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Agenda 05/08/2014 Special Telephonic
Conference Call-in Number:
1 (605) 475-4700
Access Code:  349779#
May 8, 2014
Mayor’s Office – 9:00 a.m.

Schedule Public Hearing – NAA
1.      Vote to schedule a public hearing on Monday, May 19th at 6:30 pm to review and discuss proposals for participation in the 2014 Neighborhood Assistance Act.

Senior Center Van
2.      Vote to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and execute on behalf of the City all agreements, contracts, and necessary forms required for the 5310 application for the CT DOT funding for a new medical transportation van.

Schedule Public Hearing- WPCA
3.      Herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority vote to schedule Public Hearing for May 19, 2014, immediately following the NAA Public Hearing, to set the Sewer User Fee for the period from July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015.

Budget Adjustments      
4.      Vote to tentatively approve the adjustments to the City budget as presented by the Mayor at the Special Meeting held jointly with the Board of Finance on May 6, 2014.

Franklin St. Project Funding
5.      Vote to authorize the Mayor to execute loan documents for $670,000.00 loan from EPA Revolving Loan Fund.