4:45 pm: Small Cities Subcommittee
5:00 pm: Special City Council & WPC Authority - Budgets
6:00 pm: Public Hearing on Comm. Devel. Block Grant Program*
*Immed. Following: Regular City Council & WPC Authority
Monday, March 18, 2013
6:00 pm City Hall Auditorium
1. To solicit citizen input regarding the Fiscal Year 2013 Community Development Block Grant program.
6:30 pm
1. Legislative Update
2. Vote to accept the minutes of the Public Hearing held February 19, 2013, regarding the Right to Farm Ordinance.
3. Vote to accept the minutes of the Public Hearing held February 19, 2013, regarding the City Hall as a Historic Property Ordinance.
4. Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 19, 2013.
5. Vote to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting held March 5, 2013.
6. Vote to open the meeting to the public.
7. Vote to authorize the Mayor to award a contract for Coe Memorial Park Phase II Bid #CMP-041-021313 and further authorize him to act on behalf of the City regarding the execution of the contract and its administration including approval of pay applications, having been approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission on March 4, 2013, and having been tabled by City Council on March 5, 2013.
8. Vote to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Community Foundation of NW CT for the Torrington Veteran's Memorial Wall Fund.
9. Vote to accept the Public Works Director's recommendation to waive the bid process and accept the February 21, 2013 proposal from VanZelm Engineers to continue assistance with the City hall Heating and Cooling Project in the amount of $17,900 from Municipal Renovations Fund #0316.
10. Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's recommendation to authorize the Mayor to extend the current electrical contract for FY 13/14 to Connole's Electric LLC of Torrington, with the same rates, terms and conditions in effect for this period.
11. Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's recommendation to authorize the Mayor to extend the current cleaning service contract for the Street Dept., Recreation Hall & Armory for FY 13/14 to Jani-King of Windsor Locks, CT at an annual cost of $30,996.
12. Vote to waive the bid process and accept the following proposals from SoundWorks & Security in the amount of $46,973.89 to install an Emergency Public Address System and Camera System Upgrades in City Hall with payment from MRC line item 0316.8888.5900.6194.
Estimate 2921, Emergency Notification PA System: $12,750.00
Estimate 2951, Revision Upgrade for PA System: $11,700.00
Estimate 2020, Camera Installation: $19,638.89
Estimate 2952, Replace Existing Recorder: $ 2,885.00
13. Vote to approve payment of $282.20 from Municipal Renovations Fund #316 to Staples for a mail room utility table.
14. Vote to approve the subordination of a Small Cities Loan to F. Corey, pending the recommendation of the Small Cities Committee.
15. Vote to accept the Building Department Report for February, 2013.
16. Vote to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.
17. Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.
18. Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.