OCTOBER 7, 2002
A REGULAR MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority was held on Monday, October 7, 2002, in the Council Chambers.
In attendance were Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr. who arrived at 7:48 p.m., City Councilors Marie P. Soliani, David M. Bascetta, Richard E. Dalla Valle, and James D. Reginatto, Corp. Counsel Albert Vasko, Public Works Director Gerald Rollett, and City Planner Martin Connor. Councilors Anne L. Ruwet and Paul F. Samele, Jr. were absent.
In Mayor Quinn’s absence, Councilor Soliani called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council voted to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held August 19, 2002.
Councilors Bascetta and Reginatto abstained.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Bascetta, the Council voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
Pat Fairchild, Chairman of the Park & Recreation Commission, introduced Rich Calarco, the new Superintendent of Park & Recreation.
Mr. Calarco said he was happy to have been chosen for this position and looked forward to a long, successful tenure with the City of Torrington.
Cherie Gath said she was still awaiting the Council’s approval to get space in City Hall to erect a Living Memorial for Torrington residents actively deployed in the war on terrorism. She explained her plan to the Council.
Mr. Rollett indicated that the plans would have to be reviewed by the Fire Marshal and Building Officials. He expressed his concern over the possibility that flags hung from the ceiling may block emergency exit signs and create safety hazzards.
Mrs. Gath noted that she would be more than willing to work with Mr. Rollett and comply with whatever regulations were placed upon her.
Councilor Dalla Valle suggested placing this item on the next agenda so the matter could be researched.
Councilor Soliani asked Mrs. Gath to present her plans in writing to the Council for their review as well as to city officials to make certain they meet building/fire codes.
Mrs. Gath said she chose to speak in front of the Council rather than put it in writing in order to better explain the project and save time. If the flags were going to stall the project, she could place them on poles along the walls.
The entire Council thought it was a great idea but they needed more information before approving the project.
Councilor Bascetta suggested that Mrs. Gath get a letter of endorsement from Len Duby, the city’s Veterans Administrator.
Councilor Dalla Valle stated that the City of Torrington had already taken a major stand in recognizing the men and women presently in this campaign when the Council voted to pay city employees their wages after being deployed to active duty. He didn’t think anyone would oppose Mrs. Gath’s plans once the Public Works Director, the Building Official and the Fire Marshal had the opportunity to review and approve her plans.
The matter would be added to the Council’s next agenda, scheduled for 10/21/02.
On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council voted unanimously to approve the request from the Torringford School Building Committee for $75,000.00 from Contingency for pre referendum costs and referred it to the Board of Finance.
It was noted that these funds would be reimbursed through bonding, however, they would be returned to the General Fund and not Contingency.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Bascetta, the Council voted to table the recommendations from Atty. Muschell and Thomas Gritt to accept the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and Local 1579 (City Hall) until such time as all members of the Council were present. Councilor Reginatto abstained
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council after a brief discussion, voted unanimously to approve the Board of Public Safety’s recommendation to authorize the payment of approximately $6,524.00 from Contingency to purchase a new traffic signal cabinet to replace the one that was damaged on High Street and referred it to the Board of Finance. (Tabled on 9/16/02.)
During the discussion, Councilor Bascetta expressed his concern over the depletion of Contingency.
Councilor Dalla Valle suggested reimbursing Contingency for items such as this from the Anthem Stock Funds.
Corp. Counsel Vasko pointed out that any funds coming into the city go into the General Fund and becomes surplus at the end of the year.
Mayor Quinn thought it was a matter worth discussing with the financial people since Contingency was at its lowest stage and the Council should be prepared to handle an emergency. He would speak with the Treasurer and Comptroller on procedures for General Fund / Contingency and report back to the Council.
Councilor Bascetta requested placing the matter of Contingency versus General Fund on the agenda for the next meeting.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Bascetta, the Council voted to approve the recommendation from the Park & Recreation Commission to extend the Fuessenich Park Concessionaire Contract with Alfredo’s Deli for one year, 2002 (Tabled on 9/3/02 & 9/16/02.) Councilor Dalla Valle abstained,
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to accept the Building Department Report for September 2002.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council voted unanimously to accept the following Proclamations:
Connecticut Bike Week - October 14 - October 20, 2002
White Cane Safety Day, October 15, 2002
World Population Awareness Week - October 20 - October 26, 2002
Bible Week, November 24 - December 1, 2002
City Clerk Joseph L. Quartiero read the Proclamation on Connecticut Bike Week and Councilor Dalla Valle presented it to Mr. & Mrs. Ed Buley on behalf of the Council.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council voted to deny payment of $137.50 from Contingency to Gordon, Muir & Foley, LLP for professional services rendered in regard to the Middle School Project. Councilor Reginatto voted in favor of the motion to authorize payment, Councilors Soliani, Dalla Valle and Bascetta opposed the motion. The motion failed.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council, after a brief discussion, voted unanimously to adopt a Resolution authorizing Autotote Enterprises, Inc. to establish a simulcast facility at 1700 East Main Street in the City of Torrington, Connecticut.
John L. Ponzio, President of Autotote Enterprises, said he perceived an increase in revenue for the City of Torrington by establishing a simulcast facility. Under state law, 31/2% of each dollar that’s wagered is paid in paramutual taxes, 1.9% goes to the State and 1.6% goes to the town. The city presently receives approximately $65,000.00 worth of revenue and will receive 1.6% of the increase in business.
