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Agenda 09/15/2014




6:30 p.m.

Monday, September 15, 2014

City Hall Auditorium

  • To Solicit Citizen Input to consider adding an ordinance regarding the redemption fees for an impounded dog, cat or other animal.

Sec. _____.  Redemption Fees for Impounded dog, cat or other animal.

In accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 22-333, any dog, cat or other animal captured or impounded by the Regional Animal Control Authority shall be redeemed by the owner or keeper thereof, or the agent of such owner or keeper, upon proper identification; and, if the animal in question is a dog, upon presentation to the Animal Control Officer of a license and tag for such dog, and upon the payment by such owner or keeper or his agent of (1) a redemption fee of fifteen dollars; and (2) the cost of advertising incurred under the provisions of Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 22-332. When  the owner or keeper of any such impounded dog, cat or other animal fails to redeem such dog, cat, or other animal within twenty-four hours after receiving notification to do so, or, where the owner was unknown, within twenty-four hours after notification was effected by means of publication in a newspaper, such owner or keeper shall pay, in addition to such redemption fee and cost of advertising, the amount determined by the Regional Animal Control Authority to be the full cost of detention and care of such impounded dog, cat or other animal.

The owner or keeper of any dog, cat or other animal impounded for the purposes of quarantine, as set forth in Conn. Gen. Stat. Sections 22-358 and 22-359, shall pay the amount determined by the Regional Animal Control Authority to be the full cost of detention and care of such quarantined animal.
Any owner or keeper of any impounded dog, cat or other animal who fails to redeem such dog, cat or other animal within one hundred twenty hours after receiving notification to do so shall have committed an infraction.

All fees collected pursuant to this ordinance will be deposited into a Regional Animal Control Facility Fund to be used for operating expenses of the Regional Animal Control Facility Fund.