5:30 pm: Ordinance Subcommittee
6:30 pm: City Council & WPC Authority
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
6:30 pm
City Hall Auditorium
1. Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 7, 2013.
2. Vote to open the meeting to the public.
3. Vote to approve the Mayor's reappointment of Thomas Gritt as Personnel Director for a 4 year term ending Jan. 5, 2017.
4. Vote to consider the Mayor's reappointment of Gerald Rollett as Public Works Director for a 4 year term ending March 11, 2016.
5. Vote to approve the Mayor's appointment of Lisa A. Soliani to the Economic Development Commission for a 5 year term expiring February 9, 2017.
6. Vote to adopt a resolution establishing a re-roofing project at Forbes Elementary School, establishing a Building Committee naming David Bascetta, Board of Education Director of Facilities, as the committee, authorizing at least the preparation of schematic drawings and outline specifications for the proposed project, authorizing the filing of the grant application, State of CT Form ED-49, and authorizing approximately $400,000 in funding for the project, earmarked from the Capital Reserve Fund, as authorized by the Board of Finance on January 15, 2013.
7. Vote to adopt a resolution empowering the Mayor to enter into and amend contractual instruments on behalf of the City of Torrington for the Home Management Contract #143-SBG-35/12DSS5002AD for the Oct. 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013 contract year.
8. Vote to authorize the Mayor to sign the Home Management Contract #143-SBG-35/12DSS5002AD for the Oct. 1, 2012 – September 30, 2013 contract year in the amount of $44,424, providing Therapeutic Meals-on-Wheels prepared by Charlotte Hungerford Hospital to people under the age of 60 and foot clinics at the Sullivan Senior Center provided by Foothills VNA, Inc.
9. Vote to accept the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation to extend the Fuessenich Park Lease Agreement with Torrington Baseball Group, LLC for the 2013 season.
10. Vote by the City Council herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority to approve a payment of $22,963.00 to Delray Contracting for Requisition #10 dated 1/3/2013 from Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement for Capital Project D-13 New Harwinton Road Pump Station Rehabilitation.
11. Vote to approve the following payments from Municipal Renovations Fund 316:
Air Temp Mechanical proposal 14,490.00 boiler flue repair
Van Zelm Engineers 38115 3,580.25 prof svcs thru 12-29-12
12. Vote to approve the following payments from Small Cities Funds:
Vendor Requisition # Amount Fund Description
L. Wagner & Assocs. HRLR-211 $8,835.30 250 Housing Rehab Prof. Svcs. 10/1/12 – 12/31/12
L. Wagner & Assocs. 11-SC-59 $1,700.00 251 Citywide Housing Prof. Svcs. 10/1/12 – 12/31/12
City of Torrington 11-SC-60 $979.88 251 Citywide Housing Remaining Balance
13. Vote to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.
14. Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.
15. Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.