6:30: Public Hearing – Neighborhood Assistance Act*
*Immed. Following: Regular City Council & WPC Authority
Monday, June 20, 2016
6:30 p.m.
City Hall Auditorium
PUBLIC HEARING: To review and discuss proposals for participation in the 2016 Neighborhood Assistance Act.
Immediately Following the Public Hearing starting at 6:30 p.m.
Neighborhood Assistance Act
- Roll Call Vote: To accept proposals for the participation in the 2016 Neighborhood Assistance Act.
2. **Presentation: Good Deed Awards**
4. **Presentation: HEARTSafe Community Re-designation**
Open to Public
7. Vote to open the meeting to the public.
Econ. Devel. Commission
8. Vote to approve the Mayor’s appointment of John Giannsanti to the Economic Development Commission for a five-year term to expire February 9, 2021.
9. Vote to approve the following Mayoral appointments for the Services for the Elderly Commission pending SEC previous approval on June 20, 2016:
- Alternate Commissioners Frank Morando and Dora LaMere to become Regular Members for three-year terms to expire July 6, 2019, as their first of no more than two terms.
- John Silano and Gloria Novak to fill these two vacant Alternate Member positions
- Arthur Mattiello as an Alternate Member, replacing Brian Mattiello, who resigned on April 28, 2016.
Coe Memorial Park Commission
10. Vote to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Judith Addazio to the Coe Memorial Park Committee for a five-year term to expire December 31, 2018, replacing Jennifer Plasky.
11. Vote by the City Council herein acting as the Water Pollution Control Authority to approve a payment from Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement for Capital Project D-1A Central Drainage Basin SSES to Weston & Sampson for Invoice #457093, dated 5/11/2016 in the amount of $41,300 for Central Basin Flow Metering.
6/6/16 P&G Pepper Kinney St $3,794.40 Kinney St Sewer Repair
6/6/16 P&G Pepper Field St $3,272.50 50 Field St Sewer Repair
6/6/16 P&G Pepper Scoville St $1,498.46 Scoville St Sewer Repair
6/6/16 P&G Pepper E Main St $9,000.00 289 E Main St Sewer Repair
13. Vote to authorize the Mayor to execute documents dissolving the Canfield Farms Homeowner’s Association and releasing the Storm Drainage Easement held by the City of Torrington.
14. Vote to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector and authorize the eleven (11) refunds indicated on the list dated May 25, 2016.
15. Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to accept the recommendation of the Tax Collector and authorize the eight (8) sewer usage refunds indicated on the list dated May 25, 2016.
16. Vote to authorize the following payments:
Vendor Invoice # Date Amount Fund # Description
L.Wagner 14-SC-74 5/18/2016 $9000.00 271 Prof. Svcs.
City of Torrington 14-SC-75 5/18/2016 $ 8.01 271 Misc. Expenses
City of Torrington 14-SC-76 5/18/2016 $3613.76 271 Misc. Expenses
Republican American 15-SC-14 5/20/2016 $ 169.36 272 Invitation to Bid Ad
L. Wagner HRLR-248 5/18/2016 $ 900.00 250 Prof. Svcs. 1/1/16-3/31/16
17. Vote to accept the Building Dept. Report for April 2016.
Business by Dept. Heads
18. Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.
Business: Mayor & Members
19. Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.
Open to Public: Agenda Items Only
20. Vote to open the meeting to the public to discuss agenda items only.
Executive Session
21. Vote to enter Executive Session under pending litigation.