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Agenda 04/06/2015

Amended Agenda
REGULAR MEETING  --  City Hall Auditorium
Monday, April 6, 2015  --  6:30 p.m.

1.  Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 16, 2015.

Open to Public  
2.  Vote to open the meeting to the public.

Mayor’s Appts.: Torr. Area Health District
3.  Vote to accept the Mayor’s reappointment of Joseph Petricone, Jr. to the Torrington Area Health District for a 3-year term expiring Jan. 9, 2018 and the appointment of Timothy Waldron to the same, term expiring Jan. 9, 2017.

Fire Dept. Uniforms
4.  Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s, Fire Chief’s and Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation and authorize the Mayor to purchase, execute and administer a contract for Class A Fire Dept. Uniforms from the low bidder, New England Uniform, LLC of Danbury, CT for the estimated amount of $5,000, pending Board of Public Safety approval on 4/1/2015.

Electrical Services
5.  Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation and authorize the Mayor to extend the current bid contract for FY15/16 for Electrical Services for the City of Torrington with Connole’s Electric, LLC of Torrington, at the current pricing of $52.00/hour with the current terms and conditions in effect for this period.

Plumbing and Related Repairs
6.  Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation and authorize the Mayor to extend the current bid contract for FY15/16 for the same rates of $88.00/hour for Journeyman and $55.00/hour for Apprentice with the current terms and conditions in effect.

Loader Backhoe for Street Dept.
7.  Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s, Fleet Manager’s and Street Supt.’s recommendation and authorize the Mayor to award, execute and administer the purchase of a 4WD Loader Backhoe to W.I. Clark Co. of Wallingford CT for $90,860.00, from the Vehicle Replacement Account.

Reject Bid:  Fuessenich Infield Improvements
8.  Vote to accept the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation’s recommendation and authorize the Mayor to reject the five bid proposals received for Fuessenich Park Infield Improvements due to overpricing or lack of qualification.
Value Engineering:  Fuessenich Infield Improvements
9.  Vote to accept the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation’s recommendation, and authorize the completion of a Value Engineering process with the four qualified bidders, and with Project Consultant, Milone and MacBroom, to bring the project into budget, maintain the project’s integrity and return it to City Council with a recommendation.

Small Cities Grants
10.  Vote to accept the recommendation of the Small Cities Committee regarding the subordination of a loan for 142 Visconti Avenue.  

11.  Vote to authorize the following payments:
Vendor                  Requisition #        Invoice Date       Fund    Amount     Description
Tim Waldron             HRLR-235             3/13/2015  250     $771.96    Reimbursement 2015 NCDA Conference
City of Torrington           13-SC-45                3/13/2015  270     $ 75.00    Title Search
-transfer-                              13-SC-47             3/23/2015            270   $400.00    Project #143-343
Repub. American             13-SC-46         3/23/2015  270     $134.56    Ad, Invitation to Bid
-transfer-                          ESC-13-19        3/17/2015  277     $400.00    Project #143-343

Building Department
12.  Vote to accept the Building Department Report for February 2015.

Emerg. Mgt. Grant
13.  Vote to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into with and deliver any and all necessary documents, and to perform all necessary acts to carry out the terms of such documents for the FFY 2014 Application for an Emergency Management Performance Grant.

Business by Dept. Heads
14.  Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.    

Business: Mayor & Members
15.  Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.

16.  Discuss/Vote on budgets as presented.
