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Agenda 09/02/2014 Spec. Jt.


S P E C I A L    J O I N T     M E E T I N G



Immediately Following the Public Hearing starting at 6:30 p.m.


  • Consideration and action by the Board of Finance on a resolution recommending the appropriation of $52,000,000 for the planning, design, construction, and reconstruction of the Water Pollution Control Facility and Wastewater Infrastructure and authorizing the issuance of $52,000,000 Bonds of the City to meet said appropriation and pending the issuance thereof, the making of temporary borrowings for such purpose.            (by roll call vote)
  • Consideration and action by the Board of Councilmen and the Board of Councilmen Acting Herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority on (i) the recommendation of the Board of Finance as to Item #1, and (ii) a resolution entitled “Resolution Appropriating $52,000,000 For The Planning, Design, Construction, And Reconstruction Of The Water Pollution Control Facility And Wastewater Infrastructure And Authorizing The Issuance Of $52,000,000 Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof, The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose.” (by roll call vote)
  • Consideration and action by the Board of Councilmen on a resolution to submit the resolution adopted in Item #2 above, for approval or disapproval by the electors of the City, at a Special City Meeting pursuant to section C2-3 of the City Charter and held in conjunction with the general election on November 4, 2014 between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
The warning of said meeting will state the question to be voted on as follows:  “Shall the resolution entitled “Resolution Appropriating $52,000,000 For The Planning, Design, Construction, And Reconstruction Of The Water Pollution Control Facility And Wastewater Infrastructure And Authorizing The Issuance Of $52,000,000 Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof, The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose”, adopted by the Board of Councilmen at its meeting held September 2, 2014, be approved?
The ballot label for said question shall    read as follows:  “Shall the City of Torrington appropriate $52,000,000 for the planning, design, construction, and reconstruction of the Water Pollution Control Facility and Wastewater Infrastructure and authorize the issuance of $52,000,000 bonds of the City to finance the appropriation?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YES _____~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO ____"
The warning shall also state that the full text of the aforesaid resolution is on file, open to public inspection, in the Office of the City Clerk, that the vote on the aforesaid bond resolution is taken under the authority of Section C2-3 of the Charter of the City of Torrington and Chapter 152 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended, and that absentee ballots will be made available in accordance with law, in the Office of the City Clerk. (by roll call vote)