JUNE 1, 2011
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 in the City Hall Auditorium.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, members of the Board of Public Safety Angelo LaMonica, Richard Zaharek, James Potter, Darlene Battle and Christopher Cook, Police Chief Michael Maniago, Deputy Police Chief Christopher Smedick, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Acting Traffic Officer Steven Pisarski, Emergency Management Director Rick Dalla Valle, Fire Training Officer Hepburn, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief James Newkirk, Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Ken Marques, and Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous. Commissioner Douglas Benedetto was absent.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Battle, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 4, 2011.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to open
the meeting to the public. There was no one who wished to speak.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to enter Executive Session at 6:31 pm under Police Personnel, inviting Atty. Weaver, Chief Maniago and Deputy Chief Smedick.
On a motion by Commissioner Battle, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to enter Open Session at 6:44 pm.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner LaMonica, the Board voted unanimously to promote Officer Todd Fador to the rank of Police Detective, effective July 6, 2011.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Chief’s report dated May 26, 2011.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to approve the acquisition of a 49’ Mobile Fire Training Unit (Live Trailer) to be purchased with grant funds.
Chief Field said grant funds were obtained for the purchase of a Live Burn trailer for training purposes which will help the Department meet OSHA requirements. He said the $19,500 matching funds will come from their Capital Account.
Training Officer Hepburn explained this is Class A material, straw and pallets, with no gas. This adds savings because the gas trailers require maintenance costs and an annual service. He said pallets can be donated and the cost of straw is minimal. Having recently met with the Worker’s Compensation and Liability/Auto/Property insurance provider, Mayor Bingham asked if the fact that this can’t be shut off like a gas trailer would pose a risk for injuries. Officer Hepburn said all safety guidelines will be followed and the manufacturer will provide training. He informed Commissioner Potter that the trailer will be permanently housed at headquarters in the back parking lot. He said it would be open for both volunteer and career firefighters in the City of Torrington, and may be used to generate revenue if offered to
other Departments. In answer to Commissioner Cook’s question, he said it is the only Class A trailer in the State, to his knowledge.
Mayor Bingham said there was concern that the Winsted training facility will lack funding. He asked if this trailer would allow us to do other trainings that were previously done in Winsted. Chief Field said it will help defer some of the cost incurred when training facilities were shut down by the State. Commissioner Potter asked what the maintenance costs will be. Officer Hepburn said there are panels with a 20-yr life span.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Brunoli's Report for May 24, 2011.
Commissioner Potter asked about Deputy Chief’s work with the Dispatch Supervisors to classify EMS response for the Fire Department. He noted that items are included that are not authorized for the Fire Department to go to, and asked who was trying to make that decision.
Deputy Chief Brunoli said we discussed what the EMS response is for life-threatening calls, which would be cardiac, difficulty breathing, unresponsive and traumatic. Through the dispatch protocols, there are up to 300 different call types from unresponsive to partly awake, he said. Deputy Chief Brunoli said they are life-threatening categories where a quick response will make a difference. He added they are very minimal calls, and they are not taking on a lot. Commissioner Potter said these are still additional calls, with wear and tear on half-million dollar trucks, extra fuel. He asked if Deputy Chief Brunoli has concerns with EMS response.
Deputy Chief Brunoli said there is a considerable difference in the North End and South End response time for someone who isn’t breathing and is unresponsive.
Mayor Bingham asked if this has been brought to the attention of the EMS Advisory Committee.
Chief Field said this had been discussed during the RFP process.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal's Report for April, 2011.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer's Report dated May 25, 2011. Commissioner Potter noted the training done with Torringford and Drakeville, but nothing with Burrville. Chief Field said the Training Officer meets with the training officers from all departments and makes a schedule.
On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the Board voted unanimously to accept Chief Maniago's Report for April, 2011. Commissioner Cook and Commissioner Potter questioned the overtime hours.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s Report for April, 2011.
