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Agenda 12/01/2008

MONDAY, DECEMBER 1,  2008  -   6:30 P.M.


1.     Vote to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held November 17, 2008.

2.     Vote to open the meeting to the public.

 3.     Vote to designate the use of the Machuga property as a park for the purposes of promoting
         recreational activities under the authority of the Park & Recreation Commission (Tabled on

4.     Vote by City Council, acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority to authorize the payment of $2,000.00 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Account #490 to Wright Pierce for Invoice #60516 for 90% Design of Felicity Lane Pump Station.

 5.     Vote on following appointments to the Board of Assessment Appeals:

A.  Re-appoint Kathleen Waltos for a 3 year term to expire in December 2011
B.  Appoint Charles A. Hyres to replace Justin Giampaolo for a term to expire in                            December 2010.
C.  Appoint Jo-Ann P. Fenty an as alternate
D.  Appoint Gregg G. Cogswell as an alternate

6.     Vote to accept the recommendation from the Republican Town Committee to appoint Gerard Carbone to replace James Reginatto as Constable for a term to expire on 12/07/09.

7.     Vote to accept the recommendation from the Democratic Town Committee to appoint Jeremy Kincaid to replace Joseph “Lefty” Silano as Constable for a term to expire on 12/07/09.

 8.     Vote to authorize the payment of $2,625.00 from Small Cities Fund #0288 to
To Design, LLC for Invoice # 2704 for professional services in regard to the Willow Gardens Senior Housing Project (Payment to be issued upon receipt of Drawdown #3).

9.     Vote to authorize the payment of $6,800.00 from Small Cities Fund #0288 to
GM2 Associates, Inc. for Class A-2 & T-2 Improvement Location Survey and Map in regard to the Willow Gardens Senior Housing Project (Payment to be issued upon receipt of Drawdown #4).

10.     Vote to authorize the payment of $5,467.94 from Small Cities Fund #0288 to
Preiss/Breismeister, P.C. for Invoice #02 for professional services in regard to the roof replacement at the Willow Gardens Senior Housing Project.

11.     Vote to open the meeting to the public on “agenda items” only.

12.     Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

13.     Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.