A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, June 2, 2010, in the City Hall Auditorium. Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan Bingham, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver,
members of the Board of Public Safety Richard Zaharek, James Potter, Christopher Cook, Douglas Benedetto and Darlene Battle, Police Chief Michael Maniago, Fire Chief John Field, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Deputy Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais, Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous, Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Ken Marques and Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco. Deputy Police Chief Christopher Smedick and Commissioner Gerald Zordan were absent. Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
MINUTES On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 5, 2010. Commissioner Benedetto abstained.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public. There was no one who wished to speak.
POLICE OFFICERS: HOGAN & BROUILLARD On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept Officer Randon Hogan and Officer Kenneth Brouillard as regular members of the Torrington Police Department, having successfully completed their probationary period, effective May 11, 2010. Chief Maniago added that he highly recommends Officers Hogan and Brouillard.
Torrington Water Company Presentation Susan Suhanovsky of the Torrington Water Company spoke about the three parts of their charge - fire protection, public works, and sales to public authorities. The fire protection allocation is based on the size of the main, the pumping station, and tanks. If the flow is not considered adequate to put out a fire, as with 4" mains, the City is not charged for this. She added that Torrington's insurance rating is excellent, resulting in lower premiums. The Public Works flat charge includes street sweeping, sewer cleaning and fire training. The Sales to Public Authority charge is the same statewide, including watering lawns
and ball fields and filling swimming pools and ice rinks. Commissioner Benedetto questioned what the City pays and why there are extra charges. Commissioner Potter questioned the restriction on some hydrants for training and how other towns' rates compare. Ms. Suhanovsky replied that the City of Torrington pays about a million dollars a year for water, and the occasion where extra charges accrued was due to a connection being too small. She added that some hydrants are restricted because it would cause problems in the system in some areas and she submitted a schedule of their rates. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field's Report, Deputy Chief Brunoli's Report, Fire Marshal's Report, and Training Officer's Report for the time periods indicated on their reports. Commissioner Benedetto asked about the three unauthorized burning reports at the same address on different days. Chief Field said state law and city ordinances should be looked into, and they do the best they can, specific to each incident.
SWEARING IN – FIREFIGHTERS SHOPEY, BROWN, TARTAKOVSKY Mayor Bingham took the oath of Firefighters Robert Shopey, Michael Brown and Konstantin Tartakovsky.
POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept Chief Maniago's Report for April 2010 and Officer Shopey's Monthly Communication Report for April 2010.
Mayor Bingham updated the Board on the Calhoun Street parking situation. He met with Officer Shopey, Mr. Falcon, Mr. Royals, City Planner Martin Connor, Mrs. Janelle, Commissioner Zordan and Commissioner Potter. It was decided to move the existing signs out onto the curb to prevent parking there, to paint lines to mark the loading zone, and recommended Mr. Falcon install a barrier between his parking lot and Calhoun St. New signage will be installed. Mayor Bingham said he applauds those involved for finding a compromise that worked. Commissioner Benedetto pointed out there were no parking notices sent out for the month. Officer Shopey replied the Traffic Clerk has retired, and it's
difficult for him to do her job and his own at the same time. Chief Maniago said they will divide the workload, but will not re-hire a new Traffic Clerk at this time. Commissioner Cook asked about the Detectives Report and discussed the number of cases investigated and the amount of personnel involved with Chief Maniago.
ADD SECTION B On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to add Section B to the Agenda.
RELOCATE RADIO EQUIP. FOR NEW DISPATCH On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to waive the bid process and award the Relocation of Radio Equipment for the new Dispatch Center to Northwest Communications in the amount of $18,500.00 and refer it to the City Council. Commissioner Benedetto asked why the bid process is being waived, and Chief Maniago replied that NW Communications is a sole-source provider who is reliable and familiar with our equipment.
POLICE VAULT SHELVING On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to award the bid for the purchase of Shelving for Vault Storage at the Police Department in the amount of $8,150.54 to Tab Products Co., LLC of Mayville, WI and refer it to the City Council.
EMS PROVIDER REPORTS On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report from Campion for April 2010. Mr. Rosa said the numbers are up as summer is upon us, and they've had another successful defibrillation and cardiac save.
BUS: DEPT HEADS On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads. Chief Maniago said the Detective Bureau prepared a one-hour video aired on Cable 5 and congratulated Officer Shopey for his son becoming a firefighter. Chief Field said they've applied for two grants – one
for apparatus and one for a Class A burn trailer for OSHA-required training throughout the City. Deputy Chief Brunoli reported that they are putting out a bid for a Tanker.
BUS: VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPTS. On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments. Burrville had no report, Drakeville has applied for grants and their addition is going up, and Torringford reported the same.
BUS: MAYOR & MEMBERS On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by the Mayor and members of the Board of Public Safety.
Commissioner Benedetto asked about the planters obstructing the sidewalk on Main St. Chief Maniago said he will look into it. Commissioner Benedetto said some businesses were concerned about East Main Street being blocked off for an hour and a half on busy holiday weekends and asked who makes that call. Chief Maniago said it's decided on by the on-scene supervisor.
Commissioner Zaharek congratulated the new firefighters, and congratulated Chief Maniago for being elected President of the Western Area Regional Chiefs of Police.
Commissioner Potter asked about the southbound Stop sign on Harwinton Avenue at Albert St. Officer Shopey said the complaint has been responded to, but not corrected as the tree was on private property. A Stop Ahead sign was installed to give drivers an advance warning. Commissioner Potter asked for a Block Watch presentation to be given to his neighborhood block party.
Commissioner Cook added his congratulations to Commissioner Benedetto for the P.A.L. benefit and to Lt. Anders for being commended on presenting Arrest & Control instruction at the Academy.
Mayor Bingham reminded everyone about the Veteran's Memorial Wall Dedication on Saturday.