Monday, April 2, 2012
Immediately following the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Of the City Employees' Retirement Fund at 6:30 p.m.
1. Vote to accept the minutes of the Special Meeting held on March 12, 2012.
2. Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 19, 2012.
3. Vote to accept the minutes of the Special Mtg. held jointly with the Board of Public Safety on March 26, 2012.
4. Vote to open the meeting to the public.
5. Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to approve the following payments from Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement for Capital Project D-13 Capital Project D-13 New Harwinton Road Pump Station Rehabilitation.
Date Contractor Invoice # Amount Description
3/9/12 Wright Pierce 82230 $3,431.30 New Harwinton Road PS Upgrade
2/10/12 Delray Contracting Req. #2 $9,770.75 New Harwinton Road PS Upgrade
6. Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's recommendation to extend the current bid contract for portable toilet rentals for the upcoming year with A Royal Flush, Inc. of Bridgeport, CT at the same prices and terms as the current contract.
7. Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's recommendation to extend the current bid contract for electrical services for the upcoming year with Connole's Electric, LLC of Torrington, CT at the current rate, terms and conditions as the current contract.
8. Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's recommendation to award a contract for a swimming pool filtration system renovation to Brock Enterprise, LLC of North Haven, CT in the amount of $9,937.00.
9. Vote to authorize the Mayor to execute and deliver in the name of and on behalf of this municipality a contract with the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development Office of the Arts for a City Canvass initiative grant in the amount of $170,000.
10. Vote to authorize payment of $748.25 from Contingency for repair of microphones in the Auditorium to Sound Works & Security and refer this to the Board of Finance.
11. Vote to approve a payment of $125.28 to the Republican-American from Small Cities Fund #251 for invoice #749510, an invitation to bid ad for project #143-276.
12. Vote to authorize payment of $4,400.44 from MRC account 0316.8888.5900.6195 to McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP for legal services rendered.
13. Vote to accept the Small Cities Committee's recommendation regarding Projects 143-308, 143-309 & 143-310.
14. Vote to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.
15. Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.
16. Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
17. Vote to go into executive session regarding pending litigation.