Commissioner Potter asked for an update on the Garage Electricity. Chief Maniago said he has received no report, a meter has been installed, and he’s assuming the usage is less in this season. Mayor Bingham added that Mike Clark has been working with Bob Francis from O & G to identify ways to lower costs.
Chief Maniago reported that 200 boot letters were sent out in the month of May. Officer Pisarski said there has been a good response from people paying their tickets.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the introduction of a Parking Ticket Amnesty Program, per Officer Shopey’s letter as follows:
May 26, 2011
Dear Commissioners,
The Traffic Operations Unit has proposed the introduction of a Parking Ticket Amnesty Program, directed to those persons whom have outstanding parking tickets which have accumulated late fees and added penalties. The proposal is to begin the program on July 01, 2011 and allow it to continue for the entire month of July.
The undersigned proposes that the program include the following:
olor:#000000;">#000000;">Mayor Bingham noted that more tickets might be accrued if people know this program is out there. He said his concern
is that delinquent ticket-holders may refrain from paying the fine and wait for the next amnesty program. Commissioner Cook said we may not want to ever do it again.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report from Campion for April, 2011.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Emergency Management Director’s Report for April, 2011. Commissioner Potter noted that Mr. Dalla Valle is having good luck in acquiring items, and asked if he has enough storage room. Commissioner Potter asked if the sand-bag filler will require a trailer. Mr. Dalla Valle said the trailer will be provided by the municipality that will house the unit, which will be town that is more likely to have a problem with water.
Commissioner Cook asked about the new point of distribution plan, the new medical plan and the new transportation plan. Mr. Dalla Valle said they are on a disk, and offered the Board a copy. He said a point of distribution regional table-top exercise will be performed on June 18th at UConn, and he’s looking for more people to participate.
Commissioner Potter asked if there is any news on the storm reimbursement from FEMA. Mr. Dalla Valle said the final paperwork has been submitted and they are waiting for a final judgment.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.
Chief Maniago said he is working with the University of CT to prepare a community survey, to go out sometime after the first of the year. UConn will scientifically measure the information to ensure accurate results for use in the Police Department’s 5-Year Plan, he said.
Chief Maniago noted the 20% increase in animal calls from last year, including barking dogs, roaming dogs, dog bites and some repeat offenders. He said it is a concern, with 501 unlicensed dogs in the City. They are going to publicize this and become proactive with enforcement action on dog violations to avoid the necessity of deploying resources to these calls at an alarming rate. He said this will reduce shelter costs as people might take better care of their dogs.
Mr. Quartiero added that a list of unlicensed dogs was issued to Captain Schaller, and the card system used by the Animal Control Officer is not working. Chief Maniago said he’d try to improve that card system to make it more technologically accessible.
Deputy Chief Brunoli said they will be dispatching Fire calls through Litchfield County Dispatch within the next two weeks, around June 15th, and the Police calls around June 27th.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.
Burrville Chief Ken Marques reported that most members have been outfitted for new turnout gear, to be delivered within the next 30 days, purchased with a Federal grant.
Drakeville Chief Mike Maccalous said they were not awarded the grants for laptops or a thermal imaging camera, but will try again next year.
Torringford Chief Jim Newkirk, introduced himself and said they’ve been getting everything back on track. There have been several meetings on East Side coverage, he said.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by the Mayor and members of the Board of Public Safety.
Commissioner Potter asked for updates on the new Fire Trucks. Deputy Chief Brunoli said Engine 2 will be on line Friday, Engine 4 will go in service the middle of next week, and the Tankers are a couple of weeks away yet.
Commissioner Cook asked what the format will be for the dispatch calls that have been under discussion. Deputy Chief Brunoli said the procedure will continue the way it has been, for now, and will be adjusted later. Commissioner Cook commended Lt. Emanuel for stepping in as Captain for the past three months. Chief Maniago said he did a very good job.
Mayor Bingham noted that Torrington is being considered as a model for regional dispatching, saying it’s a matter of pride for Torrington.
Commissioner Potter asked about the firefighters on long-term sick leave. Chief Field said they are slowly coming back.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn
at 7:44 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Assistant City Clerk