DECEMBER 2, 2002
A REGULAR MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority was held on Monday, December 2, 2002, in the Council Chambers.
Present were Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., City Councilors Anne L. Ruwet, Paul F. Samele, Jr., Marie P. Soliani, David M. Bascetta, Richard E. Dalla Valle, and James D. Reginatto, Corp. Counsel Albert Vasko, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, Data Processing Manager William Hoffman, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, Board of Public Safety Commissioner James E. Potter, and the Chairman of the Charter Revision Commission, Atty. Victor Muschell.
Mayor Quinn called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.
On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the board, with the exception of Councilors Ruwet and Samele who abstained, voted to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held October 7, 2002.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
Victor Muschell, Chairman of the Charter Revision Commission, informed the Council that the Commission met on November 21 to consider the Council’s last actions and that they would be receiving the final report prior to the deadline, December 4, 2002. It was his belief that the Council would have fifteen days to vote on the Commission’s final report.
Atty. Muschell stated that the Commission addressed each of the votes taken by the Council.
1) The Council voted not to eliminate the waiving of the bid bond in connection with the bidding process. The Commission maintained their position because they viewed it as a cost saving measure and a means of encouraging additional bidders.
2) The Council voted to increase the limit of the bidding threshold from $3,000.00 to $10,000.00. The Commission agreed with the Council to increase the limit to $10,000.00.
3) The Council voted not to extend the terms of any city officials. The Commission agreed.
4) The Council voted not to change the wording in the Charter to allow for a Finance Director unless current jobs were replaced. Atty. Muschell indicated that there was no specific wording in the Charter about hiring a Finance Director. It was the Commission’s feeling that the Council would establish whatever conditions would be imposed on the hiring of a Finance Director, if and when such hiring took place. No changes were made in regard to the Council’s vote on this matter.
5) The Council wanted to see wording in the Charter that showed the Finance Board as advisory only. Atty. Muschell said the Commission never specifically addressed that fundamental issue in their deliberations. Based upon the Council’s vote and many discussions held, the Commission changed their basic recommendation in regard to the entire Finance Department. All of the reporting, supervision, and overview will now be the City Council’s responsibility instead of what formerly appeared to be the Board of Finance’s responsibility. The relationship between the City Council and the Board of Finance remained the same.
6) The Council voted to add a section to the Charter to institute a waiting period of at least one year for elected officials to get a job in the private sector. The Commission made no recommendation on this matter, since they didn’t have enough information on its background and because it was never brought before the Commission as an issue, nor subjected to a public hearing. No action was taken by the Commission on this matter.
Mayor Quinn inquired whether the verbiage referencing male versus female would be included in the changes.
Atty. Muschell stated that these technical changes in verbiage would not need to go to a referendum. The Charter should be gender neutral.
Councilor Dalla Valle asked why the Council wasn’t presented with the final draft prior to it being made available to the press. (Several Councilors had received their copy during an earlier Personnel Committee meeting, and copies had been made to distribute to the remainder of the Council during this meeting.)
Atty. Muschell stated that the Commission considered the information to be public, and they weren’t asking for action from the Council at this time.
Corp. Counsel Vasko added that everything in the draft report had already been discussed and voted on by the Commission during their November 21 public meeting.
On a motion by Councilor Samele, seconded by Councilor Bascetta, the Council, after a brief discussion, voted unanimously to accept the Board of Public Safety’s recommendation to award the bid for the Lease & Maintenance of Firefighter Turnout Gear to Firematic Supply of Rocky Hill, Ct. for $25,070.52 a year for five years. (Tabled on 11/19/02 - Bid specs sent under separate cover.)
During a discussion, Deputy Chief Giampaolo stated that the department would rotate the new gear with the existing gear so they could be cleaned and inspected on a regular basis.
On a motion by Councilor Bascetta and seconded by Councilor Ruwet, the board discussed the recommendation from the Board of Education to: Establish a building committee of one person consisting of the Director of Facilities, authorized to develop the schematic drawings and specifications for school building grants, and to Authorize the Board of Education to submit to the State Department of Education Form ED049.
Councilor Bascetta pointed out that the Director of Facilities was out of the office at the present time and inquired whether the request was, indeed, coming from the Director of Facilities or from the second in command.
Mayor Quinn noted that the Director of Facilities was on medical leave and a person with the position of Director of Facilities elsewhere in the state had taken over that position on a part time basis. It was the Mayor’s understanding that the interim Director of Facilities had put forth the recommendation on the roof for the Torrington High School.
Councilor Bascetta was uncertain if this was a formality the Council should worry about, since the interim Director of Facilities was not the actual person who would make the decisions.
Councilor Reginatto inquired whether they should add someone to the requested one-person building committee.
Councilor Dalla Valle pointed out that the item on the agenda didn’t mention the reason for the building committee either.
Asst. City Clerk Joline LeBlanc stated that she should have included, “In regard to the Torrington High School Roof Repairs”, to the agenda item.
Councilor Ruwet suggested amending the motion to include “In regard to the Torrington High School Roof Repairs.” She noted that this expense was included in their capital budget for repairs over a four-year period.
Councilor Bascetta amended his motion, to accept the recommendation from the Board of Education in regard to the Torrington High School Roof Repairs to: To Establish a building committee of one person consisting of the Director of Facilities, authorized to develop the schematic drawings and specifications for school building grants, and to Authorize the Board of Education to submit to the State Department of Education Form ED049 and include the existing interim Director of Facilities. Councilor Ruwet amended her second.
