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Agenda 03/07/2011Amended
**6:30 pm Special Joint Meeting City Council & Board of Finance

 Monday, March 7, 2011

Adjourned to Wednesday March 9, 2011

Immediately Following the Special Joint Meeting of City Council & Board of Finance at 6:30 pm


1.      Vote to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 7, 2011.
2.      Vote to open the meeting to the public.

3.      Vote to reappoint Jacque William and Gail Kruppa to the Arts and Culture Commission for a two year term
             expiring December 31, 2012.

4.      Vote to eliminate the past practice of paying Unofficial Checkers at the Polls with Elections Budget Line Item 0010.0010.5200.0000, thereby leaving the hiring/payment of Unofficial Checkers to the                political parties.

5.      Vote to authorize the Mayor to enter into a lease agreement with Torrington Baseball Group, LLC.

6.      Vote to authorize the Mayor to sign the Sullivan Senior Center Bend and Stretch grant application to the Western CT Agency on Aging for the FY October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2012.

7.      Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to waive the bid process and contract with Van Zelm Engineers as Engineer of Record to supply Redesign Services and Commission of the             Installation of City Hall HVAC changes in the amount of $20,000 for Commissioning Services and $25,000 for Modification Services.

8.      Vote to enter Executive Session under Security Strategy.

9.      Vote to enter Open Session.

10.     Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and the Police Department’s recommendation regarding expenditures     for security enhancements for the Police Department.

11.     Vote to approve payment of $75.00 to the City of Torrington from Fund #250, Small Cities, for a title search performed for the property located at 23 Donahue Place.

12.      Vote to accept the Building Department Report for January 2011.

13.     Vote to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.

14.     Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

15.     Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.

The following has been removed:
Vote to authorize the Mayor to establish a Historic Properties Study Committee in accordance with CGS Chapter 97a, Sec. 7-147b.