6:00 PM Ordinance Subcommittee (Dalla Valle, Jerram & Soliani ) Council Chambers
6:15 PM Small Cities Subcommittee (Waldron, Colangelo & Soliani) Room 206A
6:30 PM City Council & WPC Authority - Council Chambers
I.F. SPECIAL joint meeting of the City Council, Parks & Recreation and Fuessenich Park Committee - Council Chambers
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2008 - 6:30 P.M.
1. Vote to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held September 2, 2008.
2. Vote to open the meeting to the public.
3. Vote on Garden Goddess contract for year round services.
4. Vote to authorize the reallocation of prior and current year capital funding as identified by the Superintendent of Parks & Recreation in Comptroller’s memo dated 9/10/08, and refer to the Board of Finance.
5. Vote to authorize the final budget transfers for fiscal year 7/1/07 to 6/30/08 per the Comptroller’s memo dated 09/10/2008 and refer to the Board of Finance.
6. Vote to authorize the payment of $8,100.00 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Acct #0490.8888.5900 to Wright Pierce for invoice #58669 for engineering services related to the Felicity Lane/Gulf Stream Sewer Crossing
and refer it to the Board of Finance.
7. Vote to authorize the payment of $86,147.00 from Municipal Renovations Fund #0316 to Friar Asso for Invoice #16 for professional services rendered from 8/1/08 to 8/31/08.
8. Vote to accept the Building Department Report for August 2008.
9. Vote to consider business in Section B.
10. Vote to authorize the payment of $164,160.95 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund #0490 to Hemlock Construction Co., Inc. for requisitions #1 & 2 for work completed on the Sanitary Sewer Project Charles St. Relief Line at Winthrop Street, and refer it to the Board of Finance.
11. Vote to open the meeting to the public on “agenda items” only.
12. Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.
13. Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.