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Minutes 03/24/2003
                   SPECIAL MEETING
                  CITY COUNCIL & WPC AUTHORITY
                  MARCH 24, 2003

                 A   SPECIAL  MEETING  of the City Council & WPC Authority  to discuss
                  budgets, was held on Monday, March 24, 2003,  in the Council Chambers.

Attending were Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., City Councilors Thomas C. Jerram, Marie P. Soliani, David M. Bascetta, Richard E. Dalla Valle, James D. Reginatto, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, City Engineer Edward Fabbri, Superintendent of Equipment Maintenance Michael Michaud, Superintendent of Streets Robert Lizotte, Park & Recreation Dir.,  Richard Calarca, and WPC Administrator Raymond Drew, and City Clerk Joseph L. Quartiero.
Mayor Quinn called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.  

On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the budget meeting held March 10, 2003.

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the City Real Estate budget.

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Public Works Director’s budget.

        CITY HALL #290
Mr. Rollett stated he planned not to replace the cleaning company for city hall.    He will continue to budget $5,000.00 for work that the custodial staff would not perform, like major floor polishing, window washing, etc.   He is very confident with the new custodians at City Hall, and they were doing an excellent job not only in building maintenance, but in other tasks such as updating the building.

Mr. Rollett stated this budget did not include a new telephone system.   He stated has spoken  with different telephone companies, and there is a possibility that the savings in changing our equipment would offset the cost of changing the equipment.  

Another item not listed in this budget, was the cost of consolidating offices, such as the Comptroller’s complex which was recently done through the efforts of the Street Department, custodians, etc.   The Council could see another such project if they were to increase this budget by $15,000.00.

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Dalla Valle, the Council voted unanimously to increase the City Hall budget by $15,000.00 in Line Item 5245 Building Maintenance, subject to  repairs of office consolidation and to tentatively approve the City Hall budget with a bottom line of $265,910.00.    

Mr. Michaud explained the following line items that had been increased to accommodate Board of Education vehicles:
Line Item 5275 Repairs Vehicle           $14,600.00
Line Item 5279 Repairs Outside           $  3,000.00
Line Item 5349 Tires                             $  2,000.00

Mr. Rollett estimated that the city would be maintaining 18 major pieces of equipment for the Board of Ed and Mr. Michaud was in the process of evaluating them.   

Mr. Michaud said he didn’t know what the Board of Ed was doing with vehicle replacement.

Mr. Rollett indicated that the dollar amounts in the Gas and Diesel line items were based on an anticipated number, subject to change.

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Equipment Maintenance budget.
The Council decreased Line Item 5215, Contracts by $10,000.00.    Depending on whether there is a retirement in the coming year, funds could be transferred from regular wages into contracts.

Vehicle Replacement remained the same as last year’s dollar amount.

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Engineering budget.

Mr. Rollett indicated that the increase was a result in tipping fees that had increased from $57.00 a ton to $63.75 per ton and would continue to increase.   The projection was $105.00 by the year 2010.   There was also a significant increase in the amount of tons being disposed of.  

        Mr. Rollett felt the Landfill budget was the one most likely to find areas to save dollars.  He         suggested forming a committee to look at a number of issues, i.e., automated pick up, Charter requirements, etc.  

A discussion took place on the tire removal process.

Mr. Rollett stated he was working on ways to decrease this budget through discussions with the contracted haulers, DEP, CRRA, etc.  

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Bascetta, the Council voted 4-1 to tentatively approve the Landfill budget.   Councilor Dalla Valle opposed, based on the CRRA increase.  

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to tentative approve the Sanitary Sewer / Street Light budget.

STREET #1840
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously  to tentatively approve the Street Department budget at 97%.  Revenues offset by Town Aid, LOCIP, etc., are not included in this budget.

Ms. Proulx indicated that the net effect on the operational budget not including the capital outlay was 10% increase.  

A discussion took place in regard to the Part Time line item.  

Mr. Rollett indicated that approximately $55,000.00 would be returned to the General Fund from FEMA’s reimbursement costs for this winter’s snow removal.  

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted   to accept the Street - Capital Improvement budget as it stands.   Unanimous.

PARKS #2470
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted to tentatively approve the Parks budget.

Councilor Dalla Valle indicated that funds would probably be requested from Small Cities for the skateboard park, greatly reducing the amount requested from the city.

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Parks - Capital Improvement budget.

$12,000.00 was budgeted for fireworks.

Councilor Reginatto noted that the budget increased by $38,000.00 even though the skate board park line item was reduced by $50,000.00.

Mr. Calarca stated that the budget included a lump sum retirement of $24,000.00 and fireworks for $12,000.00.

Councilor Dalla Valle made a motion to accept the Recreation budget as it stands.   Councilor Soliani seconded the motion.

Because Councilor Reginatto’s was reluctant to commit to anything at this time, Councilor Dalla Valle rescinded his original motion.  Councilor Soliani rescinded her second.   

Councilor Dalla Valle made a motion to tentatively approve the Recreation budget.  Councilor Soliani seconded the motion.   Unanimous.

HEALTH #3600
On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Health budget.

WPCA FUND 0030 #230
Mr. Rollett and Mr. Drew anticipated an increase in sewer user fee from $147.00 to $155.00 per year.   Since the increase would not fully cover all bonding expenses, it was recommended to use funds from the undesignated fund balance within the WPCA budget to cover the projected $116,000.00 deficit.

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the WPCA budget.

Councilor Dalla Valle made a motion to tentatively approve the Coe Godfrey budget, then rescinded his motion.

On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Jerram, the Council voted unanimously to approve the Coe Godfrey budget.  

On motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the City Clerk’s budget.

A discussion took place in regard to new voting machines that will be mandated by the year 2006.  

On a motion by Councilor Jerram, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Election budget.

                CITY CLERK