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Agenda 10/01/2012


Monday, October 1, 2012

6:30 p.m.

City Hall Auditorium   

1.      Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Mtg. held September 4, 2012.

2.      Vote to accept the minutes of the Special Telephonic Meeting held September 19, 2012.

3.      Vote to open the meeting to the public.

4.      WPCA Presentation:  Potential Operational-Demonstration project to convert brown grease to bio-diesel.

5.      Vote to approve the request from the Democratic and Republican Registrars of Voters for an increase in salary of 4% per year, for the next two years.

6.      Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's and Superintendent of Parks and Recreation's recommendation to award the Fuessenich Park Bleacher Replacement bid to NAC Industries, Inc. of Oxford, CT in the amount of $149,999.92.

7.      Vote to accept the City Engineer's recommendation to award the Mountain Road Drainage Improvements Bid to TradeMark Contractors of Bristol, CT in the amount of $66,000.50.

8.      Vote by the City Council herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority to approve the following payments from Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement for Capital Project D-13 New Harwinton Road Pump Station Rehabilitation:
                DATE                CONTRACTOR  INVOICE#        AMOUNT$ DESCRIPTION
                9/19/12     Wright Pierce       85240           $ 10,593.81     New Harwinton RD PS Upgrade
                8/31/12     Delray Contracting  Req#8           $ 75,536.11     New Harwinton RD PS Upgrade

9.      Vote to approve the following payments from Small Cities Citywide Housing Rehab Fund #251:
        DATE               CONTRACTOR               REQUISITION#   AMOUNT$              DESCRIPTION
        9/21/12    Boston Lead Company, LLC   10-SC-54        $700.00           Risk Assessments
        8/29/12    Universal Copy, LLC               10-SC-52         $  93.00          Direct Payment Loan Book Printing
        8/22/12            City of Torrington              10-SC-51           $  75.00          Title Search
        9/10/12    City of Torrington              10-SC-53           $  75.00          Title Search

10.     Vote to accept the recommendation of the Small Cities Committee regarding Project 143-321.

11.      Vote to accept the recommendation of the Small Cities Committee regarding a subordination request.

12.     Vote to approve a payment of $873.60 from Municipal Renovations Fund #316 to Millard Welding for the installation of handrails, invoice #12900.

13.     Vote to approve the Building Dept. report for the month of August, 2012.

14.     Vote to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.

15.     Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

16.     Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.