MARCH 26, 2008
A SPECIAL MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, March 26, 2008, in the Council Chambers to discuss budgets.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, members of the Board of Public Safety Gerald A. Zordan, Richard L. Zaharek, James E. Potter, Christopher H. Cook, and Robert C. Zordan, Police Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Police Chief Michael Maniago, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Fire Chief John Field, and Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo. Commissioner
Douglas J. Benedetto was absent.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioner Potter thought they should discuss having the Street Department do some of the Traffic Division’s work to reduce labor costs. Those working on signs could be rolled over into the Street Department - Sign Division.
Officer Shopey said previous discussions on the matter resulted in having union issues. Officer Shopey indicated that his staff can post signs the very next day instead of waiting for the street department to find the time to do so.
Chief Milano said any change to these employees would change the context of the work description.
Commissioner Potter said complaints have been made that these employees were seen not doing that much. If that was the case, they could do other supervised work in the street department.
Officer Shopey indicated that he currently has 200 work orders that need to be filled. He noted that it’s more difficult to install signs in the winter, but as far as work load goes, he has tons of work to be done. The staff has agreed to change their work hours to ten hours a day, four days a week so they can accomplish their painting and comply with federal standards.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Traffic Department budget, with the reduction of $10,100.00 in the New Equipment line item. It will be reviewed again on 4/2/08.
A discussion took place in regard to the $21,000.00 in Line Item 5100.0000 - Salaries I. This salary will be paid to the new Emergency Management Coordinator. Thomas Vannini is currently doing the work on a volunteer basis.
Commissioner Cook asked if the next person would devote as much time as Tom Vannini did, especially since this was a part time position and always accomplished for $7,000.00.
Mayor Bingham said the position has a requirement of 15-20 hours a week; Mr. Vannini averaged between 25 and 30 hours a week. He noted that a portion of this salary is reimbursed by the state and they will look for someone willing to put the time necessary to get to the level where Mr. Vannini is. It can be reviewed again on 4/2/08.
On a motion by Commissioner Robert Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Emergency Management Budget.
A discussion took place in regard to Dispatch. It was noted that $10,000.00 was removed from Line Item 5357 Capital Reserve and placed into the Capital Reserve Line Item in a new sub department of the Fire Department’s Budget for Dispatch. Anything to do with Dispatch will now be in this new sub department, Program 0019.
The new bottom line after changes, including Dispatch is $4,656,506.00.
Commissioner Potter asked if the Dispatch funds, including wages, should be placed into its own budget, as opposed to creating a “sub department” of the Fire Department. He thought it would be an opportunity to reduce the Wage Line Item in the Fire Department’s budget, if the dispatchers already at the Police Department could handle the Fire Department’s dispatching. Between now and the time the city adopts the budget, the chief can determine whether additional dispatchers will be needed. Funds will be needed, however, to move the dispatch console and complete the transfer.
Police Chief Milano stated that he has two full time dispatchers on days and evenings, and one on midnights. He also has two part time dispatchers on days, two on evenings and one on midnights on the week-ends. The new budget allows for two dispatchers on every shift.
Commissioner Potter said it didn’t make sense to have separate dispatchers for each department. If an extra dispatcher is hired to help with fire calls, he/she will also be handling police calls. That, in addition to creating a saving in the Wages Line Item, was his reasoning for having one Dispatch Budget.
Mayor Bingham said dispatch could still be transferred to the Police Department by some action from this board after the Fire Department’s budget is approved.
Chief Field said his proposed budget includes two objectives in terms of communication; 1) to try to make the transition of equipment over to the Police Department and 2) pay for the second portion of the consultant fee. He assured the board that there was progressive movement in making the transition of new equipment to the Police Department and getting it started in this coming budget season.
Commissioner Potter asked if they would need the full $46,500.00 in wages once that transition takes place.
Chief Field said the dispatchers currently working at the Police Department are probably working to the max at this time. Putting a third dispatcher, as the consultant recommended, may lessen their current work load as well as handle the Fire Department work load, and that might be the best way to approach the situation.
