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Minutes 03/08/2011 Approved
March 8, 2011                                                                                                                                        

A  SPECIAL MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, in the City Hall Auditorium.
Those in attendance included  Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, members of the Board of Public Safety Richard Zaharek, Douglas Benedetto, James Potter, Darlene Battle and Christopher Cook, along with Police Chief Michael Maniago, Deputy Police Chief Christopher Smedick, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey. Commissioner Angelo LaMonica was absent.

Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.             

Chief Maniago explained he and his command staff cut $83,310 from the budget, leaving a new total of $8,315,361.

Commissioner Potter asked why education expenses are increased, and Chief Maniago said this is due to the necessary replacement of 90 guns. He said that purchasing new pistols minus the price of trade-ins would be less than the cost of refurbishing old pistols.  
Commissioner Benedetto asked for an explanation of the cuts in the Dispatch budget. Chief Maniago said the Capital Reserve reduction is due to the upgrade completed through the $150,000 grant and the fact that Dispatch will be leaving on July 1st.  He added that there are funds included in the budget to cover any possible delays in moving to the new Dispatch.

Commissioner Potter questioned why the Supplies line item couldn’t be reduced.  Chief Maniago offered to take a look at it. In answer to Commissioner Potter’s question about Service Agreements, Chief Maniago said the addition of phone system repairs, dispatch software and GPS systems were needed.  He offered to consider the further reduction of the Fees & Exams and Test Preparation line items.

Commission Potter asked what it costs to outfit 16 CERT and 12 AIT members.  Chief Maniago said the majority of the cost is in ammunition for qualifications, diversionary devices, and overtime to train.  Captain Balzano noted that the lowest cost is to outfit the members and the major cost is in the continuous training.  He stressed that the less-lethal munitions when used successfully is so worthwhile you can’t put a price on it.

Captain Balzano explained what situations the CERT officers are used in and Chief Maniago described some of the causes of turnaround such as age or injuries that preclude the officers meeting physical requirements.  Captain Balzano said there is a waiting list to get on this team as it is a coveted position.

Mayor Bingham said it’s prudent to try to reach certain goals and tighten up the budgets as there is still a significant hole to cover from a loss in State revenue; and we still need to make additional cuts.

Chief Maniago said the calls for service, motor vehicle stops, and increased investigations substantiate the current staffing levels and equipment.

Commissioner Potter suggested the subcommittee review the budget for further cuts. Chief Maniago said the professional, effective protection of the City is paramount to him. The protection and safety of his officers is uppermost in his mind and in his budget.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Battle, the Board voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Police Budget.
Chief Maniago said there is no increase in ACO Bonacassio’s salary line item. Veterinary, Balmoral, Fuel, and Electric line items have been increased, he said, and building maintenance is decreased. He said a good job has been done on that building year by year, within the confines of a budget.

Commissioner Potter suggested that Building Maintenance be reduced to $10,000, based on prior years’ expenses. Captain Balzano explained that it’s an old building, a lot of exterior work was done last year and this year they will be refurbishing the office area. Chief Maniago offered to take a look at it, and suggested the starting point of establishing a Capital Reserve Account.

Mayor Bingham said the Litchfield Hills Council of Elected Officials is looking into the potential of a regional ACO.

Commissioner Potter made a motion to tentatively approve the Canine Budget with the discussed reductions taken into consideration and Commissioner Zaharek seconded.  Commissioner Benedetto said he would like some numbers from Captain Balzano, on the interior work. The Board unanimously approved.

Officer Shopey explained the overtime costs are for snow removal, after-hour callouts, and special events. Commissioner Potter questioned education costs for electricians. Officer Shopey said the electricians have to be recertified every year, and pointed out there’s liability involved in their high-voltage electrical work.  

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Traffic Budget.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:33 p.m.

                 CITY CLERK

Respectfully Submitted,       
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC                                                                                                                                                                                                    Assistant City Clerk