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Agenda 12/15/2008
6:00 PM Ordinance Committee (Dalla Valle, Chm., Jerram & Soliani) Council Chambers

MONDAY, DECEMBER 15,  2008  -   6:30 P.M.

                                                     COUNCIL CHAMBERS

1.     Vote to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held December 1, 2008.

2.     Vote to open the meeting to the public.

 3.     Vote to accept the recommendation from the Parks & Recreation Commission that Zaharek Landscaping continue to do the tree work at Coe Memorial Park.

 4.     Vote to authorize the Mayor to contract for environmental consulting services with HRP Associates, Inc. for the federally-funded Brownfield Assessment Program.

 5.     Vote to approve the lease with Quadrelle Realty for temporary City Hall space (No paperwork).

6.     Vote to approve the contract with Horizon Engineering Asso. for commissioning services during city hall renovations (No paperwork).

7.     Vote to authorize the following payments from the Municipal Building Renovation Fund #0316:
Friar Associates                $30,000.00      Inv. 19 Prof Svcs 11/1/08 to 11/30/08
Republican American     $     708.48   369291      Bid-Traffic Building
Republican American     $     708.48    381047  Bid-Traffic Building
Register Citizen                $     972.16    2315613 Bid-Traffic Building  

 8.     Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s recommendation to waive the bid process and purchase the Mobile Report Writing System from Accucom Consulting, Inc., which has been developed to work specifically with the Records Management System, from Hunt Computer Design LLC for the purchase price of $59,829.00, contingent upon the Board of Public Safety’s approval.

 9.     Vote to authorize the payment of $297.60 from Small Cities Fund #0288 to Universal Copy, LLC for Invoice #6846 for Plans and Specifications concerning the roof replacement for the Willow Gardens Project.

10.     Vote to authorize the payment of $375.00 from Small Cities Fund #0250 to National Community Development Asso. for Invoice #MEMB-2008-08 for Annual Membership Fees.

11.     Vote on recommendation from the Ordinance Committee.

12.     Vote to open the meeting to the public on “agenda items” only.

13.     Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

14.     Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.