During a discussion, Councilor Soliani pointed out that Dr. Riccio’s letter to Mayor Quinn dated November 21, 2002 stated that the Board of Education had $652,000.00 in their capital budget for the first phase of the four-year project and she inquired whether this meant that more monies would be needed for proceeding phases. Was $652,000.00 going to be only the first phase and was that project going to take four years?
Mayor Quinn stated that he had intended to speak with the Superintendent of Schools on this matter, however, his schedule hadn’t allowed him time to do so. It was his understanding that the roof repairs will be a multi million dollar project. If that was the case, four years at $652,000.00 made sense.
Councilor Ruwet said she wasn’t certain the Council could feel confident that the cost would be $652,000.00 for each phase.
Mayor Quinn agreed.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the board voted unanimously to table the recommendation from the Board of Education: To Establish a building committee of one person consisting of the Director of Facilities, including the existing interim Director of Facilities, authorized to develop the schematic drawings and specifications for school building grants, and to Authorize the Board of Education to submit to the State Department of Education Form ED049 in regard to the Torrington High School Roof Repairs.
Mayor Quinn stated that he would see to it that additional information would be forthcoming.
Vote to authorize the payment of $24,830.00 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund #490 to Cardinal Engineering, Inc. for contract administration and field inspection on the Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Highland Avenue, Oakbrook Lane / West Horace Street and Perkins Street, and refer it to the Board of Finance. Amended, see next item.
Councilor Ruwet made a motion to accept the following amended request: To authorize the payment of $24,830.00 from Bond Fund #302 to Cardinal Engineering, Inc. for contract administration and field inspection on the Sanitary Sewer Improvements to Highland Avenue. Councilor Samele seconded the motion. Unanimous.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council, after a brief discussion, voted unanimously to accept the recommendations from the Purchasing Agent and the Data Processing Manager to award the bid on the AS400 Computer System Replacement to the low bidder, R. Walsh Associates, Inc. of Marion, Ct. for $42,052.00.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Bascetta, the Council voted unanimously to consider business in Section B.
On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Samele, the Council voted unanimously to accept the request from the Public Works Director to waive the bid process and purchase a chipper off the state bid for $28,675.00, using funds from the Vehicle Replacement Account. (No paperwork. The item was scheduled to be purchased in year 2003-04.)
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Councilor Dalla Valle, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads.
Mr. Rollett requested adding an item to the Agenda by 2/3rds vote in regard to a bid for a rental of a wood chipping crew.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Dalla Valle, the Council voted unanimously to add the item to the Agenda.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council voted 5-1 to approve the rental of a wood chipping crew. Councilor Ruwet opposed the motion.
Corp. Counsel Vasko requested adding an Executive Session under Pending Claims to the Agenda by 2/3rds vote.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to add the Executive Session under Pending Claims to the Agenda.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Bascetta, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Mayor Quinn and members of the City Council.
Councilor Reginatto inquired whether someone could look into having the floors waxed. Mr. Rollett indicated that he would look into it.
Councilor Reginatto thought the Council was going to have a written decision by Corp. Counsel Vasko in their packet. (The subject matter was not disclosed.)
Corp. Counsel Vasko apologized for misunderstanding. He thought Councilor Reginatto wanted an opinion in Executive Session rather than a written one.
Councilor Reginatto requested adding an Executive Session under Personnel to the Agenda by 2/3rds vote.
Councilor Dalla Valle requested clarification. He didn’t believe there could be an executive session unless it was requested by the person being discussed, otherwise it would have to be in the open session.
Atty. Vasko noted that it was the opposite.
Councilor Dalla Valle seconded the motion for an Executive Session under Personnel. Unanimous.
Councilor Dalla Valle pointed out his concern over the lack of communication when a local event is either scheduled, postponed or canceled.
Councilor Bascetta indicated that he met with Dr. Riccio and members of Borghesi Engineering in regard to the repairs being made to the Torrington Middle School roof. He hoped to have a draft report completed in the near future.
On a motion by Councilor Bascetta, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to go into executive session at 8:37 p.m.
On a motion by David Bascetta, seconded by Richard Dalla Valle, the board went into open session at 9:05 p.m.
On a motion by David Bascetta, seconded by Richard Dalla Valle, the board approved the payment of $15,890.33 from contingency to Bismark Construction Company to resolve all change order issues related to Southwest School and referred it to the Board of Finance for approval.
On a motion by Richard Dalla Valle, seconded by Anne Ruwet, the board moved to add an item to the agenda by two-thirds regarding the use of a vehicle in the Mayor’s office. Councilwoman Soliani and Councilman Samele were opposed. The motion passed four to two.
On a motion by Richard Dalla Valle, seconded by Anne Ruwet, the board moved to remove the vehicle from the Mayor’s office and compensate the Mayor for the value of the vehicle.
The motion was subsequently amended by Richard Dalla Valle, and seconded by Anne Ruwet, to have the motion take effect on December 9, 2002.
A motion to table the issue was moved by Councilwoman Soliani and seconded by Councilman Samele. The motion to table failed four to two.
The motion as amended was called and approved four to two with Councilwoman Soliani and Councilman Samele opposed.
On a motion by Marie Soliani, seconded by Anne Ruwet, the board adjourned at 9:17 p.m.
Corporation Counsel