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Agenda 03/30/2011




WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2011 – 6:15 P.M.


1.      Vote by the Board of Public Safety to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and
Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation to award the purchase of Radio System
Channel Banks, Installation, and Alignment on Tower of Point-to-Point Antennas
and Cabling to Northeastern Communications, Inc.  of Naugatuck, CT in the amount
of $76,651.00 to be funded through the transition grant from the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications.

2.      Vote by the City Council and WPC Authority to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and
Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation to award the purchase of Radio System
Channel Banks, Installation, and Alignment on Tower of Point-to-Point Antennas
and Cabling to Northeastern Communications, Inc.  of Naugatuck, CT in the amount
of $76,651.00 to be funded through the transition grant from the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications.

3.      Vote by the Board of Public Safety to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and
Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation to award the purchase and installation of six (6) Dispatch Work Stations for the new Dispatch Center to be funded through the COPS Technology Grant.

4.      Vote by the City Council and WPC Authority to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and
Deputy Fire Chief’s recommendation to award the purchase and installation of six (6) Dispatch Work Stations for the new Dispatch Center to be funded through the COPS Technology Grant.