135 Sharon Avenue indicated that she had received a letter from the City Engineer stating that the large depression in the street in front of her home would be taken care of when they reclaimed the road. She reported that Sharon Avenue had a total of five storm drains, and was certain the city would install another drain to take care of the flooding issues when they re-paved the road, however, she was informed that no additional drains would be installed. She reported that Mr. Rollett was scheduled to meet with her and her husband in the morning.
She further explained that the road level had always been high enough for her to make the pitch into her steep driveway, however, when the paving began they started digging in front of her house causing her to worry that she wouldn’t be able to make it into her driveway in the future. When the paver stated to her that the city would probably cut into her driveway, she immediately called Mr. Fabbri to discuss the matter. As a result, he had the engineers shoot the grades, and the road was raised by placing an extra thick layer of asphalt in front of her house. She reported that she now had two feet less of road in front of her house that was four inches deep and filled with dirt, and grass would be planted. She stated that she didn’t want grass in that area, and that was the reason she had
a garden there. She preferred it if this area had been paved like the remainder of the street, but the city assured her that this “moat” had the right pitch to make the water drain and that the city wanted to keep uniformity in the road.
Mrs. Mallick also reported that homes on the corner of Eggleston St. and Sharon Ave were discharging water into the street from sump pumps causing an icing condition in the winter. She was informed that this practice was illegal, but they had no drains for them to hook into.
It was her belief that the city would be better served by making improvements to the road prior to spending the money on re-paving it.
Mayor Quinn stated that he had driven on Sharon Avenue on Sunday and instructed Robert Lizotte to look into the matter and report back to him. The reason they were to meet with Mr. Rollett was because Mr. Rollett was Mr. Lizotte’s supervisor.
Mr. Mallick stated that there was no uniformity in the road. It was his belief that the city should install a drain and run it down to Eggleston St. or put a drain in front of his house.
Mrs. Beauchaine inquired whether the matter would be added to the agenda.
Mayor Quinn indicated that nothing could be done until Mr. Rollett and Mr. Lizotte furnished a report on the matter.
Mrs. Beauchaine inquired whether the project would be stopped until the road was graded properly.
Mr. Rollett would report to Mayor Quinn and he would report Mr. Rollett’s decision back to her.
Councilor Reginatto requested an update from Mr. Rollett in two weeks.
On a separate issue, Councilor Reginatto informed the board that Councilor Dalla Valle was absent due to orthopedic surgery on his foot. This was the first meeting he missed in four years.
Dominic Visciotti, property owner of 10 Highland Avenue stated that since the last meeting, the eave on the Highland Avenue side of the building was repaired and the flat roof was shingled up to where the pitch starts, and progress was ongoing. Additional materials were ordered for the valleys of the roof. Mr. Visciotti stated that funding would be available if the appraisal for the project was approved. He explained that the construction loan he applied for was only for eight months, and the work would have to be completed within the eight month period. He explained that he was now thinking of turning the project into condominiums instead of apartments, and that he had approached zoning about the change and was told there was no problem with the use of the land.
Mayor Quinn asked Mr. Visciotti to submit his time table in writing to either Mr. Cardello, Mrs. Barbieri or the Mayor’s Office. He also requested being notified should Mr. Visciotti make any amendment to the time table.
Mayor Quinn reported that J. R. Laliberti contacted the city to say that there had been a death in the family and therefore was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. This matter would be placed on the next agenda.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board, after a brief discussion, voted to accept the recommendation from the Purchasing Agent and the Superintendent of Equipment Maintenance to award the “One Way Hydraulic Reversing Snow Plows” bid to the lowest bidder meeting the technical specification, C.N. Wood of Milford, Ct., and to purchase three such plows at a total cost of $15,525.00 with funds from the Vehicle Replacement Contingency Account and refer the matter to the Board of Finance. (Copy of the Vehicle & Equipment Replacement Policy attached to the minutes.)
Superintendent of Equipment Maintenance Michael Michaud informed the Council that these items had not been budgeted. He explained that funds in the Contingency Account came from vehicles sold at auctions and was used to purchase items that are purchased every thirty years or so. He stated that the city had only one such usable plow left in its inventory and that we wouldn’t be able to manage a winter with only one.
Comptroller Alice Proulx stated that the Contingency Account had a balance of
$97,000.00, from which $77,000.00 was from interest.
On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Samele, the board after a brief discussion, voted to accept the City Engineer’s request to retain firms Milone & MacBroom, Inc. and Tectonic Engineering & Surveying Consultants, P.C. as on-call engineering consultants for the Pinewoods Road Reconstruction Project.
City Engineer Ed Fabbri explained that retaining two firms would provide some competition between the two and save the city time and effort by not having to look for a firm for specific projects. Historically the city receives between thirty and forty applications when projects are advertised, literally giving the Engineering Department weeks of work to review each and every applicant. He stated that the two firms would supply a list of their fees and were well qualified. Pinewoods Road was the first project put forth before both companies and Milone and MacBroom had furnished the best presentation and proposal.
Mr. Fabbri wanted the Council to clearly understand that Pinewoods Road was merely the first project to use these two companies and that the city would want to retain them for future projects as well. Their performance would determine whether or not the city continued to use them.
On a motion by Councilor Samele, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to
approve the following payments from the Torrington High School Building Fund #285:
Hallisey Engineering Invoice #01-1436 $3,135.00
West State Mechanical Invoice dated 7/14/03 $2,688.00
Bell Electrical Contractors Invoice dated 7/24/03 $ 460.00
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the board voted to
authorize the payment of $75.00 from Small Cities Fund #253 to the City of Torrington for a limited title search performed on project #143-196.