The space was readily available and internal renovations will take place should their business warrant it. All of their plans will go through proper channels and be submitted as required. Dining was not anticipated at this location.
Resolved that Autotote Enterprises, Inc. is hereby authorized to establish a simulcast facility at 1700 East Main Street in the City of Torrington, Connecticut, pursuant to the terms of Section 12-571a(b) and 12-572(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes, such authority to include Sunday wagering.
On a motion by Councilor Reginatto, seconded by Councilor Dalla Valle, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads.
Marty Connor requested the appointment of several positions.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to add the appointments to the Agenda.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the Council voted unanimously to approve the following appointments:
Planning & Zoning Commission: James Bobinski, Alternate to replace Ray Turri, term to expire in December 2005.
Zoning Board of Appeals: Todd Bryda, Alternate to replace Vacancy, term to expire December 2006.
Al Bagnashi, Alternate to replace Judith Theeb, term to expire December 2007.
Kathleen Perrotti, from Alternate to full member to replace Robert Weston, term to expire December 2006.
Inland Wetlands Commission: Fred Rodgers, to replace Brian Cornell, term to expire September 2004.
Christine Altman, to replace Ted Gantek, term to expire September 2004.
Councilor Dalla Valle noted that he had previously requested a list of vacant positions in the city and was delighted to see that some of them had been filled. He hoped the city would continue to fill the remaining vacancies.
Mr. Connor noted that more vacancies were forthcoming and asked the Council to submit names of anyone who might express an interest in serving for the City.
Councilor Dalla Valle requested a list of current vacancies, as well as the names of those who had expressed their desire to resign.
City Clerk Joseph L. Quartiero informed the Council that he spent his grant funds wisely by restoring some hand written land record books from the early 1800's.
Mr. Quartiero also noted that his office experienced approximately $4,000.00 worth of computer losses from the recent power outage, and ten electrical outlets that were no longer working.
Mr. Rollett reported further on the city’s losses. Five offices were impacted. Approximately 25 outlets were no longer functioning due to three circuits burning up. The Utility Company was aware that the city lost approximately $5,000.00 worth of computer equipment. He was working with the electricians to see what it will cost to replace three circuits. He didn’t have any great expectations to get reimbursed from the Utility Company, however, he will submit bills and push as hard as he can to get reimbursed. The City’s insurance deductible is $25,000.00.
On a motion by Councilor Bascetta, seconded by Councilor Reginatto, the Council voted unanimously to consider business presented by Mayor Quinn and members of the City Council.
Mayor Quinn requested adding an item to the Agenda by 2/3rds vote in regard to an appointment to the Housing Authority to replace Eugene Dunkel as well as appointments/reappointments to the Board of Ethics.
Councilor Dalla Valle made a motion to add Mayor Quinn’s request to the Agenda by 2/3rds vote. Councilor Soliani seconded the motion. Unanimous
Mayor Quinn reported that Robert Raleigh was being named as the replacement for Eugene Dunkel to serve as Commissioner of the Housing Authority.
Mayor Quinn reported that Dr. Cheryl Dickinson, member of the Board of Ethics had served her third consecutive term and, although she would like to serve again, the statute prohibits her from doing so. This board also had a vacancy that needed to be filled. Sharon Dante and Timothy Driscoll had expressed an interest to become members of the Board of Ethics to replace Dr. Dickinson and fill the existing vacancy. All terms expired September 2002 and needed to be renewed to 2005. Current members of the board who would like to be reappointed included Brooke Muschell, Chairman of the Board, Juliana Bray and John Logan. Three Alternate vacancies remained available.
On a motion by Councilor Dalla Valle, seconded by Councilor Soliani, the board voted unanimously to accept Mayor Quinn’s aforementioned recommendations to the Housing Authority and the Board of Ethics.
Councilor Dalla Valle requested adding a discussion on the next agenda in regard to property located on the corner of North Elm and Main Street that had been an eyesore for years. It was suggested to turn the property into a mutual parking lot for merchants and an overflow lot for the Police Department.
Councilor Dalla Valle noted that Engineering already had a plan on file that would have to be updated and reviewed further and he thought the Council should move forward to take the property back from the state.
Mayor Quinn stated that the item could be added to the next agenda for discussion.
Secondly, Councilor Dalla Valle thought the Block Party scheduled for October 20 for Bike Week would be a good event for the Council to attend.
After reading the Planning & Zoning minutes, Councilor Dalla Valle commended Ed Fabbri and Marty Connor for suggesting the installation of a street light at Griswold when renovations take place at the car dealerships in the area.
Lastly, Councilor Dalla Valle volunteered to be a member of the Blight Task Force.
Councilor Bascetta asked Gerry Rollett about the paving on Highland Avenue.
Mr. Rollett noted that the digging up of Highland Avenue at the present time was planned. He indicated that the sewer project had been in the works for eight years. The city had reached a point where they couldn’t get plow trucks over Highland Avenue for another winter and the public was experiencing problems with the road. Instead of digging it up and doing major renovations to it, they planned a simple, overlay, knowing full well that a trench would be done for the sewer project.
Councilor Dalla Valle said it was good to finally see an end to the Torrington vs. Town of Harwinton matter that cost the city $57,000.00.
Mayor Quinn distributed the Bells of Remembrance to the Council.
The board agreed to hold a Public Hearing for Charter Revision on October 21, 2002.
On a motion by Councilor Bascetta, seconded by Councilor Dalla Valle, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:48 p.m.