December 1, 2010
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, December 1, 2010, in the City Hall Auditorium.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, members of the Board of Public Safety Angelo LaMonica, Richard Zaharek, Douglas Benedetto, James Potter, Christopher Cook, and Darlene Battle, Police Chief Michael Maniago, Deputy Police Chief Christopher Smedick, Fire Chief John Field, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Deputy Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa, City Clerk Joseph Quartiero, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais, Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Ken Marques, Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous, and Emergency Management Director Rick Dalla Valle.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 3, 2010.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public. There was no one who wished to speak.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to
consider Officer Pisarski’s recommendation to install two parking spaces, clearly posted “No Parking during School Hours”, in the area of 459 Migeon Ave, tabled on November 3, 2010.
Officer Shopey said he spoke with both tenants of the affected property, neither of which had any problem with locating the parking adjacent to their driveway. He added that Mr. Falcone does not support moving the parking to this location.
Mr. Falcone was invited to speak. He said there wouldn’t be much benefit to his tenants with this proposed parking 250’ away from their homes. He suggested a location 150’ closer that, he said, has almost 8’ clearance after cars are parked. He said his tenants’ visitors would not like to walk 250’, and submitted photographs of his proposed location.
Mayor Bingham asserted that these parking spaces are not being created for Mr. Falcone’s tenants’ visitors. They are, he said, “on street public parking.”
Officer Shopey said he has spoken to the tenants who would be affected by Mr. Falcone’s proposed spaces. They did not want these spaces created as the parked cars would affect their line-of-sight when exiting their driveway.
Commissioner Potter clarified with Mr. Falcone that he does have enough parking for his tenants, and said there is plenty of parking for visitors.
Commissioner LaMonica spoke in favor of moving the spaces closer. Having had his business there for 55 years, he said, there’s no one who knows the neighborhood like they do. He said he doesn’t see a problem.
Mayor Bingham suggested separating the issue with two spots in the area of 459 Migeon Ave. and two spots closer to Mr. Falcone’s tenants.
Officer Shopey said the more parking that is allowed there, the narrower the road will be, causing a longer area of cueing or stacking of vehicles. He said he’d prefer to check the line-of-sight in that location before parking spaces are authorized.
Mayor Bingham said this item should be tabled to allow comment from those neighbors.
Commissioner Benedetto said that with the number of hours Officer Shopey has put into this, and the number of years’ experience he has, the Board should be taking Officer Shopey’s recommendation and voting on it.
Mayor Bingham said there are two clear tracks of discussion. He said if the Board would like to see Officer Shopey pursue neighbor concerns for moving the proposed parking spaces 100’ south, then there should be a motion to table. Otherwise the Board should vote on the two spaces proposed for the area of 459 Migeon Ave.
Commissioner Potter said Officer Shopey should talk to property owners, not the tenants.
Commissioner Cook made a motion to table, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek. The Board voted 4/2 to table this issue, with Commissioners Potter and Benedetto opposed.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the Board voted unanimously to accept Chief Maniago's Report from October 2010.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Officer Shopey’s Report from October 2010.
Commissioner Benedetto asked why no letters were sent this month, with $335,000 in unpaid fines. Chief Maniago replied that Officer Shopey has been on vacation and has had to keep up with other office duties. He said they are prioritizing as best they can and Officer Pisarski is back on patrol. Officer Shopey added that several hundred letters were sent out regarding partial payments when tickets double or triple, and they’ve collected about $10,000. This mailing was very successful, having cut down about 80% of the outstanding partial-payment fines.
Chief Maniago reported that policeapp.com is an electronic application process run by Bruce Davey. He said the Personnel Dept. agreed that it is good and is in favor of it. Chief Maniago said it expands the prospective applicant pool, simplifies the recruiting process, reduces the number of personnel hours devoted to the application process and the $12.00 fee that is charged to the City will be paid out of the fee that people pay. He recommended a total fee of $35.00, with $12.00 to policeapp.com and the remainder used to run the police test. This testing cost was traditionally taken from the Police Budget, he said, but now will be paid for by the applicant. Policeapp.com eliminates the expense of mailing out applications, has everything online to download forms and manuals, and everything is done via email by policeapp.com.
Chief Maniago said he would like to run the next test on February 12th as five people are ready to retire, and he’d like to have candidates ready. He further added that this program builds a profile for review and selection of the candidate that fits our style of police officer.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of policeapp.com for the testing of police officer candidates. Chief Maniago asked for a clarification that the motion included approval of a fee of $35.00 and a test date of February 12th. The Board agreed.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field=s Report dated November 24, 2010.
Commissioner Benedetto asked Chief Field to report on the November 24th fire.
Chief Field said a call was received for smoke in the area of 1229 Winsted Road, where a fully involved house fire was discovered on Guerdat Road. The house was 3 or 4,000 square feet, he said, with a 1100’ long driveway and no water, except for what was carried on the fire trucks. They called for tankers from five different locations through Mutual Aid process, through Winsted Dispatch and LCD. A 3rd alarm was struck upon arrival, a water supply was established at Bowman’s pond, and at the driveway entrance. The 3rd alarm brought in off-duty firefighters and intercity volunteers, but unfortunately the fire was too involved to be able to save the property.