On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to
accept the Proclamation: National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 2003.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the board voted to
approve the Proclamation: World Population Awareness Week, Water, Our Most Precious Resource, October 20 - 25, 2003.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, a discussion took place in regard to the request from the Chairman of the Southwest School Building Committee for the Council to vote on price quotes for supplying and planting 2 trees and 12 shrubs to the Southwest project when changes were made to the footprint and to authorize funds from Contingency for said purchase.
Mayor Quinn explained that the project didn’t have any funds left in its account and the landscaping was required by Planning & Zoning. It was noted that the plantings would have a one year guarantee.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the board voted 4-1 with Councilor Reginatto opposing, to accept the second lowest quote of $1,800.00 from Kozlak’s Landscape Management because he is a local business, and referred it to the Board of Finance.
On a motion by Councilor Samele, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to
authorize the payment of $314.75 from Contingency to Scottsdale Insurance Company for the deductible in the Zavatkay matter and referred it to the Board of Finance. (This matter has been resolved.)
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the board voted to
authorize the payment of $5,703.04 from Contingency to Murdock Claim Management Company F/B/O the Hanover Insurance Company for the deductible in the Hepburn matter and referred it to the Board of Finance. (The City has filed a motion for summary judgement and was waiting for the court to rule.)
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the board voted to
accept the Republican Town Committee’s recommendation to appoint Dennis A. Tanner as Selectman to replace Drake Waldron who resigned on October 1, 2003.
Mayor Quinn administered the oath of office of Selectman to Mr. Tanner.
Councilor Reginatto indicated that the Street Light Committee didn’t meet because they didn’t have a quorum, however, he requested the full Council’s decision on several matters that were time sensitive.
1. A second request for a streetlight on Pole #115, Torringford West Street:
Mr. Fabbri indicated that the Street Light Committee had already voted not to transfer lights to the new poles on Torringford West Street. He further indicated that the committee had selected numerous light fixtures throughout the city that were slated to be eliminated as the opportunity arose, and this was one instance.
Councilor Waldron inquired about the cost savings.
Mr. Fabbri indicated that the city could possibly realize a savings of $50,000.00 a year if all the targeted lights within the city were removed.
Councilor Jerram inquired whether there was any merit to Ms. Knox’s memo where she suggested that other poles had been replaced with the lights reconnected under similar conditions.
Mr. Fabbri indicated that they looked at the geometry to make a recommendation on a case by case basis, and in this case they felt it was warranted not to reinstall the light.
MOTION #1950
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to deny the request to reinstall a light on pole #115, Torringford West Street.
2. Request to remove light pole #4395 on Concord Road:
Mr. Fabbri indicated that Marcy McBride had requested the removal of pole #4395 on Concord Road in order for her to have a driveway installed and indicated that she would pay to have it removed. Engineering reviewed the matter and decided that this pole, which was merely a light pole and not a CL&P pole, with a sole purpose of lighting, was not necessary.
MOTION #2070
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to approve the removal of pole #4395 on Concord Road at the expense of Marcy McBride.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to consider business in Section B.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Soliani, a discussion took place in regard to the recommendation from the Public Works Director, for the WPCA to approve Mr. Gill Bechard’s request to pay his sanitary sewer connection fee for the proposed Laundromat at 113 South Main Street in installments, with a ten percent down payment and the balance to be paid over a nine-year period commencing June 1, 2004 at five percent interest.
Mr. Rollett indicated that this type of transaction was allowed by our Charter and had been done in the past.
Councilor Soliani thought this was a good example of the city trying to work with new businesses coming into Torrington.
On behalf of the WPCA, Councilor Soliani made a motion to accept the aforementioned recommendation. Councilor Samele seconded the motion. Unanimous.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the board voted to
consider business presented by Department Heads.
Public Works Director Gerald Rollett informed the Council that the city had scheduled a Household Hazardous Waste Collection day on Saturday, October 25, 2003, and that the city would be conducting yard waste collection for the next six weeks on regular collection days.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the board voted to consider business presented by Mayor Quinn and members of the City Council.
City Engineer Ed Fabbri pointed out that his department was going to look at possibly running a drain on Eggleston Street when they did that project.
After speaking with Mr. Beauchaine, Mr. Fabbri had a survey crew take grade elevations to determine the pitch. They found that it was wasn’t very steep, but it did have some pitch and a low spot. As a result, he talked to Mr. Lizotte about doing some grade adjustments in the paving. They were still planning on making final adjustments of one to two inches of pavement in the final course to get more grade in front of their house. He reported that they were also trying to pave the road in a straight line for the water to get to the catch basin and that was the reason for adding the grass areas.
Councilor Reginatto inquired whether they planned on installing any curbing.
Mr. Rollett indicated that they weren’t looking at curbing.
Mr. Fabbri stated that it was his general feeling, based on previous discussions with the Beauchaine’s that they really didn’t want curbing, however, they would discuss it further in the morning.
Councilor Samele indicated that the Council had received a letter from a resident on Fox Run, and inquired about its status.
Mr. Fabbri indicated that they had located an area that had washed out that measured approximately 3 to 4 feet square. The city had since placed some rip rap in the channel to stabilize it. In regard to the resident’s allegation that their trees died due to the ditch, Mr. Fabbri informed them that the trees possibly died due to construction of new homes in the area, and that the city wasn’t going to replace them.
Councilor Soliani said she received a complaint about the excessive traffic on Mortimer Street since Arthur Street was closed off, and that there were still no signs indicating that the road had in fact been closed.
Mr. Rollett stated that the Traffic Division took care of that and Engineering had asked Officer Shopey to install new signs. Mr. Rollett would remind him.
Mayor Quinn introduced McKenzie Merati who was observing the Council meeting for an American Citizenship class. Two students from Central were also attending the meeting for one of their classes.
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Waldron, the board voted to adjourn at 7:53 p.m.