Tuesday, July 5, 2016
6:30 p.m.
City Hall Auditorium
Vote to accept the minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting held June 20, 2016.
2. Open to Public
Vote to open the meeting to the public.
4. Mayoral Appointments
a. Arts & Culture Commission
Vote to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Janet Iffland to the Arts & Culture Commission to fill the remainder of a four-year term that expires December 31, 2016.
b. Services for the Elderly Commission
Vote to accept the Mayor’s re-appointment of Ray Aeschliman to the Services for the Elderly Commission for his second three-year term that expires July 6, 2019.
a. Vote by the City Council herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority to approve a payment from “Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement” for Capital Project D-2A East Drainage Basin Rehabilitation to Weston & Sampson for Invoice #458218 dated 6/15/2016 in the amount of $7,500.
b. Vote by the City Council herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority to award the Bid# EBS-041-053016 East Basin Sewer Rehabilitation Project, CWF-695-DC to Insituform Technologies, LLC, 17988 Edison Street, Chesterfield, MO 63005 for the Base Bid amount of $2,410,051.00.
Vote to waive the City bid process and accept the State and Regional Bids for roadway work and materials for the FY2016-2017 based on the State and Regional Contracts listed in the Public Works Director’s Memo dated June 21, 2016.
Vote to modify the 2016/17 Coe Memorial Park Capital Budget (Fund 0041) to the amount of $66,000.00 and authorize the Mayor to award Bid #CPC-032-051916 in the amount of $59,951.00 to Burlington Construction of Torrington for the Coe Memorial Park Carriage House Cupola Project, as recommended by the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Coe Memorial Park Committee.
Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and Fire Chief’s recommendation to authorize the Mayor to award the Painting & Repairs To Exterior Overhangs at Fire Headquarters Bid, to Ferraro's Painting & Restoration of North Haven in the amount of $6525.00, pending Board of Public Safety approval.
9. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Vote to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and Fire Chief’s recommendation regarding the Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Bid, pending Board of Public Safety Approval.
Vote to accept the Economic Development Director’s recommendation to award the Request for Proposals for Environmental Engineering Services- 18 Mason Street contract to BL Companies of Meriden, CT, and to authorize the Mayor to act on behalf of the City regarding the execution and administration of the contract.
Vote to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector and authorize the 22 refunds indicated on the list dated June 28, 2016.
Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector and authorize the 7 sewer usage refunds indicated on the list dated June 28, 2016.
Vote to authorize the following payments:
Invoice #
Fund #
$ 375.00
Membership Dues 7/1/16 -6/30/17
City of Torrington
$ 150.01
(2) Title Searches
Boston Lead Co., LLC
(2) Lead Tests
Republican American
$ 118.32
Invitation to Bid Ad
Vote to accept the Building Dept. Report for May 2016.
15. Business by Dept. Heads
Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.
16. Business: Mayor & Members
Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
17. Open to Public: Agenda Items Only
Vote to open the meeting to the public to discuss agenda items only.
18. Adjournment