Monday, March 15, 2010 6:30 p.m. -- Main Room, Senior Center
1. |
Vote to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 1, 2010.
2. |
Vote to approve Minutes of the Special Meeting held March 3, 2010.
3. |
Vote to approve Minutes of the Special Meeting held March 8, 2010.
4. |
Vote to open the meeting to the public.
5. |
Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent's and Fleet Manager's recommendation to award the purchase of a Rescue Pumper to Yankee Fire & Rescue, Inc. of Palmer MA in the amount of $449, 993.00 pending approval from the Board of Public Safety and the Board of Finance.
6. |
Vote to accept the Evaluation Committee's recommendation to hire Robinson & Cole of Hartford, CT to provide Bond Counsel services.
7. |
Vote to authorize the following modifications to the General Fund budget. -a) 0010.0078.4050.0000 Educ. Cost Sharing Grant, reduce by $3,432,395 -b) 0010.0078.4050.0002 Educ. Cost Sharing Grant -ARRA, increase by $3,432,395
8. |
Vote to authorize the following. -a) transfer $90,000 from contingency line item 0010.0047.5651.0000 to salt line item 0010.0031.5258.0000 -b) transfer $31,848 from sand line item 0010.0031.5259.0000 to salt line item 0010.0031.5258.0000 |
9. |
Vote to authorize the payment of $557.00 for Invoice #1029 to the City of Torrington Engineering Dept. from Fund #0282 for the Water Street Sidewalk Project.
10. |
Vote to accept the Building Dept. Report for the month of February 2010.
11. |
Vote to approve the following payments from the Municipal Renovations Fund #0316: