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Agenda 11/14/2011

6:30 p.m. Regular Joint Meeting Board of Trustees of City Employees
Retirement Fund and Board of Trustees of Police/Firemen's Pension Fund**



Adjourned from Monday, November 7, 2011


**Immediately Following Regular Joint Meeting Board of Trustees of City Employees
Retirement Fund and Board of Trustees of Police/Firemen's Pension Fund at 6:30 pm


1.  Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Meetings held October 17, 2011.
2.   Vote to open the meeting to the public.

3.  Presentation:  Torrington Housing Authority Update

4.  Vote to approve the following appointments to the Zoning Board of Appeals:
        Alternate Mark Trivella as a Regular Member, replacing Genevieve Gangi,
                                                     for a five year term expiring Dec. 1, 2012
        Reappoint David Moraghan for a five year term expiring expiring Dec. 1, 2015
        Reappoint Kathleen Perotti for a five year term expiring expiring Dec. 1, 2016
           Nick Iannacito as an Alternate Member

5.   Vote to approve the following reappointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission:
                Doris Murphy as a Regular Member, for a five year term expiring Dec. 1, 2015
                Richard Calkins as a Regular Member, for a five year term expiring Dec. 1, 2016
                James Bobinski as an Alternate Member, for a five year term expiring Dec. 1, 2015
                Christine Mele as an Alternate Member, for a five year term expiring Dec. 1, 2016

6. Vote to establish a Cultural Affairs Committee in accordance with the membership and responsibility structure attached.

7. Vote to authorize the Mayor to appoint a Committee to study and investigate imposing a special assessment on blighted properties  in accordance with Connecticut General Statute section 7-148ff(b) as       recommended by the Ordinance Committee.

8.  Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's and Deputy Fire Chief's recommendation to award the purchase of a High Pressure Air Compressor to fill SCBA to MidState Air Compressor, Inc. of Berlin, CT in the amount of $26,925.00 having been approved by the Board of Public Safety on Nov. 9, 2011 and pending Board of Finance approval.  This will be paid for with the budget transfers in the next agenda item.

9. Vote to authorize budget transfers stated in the Comptroller's memo of November 10, 2011.

10.  Vote to accept the Building Dept. Report for the month of October 2011.

11.  Vote by the City Council herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority to approve the following payments from Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement for Capital Project D-19 Sanitary Sewer ROW Clearing and Capital Project D-13 New Harwinton Road Pump Station Rehabilitation.

10/03/2011      P & G Pepper            09012011        $1,600.00       New Harwinton Rd. to Torringford St. ROW
10/03/2011      P & G Pepper            10032011A       $8,000.00       Doman Dr. – Kennedy Dr. ROW
10/03/2011      P & G Pepper            10032011B       $6,400.00       Larkspur – Rt. 8 ROW
10/17/2011      Wright-Pierce           79661           $1,521.99       New Harwinton Rd. PS Design

12.   Vote to approve the following payments:
SafeHomes, Inc.         5371    250     $      185.00   Lead Clearance
Villwell Builders I, LLC                1217    250     $   2,290.00    Lead Work
HRP Associates, Inc.            79161   274     $   2,000.00    Phase I Site Inspection
SafeHomes, Inc.         5383    250     $      245.00   Lead Clearance
Villwell Builders I, LLC                1228    250     $   2,647.03    Lead Repair Work

13.   Vote to approve the following payments from Municipal Renovations Fund #316:

VENDOR                                  INV#                    AMOUNT  DESCRIPTION
Erik Christensen                                1171                    2,651.00        planting & edging
Erik Christensen                                1172                    1,724.00        maintain gardens
McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter  717173          1,511.25        Prof Svcs 9/30/11
O & G                                           #25-CTYHALL             18,540.08       services thru 9/30/11
Van Zelm Engineers                              36198                   2,305.25        Prof Svcs 8/28-10/1/11

 14.  Vote to add Section B to the agenda.

15.  Vote to accept the City Engineer's and Purchasing Agent's recommendation to authorize the Mayor to award a Green Waste Clean-up Contract to DRC Emergency Services, LLC of Mobile Alabama in the estimated amount of $99,000 from the City's Contingency Fund, and to authorize the Mayor to act on behalf of the City regarding the execution and administration of the Contract, including approval of pay applications. execution and administration of the Contract, including approval of pay applications.

16.  Vote to accept the City Engineer's and Purchasing Agent's recommendation to authorize the Mayor to award the Green Waste Processing/Recycling Site Contract to Supreme Industries, Inc. in the estimated amount of $13,500 from the City's Contingency Fund, and to authorize the Mayor to act on behalf of the City regarding the execution and administration of the Contract, including approval of pay applications. execution and administration of the Contract, including approval of pay applications.

17. Vote to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.
18.  Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

19.  Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.  

20. Vote to go into Executive Session regarding Pending Litigation.