October 6, 2010
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, October 6, 2010, in the City Hall Auditorium.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, members of the Board of Public Safety Angelo LaMonica, Richard Zaharek, James Potter, Christopher Cook, Douglas Benedetto and Darlene Battle, Police Chief Michael Maniago, Deputy Police Chief Christopher Smedick, Fire Chief John Field, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Deputy Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa, Emergency Management Director Rick Dalla Valle, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco, City Clerk Joseph Quartiero, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais, Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Ken Marques and Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 1, 2010.
Chief Maniago presented an Outstanding Police Officer Award to Officer Kevin Sultaire, who was nominated by his peers for his volunteer work with the Police Explorers, and his accurate and seamless investigations and follow-up reports. He was also recognized by DCF for his work on a case that made headlines throughout the state.
Officer Sullivan presented the new Police Dog to the Board, a 14 month old German Shepherd named “Chase”.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
John Falcone addressed the Board regarding a parking situation at 410 Migeon Avenue. He converted the property from a church to a two-family unit and there had been parking on the other side of the road since 1950, he said. Three years ago, a no parking sign was installed, and Mr. Falcone requested the Board allow him two parking spaces on the other side of the street.
John Levesque, a business owner across the street from 410 Migeon Avenue said he agrees with this parking space proposal as long as it doesn’t interfere with visibility from his driveway. Trucks block his driveway and crack his sidewalk when they park there, he said, and it is a dangerous, tight intersection.
Officer Shopey said these comments are accurate, but the problems with parking there are that it interferes with the traffic signal loop, the roadway is only 28’ wide which wouldn’t allow for the two-way traffic needed by Forbes School, and there is a view obstruction for business customers backing out onto Migeon Ave. He said the only solutions would be to possibly limit parking or not have it during school hours, but the roadway width still wouldn’t support two-way traffic. He recommended the area remain as a “no parking’ zone.
Chief Maniago offered to supply a report packet on this issue for the next meeting.
Tanya Dowd, owner of Lily & Vine flower shop, pointed out the safety hazard that would be cause by parked cars obstructing fire trucks and school busses. She recommended the Medical Center be approached for permission to park in their lot, and said it would be a step backwards to create a visibility problem by allowing parking across from 410 Migeon Ave.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to enter executive session under personnel at 6:54 p.m. inviting Chief Maniago, Deputy Chief Smedick and Corporation Counsel Weaver.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously to return to open session at 7:15 p.m.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Battle, the Board voted unanimously to hire Sigrid Stang and Brian Mrazik to the position of Probationary Police Officer at the discretion of the Police Department.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept Chief Maniago's Report from August 2010.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Traffic Report from August 2010. Commissioner Benedetto commended Officer Shopey for the $162,000 collected.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and Officer Shopey’s recommendation to waive the bid process and purchase a Retrosign GR3 retroreflectivity meter for $10,800 from sole-source provider TAPCO of Brown Deer, WI, pending City Council approval.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board voted unanimously
to accept the Purchasing Agent’s and Officer Shopey’s recommendation to purchase Peek traffic signal equipment off the state contract for $31,728.97 from sole-source provider Marlin Controls, of Danbury, CT, pending City Council approval.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field=s Report dated September 30, 2010. Chief Field explained to Commissioner Benedetto the difference between good intent calls and public service calls. A discussion ensued regarding construction road block information getting to emergency services.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the Board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Brunoli's Report dated September 29, 2010. Chief Field explained the Comp Time Report to Commissioner Benedetto. Deputy Chief Brunoli updated the Board on the combined Dispatch Center progress, and the possibility of installing steel along with a Memorial in front of the North End Fire Station.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal's Report dated September 7, 2010.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer's Report dated September 29, 2010.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report from Campion for August 2010. Mr. Rosa said the Fire Department’s assistance is always greatly appreciated.
On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the Board voted 5/1 to add to the agenda.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the Board considered acceptance
of the Emergency Management Director’s Report for September 2010. Mr. Dalla Valle reported on the 54 pet shelters he built, his activity monitoring the Hartford and Web EOC during Tropical Storm Nicole and the Fire Departments’ delivery of sand bags to the Brook St. area to ward against flooding during the storm. The Board voted 4/2 to accept the report just given, with Commissioners Benedetto and Cook opposed to accepting it.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.
Chief Maniago reported on the Traffic Dept’s new ability to accept credit cards. With 85 sworn officers, his department is at full strength, he said, and Officer Lemieux received an award on Patriot’s Day at the Elks Club.
Deputy Chief Smedick pointed out that the Commissioners have information in their packets on the Jackson Street Playground and Pulaski Street vandalism.
Chief Field said Lt. Scott Hudson was also recognized by the Elks.
Deputy Chief Brunoli thanked those that attended the Golf Tournament.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.
Burrville thanked Torrington for sending their instructors to a successful drill on vehicle extrication and use of rescue tool.
Drakeville told the Board they’re having a Pasta Supper on October 22nd at their Fire House from 5 to 8 p.m.
Torringford thanked Officer Shopey saying their Opticom system is now functioning.
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by the Mayor and members of the Board of Public Safety.
Commissioner Zaharek asked about the SRO at the High School. Chief Maniago said he’s heard nothing but outstanding reports.
Commissioner Benedetto welcomed Commissioner LaMonica, and commended Sgt. Cattey for his respect and courtesy dealing with a member of the public. He also commended the Fire Dept. for helping in Goshen.
Commissioners Potter, Cook and Battle also welcomed Commissioner LaMonica.
Commissioner Cook remarked on the Emergency Management Director Position, saying that years ago the salary tripled for a Police veteran with years of experience and training. He said he wished the Mayor had taken into consideration Commissioner Cook’s years of experience on the Police Personnel committee where he would not lower his standards for a Police Officer. He said he expects more than pictures and is sure that Mr. Dalla Valle will grow with the position.
Commissioner Battle commended the Police Dept. and dispatch center, saying it’s an asset to the Department.
Mayor Bingham read a thank you letter from Charlie Marciano commending the compassion, professionalism and response from the Fire Department Captain Smith’s crew and Jeff’s crew from Campion.
The Mayor updated the Board regarding Campion’s contract. He said the services were put out to bid, with one bidder responding – Campion. Three options were provided by Campion for $340,000, $190,000 or zero dollars. He said the contract doesn’t go through this Board, needing approval by City Council instead, but he’d like a Special Meeting with the Board of Public Safety for their input.
The Mayor thanked the Police Chief and Deputy Chief for following up on the Jackson Street complaint.
On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Assistant City Clerk