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Minutes 02/10/2003
                   SPECIAL MEETING
                   CITY COUNCIL & WPC AUTHORITY
                   FEBRUARY 10, 2003
                               A   SPECIAL  MEETING  of the City Council & WPC Authority was held on Monday, February 10, 2003, in the Council Chambers.

Present was Acting Mayor Marie P. Soliani, City Councilors Thomas C. Jerram, David M. Bascetta, Richard E. Dalla Valle, and James D. Reginatto, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, and Treasurer Richard J. Friday.  Absent were Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., Councilor Paul F. Samele, Jr. and Corp. Counsel, Albert Vasko.


No action was taken by the Council on the minutes of the regular meeting held February 3, 2003.
Acting Mayor Soliani called the public hearing to order at 7:00 p.m.

Assistant City Clerk Joline LeBlanc read the legal notice.

        PUBLIC HEARING:   The Board of Councilmen of the City of Torrington, Connecticut, acting as the City’s Water Pollution Control Authority, held a public hearing in the Council Chambers at the Torrington Municipal Building, 140 Main Street in Torrington, Connecticut, with respect to the following projects:

Replacement of approximately 3200 lineal feet of sanitary sewer lines in East Main Street generally from Columbus Road to New Harwinton Road to eliminate existing deteriorating sewers, such existing sewers to be abandoned and removed from service; including any related appurtenance construction or installation, land or easement acquisition and other work.

Replacement of approximately 4500 lineal feet of sanitary sewer lines in New Harwinton Road generally from East Main Street to Norton Street to eliminate existing deteriorating sewers, such existing sewers to be abandoned and removed from service; including any related appurtenance construction or installation, land or easement acquisition and other work.  

Acting Mayor Soliani asked for public input.

Public Works Director Gerald Rollett noted that no one from the public was in attendance.

Councilor Bascetta inquired about the impact of the projects on the businesses.   

Mr. Rollett indicated that they did not anticipate any road closings.  There will be work within travel lanes.  A lane will be kept open through the construction sight for the duration of this work.

Councilor Bascetta asked “Most of those lanes are two lanes, are they going to be able to keep one lane open, do you figure, in one direction?”

Mr. Rollett said yes.

There were no further questions or comments.

Acting Mayor Soliani called the public hearing to a close at 7:05 p.m.

No action was taken on Item #3 on the Agenda:
“Vote to adopt a Resolution and approve the following projects:

Replacement of approximately 3200 lineal feet of sanitary sewer lines in East Main Street generally from Columbus Road to New Harwinton Road to eliminate existing deteriorating sewers, such existing sewers to be abandoned and removed from service; including any related appurtenance construction or installation, land or easement acquisition and other work.

Replacement of approximately 4500 lineal feet of sanitary sewer lines in New Harwinton Road generally from East Main Street to Norton Street to eliminate existing deteriorating sewers, such existing sewers to be abandoned and removed from service; including any related appurtenance construction or installation, land or easement acquisition and other work.”  
                               ATTEST: JOLINE LeBLANC
                  ASST. CITY CLERK

               ASST. CITY CLERK