Chief Milano indicated that he and Chief Field have planned all along to have all dispatchers cross trained to do all the work.
Mayor Bingham reinstated the Consultant Committee and appointed Commissioners Cook and Robert Zordan, along with the two Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs to serve on it.
Mayor Bingham suggested leaving the budget as is, and have the chiefs meet this week to see if they can come to a consensus as to whether or not they will move the dispatch budget over to the Police Department’s budget and what that figure will be. If not, they can tentatively approve these budgets and wait til the end of April to make some changes.
MOTION #1360
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Robert Zordan, the board voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Fire Department’s budget.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Canine Budget.
After changes, the bottom line for the Police Department budget is $7,700,742.00. With no recommendations on Police Dispatch, the total overall budget is $8,048,602.00.
Chief Milano said the budget includes a 2nd Captain, and a 5th Lieutenant, and reflected in the budget is a differential on those ranks. An additional Lieutenant would make them be more effective with administrative paperwork, securing grants, etc. In addition, he wants to show rank and file that there is a place in Torrington where officers can have careers and actually move forward.
Commissioner Cook indicated that adding a Captain and Lieutenant would almost contradict their situation where they have to shift personnel around to accommodate the upcoming vacation time.
Chief Milano indicated that his proposal was to budget for the promotions.; However, they wouldn’t take place much before the fall, and they would be contingent upon the department’s being on target with their hiring capacity. Not having these positions would be under staffing the command, should the staffing level get close to their authorized strength. If they want to plan the department’s leadership for tomorrow, they have to start doing it today.
Commissioner Cook agreed with Chief Milano, but unfortunately the department has been bottom light and he preferred to see that money go toward hiring more police officers.
Mayor Bingham noted that the Police Department budget includes three new police officers.
Commissioner Gerald Zordan noted that the cost for those two promotions, approx. $15,000.00, doesn’t seem excessive, and if it’s at all possible they should leave the request intact.
Mayor Bingham stated that for approximately $7,500.00 they could budget the promotions for half a year. When the time comes they can decide whether or not to move forward with the promotions.
Commissioner Robert Zordan thought the extra Captain and Lieutenant positions were necessary. The problem is that by promoting them, it will pull away from the officers below. His suggestion is to fill from the bottom first.
Commissioner Cook said they want to bring in seven new patrolmen to get up to speed. However, with these promotions they’ll have to bring in an extra person to get it to that number.
Chief Milano said they have seven vacancies. If they get up to staff, they will be more than comfortable to withstand this change in the command structure. Those promotions won’t come about until the board declares a vacancy and they decide they want to fill the positions. Therefore, he’s contemplating making a request for a Sergeant’s exam in anticipation of losing a sergeant at the end of the contract talks for the pension. The sergeant’s exam will also show the rank and file that there is movement, and they can prepare for it. There’s nothing wrong in having a list.
The board allocated $7,500.00 for the promotions rather than the $15,000.00 proposed.
MOTION #2665
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Police Department Budget. More discussion is needed on the Lieutenant’s promotion.
On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Zaharek, the board voted unanimously to tentatively approve the Public Safety Miscellaneous Budget.
Commissioner Potter noted that the volunteers are a valuable asset to the city and he hopes the City Council will take a hard look at all three departments and use their best judgement on how the city can best help them financially.
Chief Field recommended that the board take a look at “equipment and vehicle replacement” in terms of the volunteer departments so they can move forward with the Master Plan and start accomplishing things for the fire service as a whole in the city.
Commissioner Potter inquired about budgeting vehicle repairs?
Ms. Proulx indicated that she and Michael Michaud are scheduled to have a conference call with the consultants, Mercury Asso., to get the rates in line with what should be charged per hour, and Mr. Michaud is working on getting the figures together for each of the departments based on historical data. That information will be available for the end of the budget season.
On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.