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Agenda 02/18/2014

                                                         CITY COUNCIL & WPC AUTHORITY

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
6:00 p.m.*
City Hall Auditorium   

1.   To solicit citizen input and discuss the discontinuance of a segment of Clark St. as referenced on a map titled "Property Survey Depicting Abandonment of a Portion of Clark Street" dated August 25, 2010 prepared by the City of Torrington Engineering Dept.

2.  ROLL CALL VOTE BY BOARD OF COUNCILMEN to discontinue the segment of Clark St. discussed above.


                                                         CITY COUNCIL & WPC AUTHORITY


*Immediately Following Previous Public Hearing starting at 6:00 p.m.
1.   To solicit citizen input and discuss the discontinuance of a segment of  E. Lawton St. as referenced on a map dated January 28, 2014 prepared by the City of Torrington Engineering Dept.

2.  ROLL CALL VOTE BY BOARD OF COUNCILMEN to discontinue the segment of E. Lawton St. discussed above.


                                                                                                CITY COUNCIL & WPC AUTHORITY

*Immediately Following Previous Public Hearing  
1.  Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 3, 2014.
 Open to Public  
2.  Vote to open the meeting to the public.

3.  WPCA Capital Improvement Projects
    a) Presentation  

     b) Vote by City Council herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority to approve funding of Phase I of Capital Project D2-A East Drainage Basin I/I Rehabilitation Project.  Funding as Follows:
$600,000 From FY 13/14 Fund 0030.8888.5357
$500,000 From Fund 0490.8888.5900, to be repaid to Fund #490 in FY 14/15 from Fund 0030.8888.5890.0123
    c) Vote by City Councilmen herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority, to accept WPCA Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2019.

Senior Center Grants
4.  Vote to adopt resolutions authorizing the Mayor to apply for funds and sign contracts for the following grants to the Senior Center:
        a) Torrington Chore Program Application in the amount of $137,032
        b) Medical Transportation Program Application in the amount of $162,555
        c) Bend and Stretch Program Application in the amount of $14,550
        d) Home Management Resolution and Contract in the amount of $33,693

Resolution/Material Screeners
5.  Vote to adopt a resolution endorsing a proposal submitted by the Litchfield Hills Council of Elected Officials and Northwestern CT Council of Governments for the cooperative purchase of mobile material screeners under the Regional Performance Incentive Program

Resolution/Regional Animal Shelter
6.  Vote to adopt a resolution endorsing a proposal submitted by the Litchfield Hills Council of Elected Officials for funding to design and construct a "Litchfield Hills Animal Shelter Facility" under the Regional Performance Incentive Program

Police Computer Server Upgrade
7. Vote to accept the Police Chief's recommendation to waive the bid process and purchase a computer~Server capacity upgrade at the Police Dept. through State Contract #11PSX0247 from Advizex Technologies for $39,321.

Turbine Removal Bond
8.  Vote to accept the City Planner's recommendation to cash the bond removal check for $11,500 and send a new check from the City of Torrington to George W. Klug to partially reimburse him for the cost of the tower removal.
Fair Housing
9.  Vote to readopt the Fair Housing Resolution.
10.  Vote to readopt the Fair Housing Policy.
Small Cities Services
11.  Vote to authorize a payment of $1597.50 from fund #250 to L. Wagner & Assocs. for professional services rendered from October 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 with regard to the Town's Housing Rehabilitation Loan Repayments.

Budget Amendments/Transfers FY13/14
12.  Vote to authorize the budget amendments/transfers for FY13/14 listed in Comptroller Proulx' s Memo dated February 13, 2014.

13.  Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

14.  Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.

15.  Vote to enter Executive Session under pending litigation.