September 12, 2013
The regular meeting of the Cable Television Advisory Council was held on Thursday, September 12, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. at the Oliver Wolcott Library, in Litchfield, CT. A quorum was present: Chairman, Stephen Simonin, Litchfield; Diane Knox, Jerry Gault, Litchfield; John Angevine, Warren; Lucille Paige, John Luciano, Torrington; Andrew MacDavid, Cornwall. Jeffrey Dunn, Thomaston, was absent. Also present was Jennifer Young, Cablevision.
Mr. Simonin called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Upon a motion by Ms. Knox, seconded by Mr. Luciano, the agenda was unanimously approved as submitted.
There was no public participants in attendance.
Mr. MacDavid submitted a thank you letter from Charles J. MacDavid for being awarded the $250. Scholarship from this Council; he will purchase digital editing software as part of his continuing studies in the film industry.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Knox, seconded by Mr. Angevine, the minutes of the June 27, 2013 meeting were unanimously approved as submitted.
Mrs. Knox submitted the Treasurer’s Report: $513.00 as of this date, which was unanimously approved.
Mr. MacDavid thanked this Council for the scholarship won by his son. Mr. Angevine reported that many from his area are switching from Cablevision to Dish. Mr. Gault reported that some of his contacts are still experiencing pixilation. Mr. Simonin thanked the crew from Cablevision who came to repair some outside wires that had grown into the branch of a tree. Ms. Paige reported continued pixilation, some blackouts.
Mr. Simonin had written a letter to Senator John McCain, AZ, regarding Mr. McCain’s co-signing with Senator Richard Bluemental, CT, a bill regarding new rights for Cable subscribers. It is hoped passage of this bill will lead to ala carte subscriptions, unbundling of program choices, sports blackouts. Mr. Simonin will follow-up on this important piece of federal legislation with Senators McCain and Blumenthal.
Mrs. Young from Cablevision reported that the CEO of Cablevision had just signed an agreement with Netflex to be available on Cablevision network; this will provide Cablevision customers wider choices and more offerings.
A discussion took place on the seemingly duplication of some channels into the 700 listings; for example channel 7 and channel 707 are the same.
Effective October 1, 2013, Cablevision will be reducing rates charged for unreturned and replacement equipment. The unreturned equipment fee for Cablevision boxes will decrease from $120.00 to $105. This fee is charged when a customer does not return their SD or HD Scientific Atlanta (except for DVR boxes) or Samsung cable box upon disconnect.
Effective Monday, September 23, 2013, the Style Network will be rebranded to the Esquire Network. The Esquire Network channel will cater to a metro-sexual audience with life style programming related to travel, cooking and fashion. Additionally, effective Wednesday, October 23, 2013, the Esquire network will be relocated from channel 176 to channel 64 in all areas of Connecticut.
Effective Wednesday, September 25, 2013, Cablevision will be repositioning the Speed Channel from its current location on channel 64 to channel 75 in the Litchfield service area of Connecticut. There will be no changes to the service package.
Effective Monday, September 30, 2013, ESPN will case operation of ESPN will cease operations of ESPN 3D on channel 155 in Connecticut. ESPN 3D is a cable television network that feature 3D versions of sports events.
Effective September 5, 2013 subscribers can bundle TV and phone without having to take “internet”.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Knox, seconded my Mr. Angevine, this Cable Television Advisory Council will change their meeting date from 7:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Future postings will show this change.
Optonlne (e-mail) has new screen. Some customers may have some confusion while paying their bill online.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Knox, seconded by Mr. Gault, the Council unanimously moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucille A. Paige, Secretary