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Minutes 12/10/2008
                     BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY
                     DECEMBER 10, 2008

A   REGULAR  MEETING   of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, December 10, 2008, in the Council Chambers.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham,  Board of Public  Safety members Gerald A. Zordan, Richard L. Zaharek, Douglas J. Benedetto, James E. Potter, Christopher H. Cook, and Robert C. Zordan, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Police Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Police Chief Michael Maniago, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais, Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous, and Personnel Director Thomas Gritt.   Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Roger Rougeot, Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas Vannini, and Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa were absent.

        Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Robert Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held November 19, 2008.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.

Officer John Barbieri informed the board that this was his last Board of Safety meeting as a sworn officer for the City of Torrington and he thanked the board and everyone he worked with for this great experience for the past 25 years.

Mayor Bingham swore in newly appointed Lieutenant Mark Hilpert of the Fire Department.   

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to go into an Executive Session under Personnel - Police Department RE: Promotions at 7:03 p.m.  Chief Milano and Deputy Chief Maniago were invited to attend.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into an Open Session at 8:04 p.m.

On a motion by Commissioner Robert Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to promote Lieutenant Todd Schaller of the Police Dept. to Captain, effective January 4, 2009.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Robert Zordan, the board voted unanimously to promote Sgt. Bruce Whiteley of the Police Dept. to Lieutenant, effective January 4, 2009.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to promote Police Sgt. Louis Gonzalez of the Police Dept. to Lieutenant, effective January 4, 2009.

On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to promote Detective Bart Barown of the Police Dept. to Sergeant, effective January 4, 2009.
On a motion by Commissioner Zaharek, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to promote Police Officer Thomas Rouleau to Sergeant , effective January 4, 2009.

Swearing-in ceremonies will take place at a time to be determined.  

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to go into an Executive Session under Pending Litigation - Police Department at 8:10 p.m., inviting Police Chief Milano, Deputy Police Chief Maniago, Personnel Director Tom Gritt, and Attorney Anne Rajotte.

On a motion by Commissioner Gerald Zordan, seconded by Commissioner
Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into an Open Session at
8:43 p.m.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to go into an Executive Session under Personnel - Police Department at 8:44 p.m., inviting Richard Cerutti, Police Chief Milano, Deputy Police Chief Maniago, Personnel Director Tom Gritt, and Attorneys Anne Rajotte and Francis Grady.  

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into an Open Session at 9:21 p.m.

Atty. Francis Grady said he was told by his client that he made a mistake which should be corrected.  He said  “It was not a Captain, it was a Patrolman, that notified the coin shop operator that he should not associate with Mr. Cerutti.”
On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field’s Report for November 2008.

Chief Field indicated that his department has several employees on sick leave. He also noted that the test for new hires will be held tomorrow evening to fill the one position that’s open because of a retirement.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Gerald Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s Report for November 2008.

Commissioner Benedetto inquired about the comp time being spent on landscaping work at the North End Station.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that the board was concerned about the aesthetics of the North End Station so he had top soil brought in and it was spread out by his personnel at a huge savings for the city.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal’s Report for November 2008.

On a motion by Commissioner Gerald Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer’s Report for November 2008.  

On a motion by Commissioner Robert Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for November 2008.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Gerald Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Milano’s Report for November 2008.

Commissioner Benedetto noted that new rifles for CERT were purchased and asked Chief Milano what they were going to do with the old ones.

Chief Milano indicated that the new rifles were added to the old ones so  everyone now has a rifle.   

Commissioner Gerald Zordan noted that the overtime had decreased dramatically in the Police Department.

Chief Milano indicated that the decrease was primarily because they’ve attempted to control sick time use and, ands because the ranks have increased, they can absorb more sick time before overtime kicks in.   

Chief Milano explained the procedure used when a supervisor is out sick, on a request from Commissioner Cook.

There was none.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Gerald Zordan, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.

Chief Field stated that fire recruits are graduating next Thursday and invited the board to attend the graduation.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Volunteer Fire Departments.

Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous had nothing to report from his department, but Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais asked him to mention to the board that their Christmas tree sale was still taking place.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Mayor Bingham and members of the Board of Public Safety.

Commissioner Benedetto asked Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous why no one from his department was interested in applying for a position in the paid Fire Department.

Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Maccalous indicated that it might be because their ranks are currently down.
Commissioner Gerald Zordan said he received a request from a local restaurant owner who expressed a desire to hire a police officer to keep things calm.

Chief Milano indicated that they don’t allow that to occur because it could subject the city to huge liability issues.  However, they do have regulations for extra duty assignment like concerts where alcoholic beverages may be served.  In those instances, their policy is to double the contingent of officers working.

Commissioner Potter continued the discussion started last month in regard to the Fire Department response to animal calls when the city has an Animal Control Officer.  It was his belief that the Board of Safety had taken a vote approximately six years ago to discontinue that type of call because it was not the responsibility of the Fire Department.  

Chief Field said he remembered the discussion, but not the vote, and if a vote was taken and it’s the board’s desire for the Fire Department not to answer calls concerning animals, that will be the case.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo said they used to get actively involved in those types of calls and that might be where they drew the line, but they still respond to homes of residents to see if there is anything they can do for them, and a professional is called in, if one is needed.

Commissioner Cook remembered the discussion of years ago and thought they said they’d use discretion, depending on the situation.

Commissioner Benedetto asked if those types of calls were now being forwarded to the Police Department and the Animal Control Officer since their discussion at last month’s meeting.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo said sometimes they are being dispatched by the Police Department.

Chief Milano indicated that many times there is no coverage by Animal Control, especially on the midnight shift, and they respond just to make certain no one is hurt or in jeopardy.

Commissioner Potter thought perhaps they could clean up some of those matters once they have a combined dispatch center.

Chief Milano said that small brochures could be printed to educate the public,  but sometimes they’re forced to help facilitate the issue and, if someone gets bit by an animal, they have to remain at the scene to make sure the animal doesn’t come back or the animal is neutralized to some degree.  

Commissioner Potter asked Chief Milano if cell phone violations were something the Police Department focused on because it’s a huge problem and they hear people complaining about it all the time.  

Chief Milano said they can emphasize the need to enforce that law.

Commissioner Cook said he was anxious to see some good things happen within the Police Department with the five new promotions.

He also commended the police officers at Torringford School for their participation in the DARE Program.  

Commissioner Robert Zordan said he thought the stop lights at Kennedy Drive will be a problem this winter.

Chief Milano asked Officer Shopey if the lights at Kennedy Drive could be placed on flashing whenever the rest of the lights on East Main Street are flashing during inclement weather.

Officer Shopey said he was in the process of changing the current policy to do that.

Commissioner Potter asked if a dedicated slow truck lane was being proposed to climb Kennedy Drive from that stop light.  It was his belief that trucks will have a difficult time climbing the hill without one.

Officer Shopey said it was his understanding that that was in the original plans, however, they have since been modified.  They’re in the process of having the signal at the top of Kennedy and Torringford West revamped and left turn lanes will be added on Kennedy and Dibble in the spring.

Commissioner Benedetto indicated that the light at the bottom of Kennedy Drive allows only three cars to go through at one time.

Officer Shopey indicated that he called the DOT last week about that matter and their electrical contractors were supposed to check the timing.  If there isn’t a problem with the timing, they’re going to re-evaluate the signal.
Mayor Bingham stated that a letter was sent to State Representative Roberta Willis, Senator Roraback, and the DOT, and their recommendation was for us to turn on the blinking light during inclement weather.    

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report from Campion for November 2008.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:53 p.m.

                                   ASST. CITY CLERK