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Agenda 10/15/2012


Monday, October 15, 2012

6:30 p.m.

City Hall Auditorium   

1.      Presentation:  Certificates of Appreciation to THS Summer Interns.

2.      Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Mtg. held October 1, 2012.

3.      Vote to open the meeting to the public.

4.      Vote to approve the Mayor's appointment of Frank J. Rubino to the Board of Finance for a 6 year term expiring December 15, 2013.

5.      Vote to authorize permit fee waivers for the Torrington Housing Authority per Atty. Griffin's letter dated October 12, 2012.

6.      Vote to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute and file an application for $500,000, in order to undertake a Façade Improvement Program, with the CT Dept. of Economic and Community Development, to provide such additional information, to execute such other documents as may be required, to execute an Assistance Agreement with the State of CT for State financial assistance if such an agreement is offered, to execute any amendments, decisions, and revisions thereto, and to act as the authorized representative of the City of Torrington.

7.      Vote to authorize the budget transfers totaling $433,369.67 into the Capital Fund, as listed in the Comptroller's memo dated October 9, 2012, pending Board of Finance approval.

8.      Vote to authorize the year-end budget transfers totaling $571,907.48, as listed in the Comptroller's memo dated October 9, 2012, pending Board of Finance approval.

9.      Vote to authorize budget modifications, as listed in the Comptroller's memo dated October 11, 2012, pending Board of Finance approval.

10.     Vote to authorize the Mayor to enter into a Shelter Agreement with the American Red Cross for use of the Torrington Middle School as an emergency shelter during a disaster.

11.     Vote to accept the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent and the Training Officer and award the Police Body Armor bid to New England Uniform Co., of Danbury, CT for $613.60 per vest ($50,928.80 for 83 vests) having been approved by the Board of Public Safety on October 3, 2012.

12.     Vote to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.

13.     Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

14.     Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.