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Agenda 11/17/2008
6:15 PM Small Cities Sub Comm. ( Waldron, CHM., Colangelo & Soliani - Council Chambers)
6:30 PM City Council & WPC Authority
7:00 PM Public Hearing: NW CT Transit District

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2008  - 7:00 P.M.

1.  7:00 PM - PUBLIC HEARING to review and discuss increases to “Candystriper” public                                                                     transportation fares for Torrington, Winsted and Litchfield.

2.  Vote to increase “Candystriper” public transportation fares for Torrington, Winsted and                  Litchfield as follows:

A. Winsted and Litchfield seniors ride for free but with a suggested donation of $1.25

B. Disabled persons with Medicare or State Issued Identification fares will increase by
    15 cents to a total far of 65 cents

C. Student fares will increase by 15 cents to a total fare of 90 cents

D. With the exception of children’s fares and Candystriper Commuter Service, all other                  passenger fares will increase by 25 cents to a total fare of $1.25


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2008  -   6:30 P.M.


3.     Vote to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held November 3, 2008.

4.     Vote to open the meeting to the public.

 5.     Recognition of the Warriors Midget Football Team.

6.     Vote to accept the City Planner’s recommendation that Planimetrics be selected as the firm to assist the Planning & Zoning Commission in the update of the City of Torrington’s Plan of Conservation and Development.

 7.     Vote to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the Torrington Child Care Center Contract #143-CDC-31 for the year 2009 in the amount of $240,750.00.

8.     Vote to designate the use of the Machuga property as a park for the purposes of promoting
         recreational activities under the authority of the Park & Recreation Commission.               

9.     Vote to reimburse city permit fees for the Community Health and Wellness Center, pending the Board of Finance’s approval on 11/18/2008.  Fees paid prior to 6/30/08 would be drawn from Contingency and fees paid within the current year would be drawn against the original revenue line item within which they were deposited.
(Tabled by Council on 10/22/08 and tabled by BOF on 10/21/08.)

10.     Vote to accept the recommendations from the Purchasing Agent and the IT Supervisor to waive the bid process and purchase a new Phone System for the move from City Hall to the new location from First Call, Inc. in the amount of $31,500.00.

11.     Vote to accept the recommendations from the Purchasing Agent and the Fleet Manager to waive the bid process and accept the request for quotation from Litchfield Ford and purchase a 2008 Ford Expedition XLT at a cost of $21,998.00 for the Fire Department, contingent upon the Board of Safety’s approval.

12.     Vote to accept the recommendations from the Purchasing Agent and Chief Milano to waive the bid process and purchase six CF-30 Toughbooks off the State Bid Contract from Telrepco, Inc. for $22,318.00, contingent upon the Board of Safety’s approval.

13.     Vote to accept the recommendation from the Purchasing Agent to waive the bid process and purchase the Police Department’s ammunition off the State Contract from Eagle Point Gun, for $17,148.04, contingent upon the Board of Safety’s approval.

14.     Vote to authorize the payment of $56,147.00 from the Municipal Renovations Fund #0316 to Friar Asso. for Invoice # 0000018 for professional services rendered from 10/01/08 to 10/31/08.

15.     Vote to accept the Building Department Report for October 2008.

16.     Vote on recommendation from the Small Cities Sub Committee.

17.     Vote to open the meeting to the public on “agenda items” only.

18.     Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

19.     Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.