Commissioner Potter asked how the responding companies were utilized. Chief Field replied that tankers came from Winchester, Norfolk, Goshen, Harwinton, Harwinton West Side and tanker pumpers from Goshen and Winsted. Torringford was used to cover the North End Station, and Drakeville came to the scene, replacing Goshen at the latter part of the incident.
Commissioner Benedetto asked how long it took for the first water tanker to get there. Deputy Chief Brunoli said the shift commander called for tankers at 10:48, and Winchester was on scene at 11:08. Chief Field said Winchester brought 3,000 gallons of water, and they (Torrington) put the 2,000 gallons they had with them immediately onto the fire. He said their main focus was a hundred lb. propane cylinder that was relieving itself. Chief Field said the full reports are available to the Board at any time.
Commissioner Cook asked if we are hiring soon. Chief Field said the process is being initiated right now, and he will contact Bruce Davey to investigate the online process options. He reviewed the current process for Commissioner Cook which includes the submission of an application and resume which are scored, a written exam purchased by the Personnel Dept. which is graded, and an oral interview process. Once a conditional job offer is made, a series of medical and psychological evaluations are performed, and an in-depth background check. The next class starts February 7th and they are trying to hire by then. He said three retirements are coming up, and he’s looking to replace only one, due to the budget process.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Brunoli's Report dated November 24, 2010.
Deputy Chief Brunoli updated the Board on the Emergency Dispatch Expansion project including grant money dispersion, meetings with the contractor on code issues, everything scheduled to proceed on time, the finalization of the LCD agreement.
Commissioner Potter asked for a clarification of LCD dispatching the Fire Dept. sooner than the addition is completed. Deputy Chief Brunoli said yes, they’ve picked a date around February.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal's Report for October, 2010.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer's Report dated November 23, 2010.Commissioner Potter asked how the volunteers did in their driving training class. Chief Field said they all passed.
On a motion by Commission Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to accept Amendment #1 to Design Agreement Between the City of Torrington, CT and Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC dated 7/28/2010 for M/E/P Consulting Services, Bidding Assistance, and Construction Administration Services not to exceed $35,200.
Deputy Chief Brunoli explained the original proposal to create the specifications was limited in its funding. Under the recommendation of the City Engineer, he said, they feel it’s very important to keep the same architect on board, acting as our agent, to make sure nothing is missed in the building process. This is included in the budget submitted with the grant application.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report from Campion for October 2010.
On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Emergency Management Director’s Report for October, 2010.
Commissioner Potter asked for an explanation of the over $900,000 of funds available from 2009. Mr. Dalla Valle said it’s regional money, and he’s interested in obtaining a high-frequency radio for the hospital. Chief Field said this money is earmarked for regional projects such as a mobile air supply trailer for fire fighting purposes which would be available to surrounding towns, getting everybody on board with the accountability system, some messaging signs, and large scale pumping systems. Although Region 5 is made of 43 different communities with 15 different ESF’s (Emergency Support Functions) trying to get their projects approved, Torrington does very well in the grant process, he said, and they will continue to take advantage of it as much as possible.
Mr. Dalla Valle continued saying they will obtain web cam’s to communicate from the EOC to the field, which will be provided to each of the 43 towns in the Region, from excess funds, and further explained the training he has completed.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.
Deputy Chief Smedick recognized the efforts of the Fire Police, volunteering their time, often without thanks.
Chief Maniago said a Park-and-Walk has been scheduled for the Community Enhancement Unit downtown during the holidays, the parking permit program is progressing, K-9 “Chase” is doing very well in his training with 5 to 6 more weeks to go before he’s on the road with Officer Sullivan, recognized the AIT team and Fire Department for an outstanding job on Thanksgiving Day.
Chief Field said the hiring process is underway, the new generator has been installed, and thanked everyone for their efforts assisting the Fire Department.
Deputy Chief Brunoli said he did not obtain the apparatus replacement grant for the aerial piece and commended Captains Smith and McElroy for rescuing residents from the second floor of two fires.
Mr. Rosa thanked everyone for their quick actions on a difficult call, having saved a life. He commended the on-going cooperation between all departments.
He said CPR is now changed. There are no more “A B C’s”, having changed to “C A B’s.” (Compressions, Airway, Breathing) He said changes are taking place quickly and offered to assist anyone who wants to take a class.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.
Drakeville Chief Maccalous said they have another fire fighter graduating from the academy on December 17th.
Burrville Chief Marques said it’s all quiet in Burrville.
Torringford Chief Dauphanais reminded all about the Christmas Tree Sale.
On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by the Mayor and members of the Board of Public Safety.
Mayor Bingham distributed the draft Memo of Understanding between the City and Campion Ambulance saying it’s pretty close to being a final draft that should be on the agenda for January.
Commissioner Zaharek commended the Departments’ cooperation with each other.
Commissioner Benedetto thanked the Volunteer Fire Fighters, saying everyone gave 110% at the Guerdat Road fire, and questioned the parking on Winthrop Street. Deputy Chief Smedick said two overnight parking tickets had been issued. Officer Shopey said they are in the process of upgrading all the signage on Winthrop Street.
Commissioner Potter congratulated the Volunteers who passed the driver training.
Commissioner Cook commended all the Emergency Departments, saying it had been a busy month.
Commissioner Battle thanked all the Departments for all they do.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Assistant City Clerk